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Chexsystems Authorized Signer: Run on Any Acct?

My question pertains to authorized signers. Is it ever okay to run chexsystems on a​n​ authorized signer for any type of account? I have found the answer for commercial accounts, but does the same go for personal, joint, club, estate, trust accounts, etc?

by Randy Carey: Unless the individual is going to be personally liable on the account in all instances (commercial or consumer), you would need written permission to run a credit report (of which Chexsystems is considered one).


by Ken Golliher: In addition to the fact that it cannot be done without the individual's written permission, ask yourself: What is the point?

Buford's poor credit history (or even poor handling of his own checking account) has no bearing on whether the checks he signs on AMBA Inc.'s account are good. He has no personal liability on those items.

First published on 02/19/2017

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