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EHL Included in all Advertising?

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Is it necessary to include the equal housing lender clause in all advertising, especially radio and television?

The EHL logo only needs to be included in advertisements promoting any loan for the purpose of purchasing, constructing, improving, repairing or maintaining a dwelling or any loan secured by a dwelling. The statement "Equal Housing Lender" needs to be stated in the same radio advertisements. Now for some bonus information: The regulatory agencies have separately interpreted the Fair Housing Act and come up with some differences. There is no requirement for the Equal Housing Lender logo type and legend for OCC regulated banks. Banks regulated by the Federal Reserve Board must use the words Equal Housing Lender." FDIC and OTS regulated banks can use either Equal Housing Lender" or Equal Opportunity Lender."

First published on 7/30/07

First published on 07/30/2007

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