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BSA Training for All Bank Employees?

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Who should be included in BSA training? Is BSA training a requirement for all bank employees or just those to whom it applies?

The best answer I can give you is right from the FFIEC's BSA Exam Manual. On page 33, it states: “At a minimum, the bank’s training program must provide training for all personnel whose duties require knowledge of the BSA.”

Ask yourself "who doesn't require BSA knowledge?" Obvious, not everyone needs to know everything, but I would argue everyone needs to know who to contact if they discover suspicious activity, including janitorial and maintenance personnel (such as confidential information in trash cans). Take the BSA topics and break them out by personnel: who needs to know what? Then provide training by these assignments. You'll also find more helpful information on page 33 of the BSA Exam Manual.

First published on 2/01/10

First published on 02/01/2010

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