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A Competitive Response to Remote Check Imaging -- Source Technologies

We just lost a merchant to a bank that offered them remote check-imaging. We do not expect to be image-enabled until mid-2006. Can you suggest a competitive response to this threat?

Full image-enablement of your operation is not necessarily a requirement for offering remote check capture to your merchant clients. Don't even assume that the other bank is image-enabled. We've worked with a handful of banks that took a more tactical approach by providing basic check-imaging technology to their clients, then reconverting the checks into IRDs. The IRDs are then handled in the flow of the regular item processing. The merchant gets the benefits of remote capture while you retain your existing process. This approach implements and pays back quickly.

The solution has four basic pieces: A desktop or kiosk check imager/retainer, web-hosted image capture software, IRD print-control software, and MICR printers. The process is virtually real-time, from capture to output. The IRDs spit out in the item processing center and are processed just like original checks. While the merchant gets most of the benefit, it does reduce handling and movement of paper checks within your operation. And, you get to hang on to your customer.

First published on 07/18/2005

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