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Disclosure of MAPR in Conjunction With Covered Borrower ID Statement

Is the MAPR required to be disclosed any time our bank also uses the Covered Borrower ID Statement or only if the loan is a covered loan (closed-end secured by a titled motor vehicle with a term less than 181 days for a purpose other than a purchase)? We are a very rate-friendly lender already and don't want to take a chance on holding ourselves to a yet lower rate if we refinance the loan later on. Under the Talent Amendment, we aren't sure.

The MAPR is required if the transaction is truly a covered loan. If your bank obtained a Covered Borrower ID Statement from the borrower, it is not required to disclose the MAPR if the transaction is not a covered transaction. The Covered Borrower ID Statement provides the documentation to support whether the transaction is or is not a covered transaction.


First published on 09/07/2015

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