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Business Acct. w/DBA-Add as Signer as Well?

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A wife requests to open a business account and add a DBA listing her husband's name. The account set up would be: Jane Doe DBA John Doe. Jane Doe is listed as the owner/signer on the account and then her husband's name listed as the DBA on the account. She also presents a letter from the IRS indicating an EIN has been assigned to John Doe with no actual business name listed. Is this considered normal practice? Should John Doe be identified and added to the account as a signer as well?

from Randy Carey:

This is not normal and I would just refuse to open the account. A person cannot do business as another individual. How would you ever differentiate between a check made payable to her business "John Doe" and one made to him personally? The train is running out of track.


from Ken Golliher:

Either way, it made me smile.

First published on 12/31/2017

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