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DVR System Not Working

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When a branch office checks their DVR system prior to opening and finds it not recording, should the branch operate under emergency opening procotcol until the DVR system is repaired? Our emergency opening protocol is to lock the branch, only letting a maximum of two clients in at a time.

This is a decision every financial institution must make for itself. I would base my decision on where the office is located, number of criminal attacks against it in the past and the probability of an attack. If the branch is located in a major metropolitan area, we would go to the emergency protocol. If it is in a rural area and never had a robbery, maybe not. Of course I wouldn't open the door at all without electricity based on the number of problems that could occur. I knew one bank that actually would open no matter the problem.

First published on 11/22/10

First published on 11/22/2010

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