Linked disclosures probably won't cut it. Here's the law:
(5) INCLUSION OF IDENTIFIER, OPT-OUT, AND PHYSICALADDRESS IN COMMERCIAL ELECTRONIC MAIL.—(A) It is unlawfulfor any person to initiate the transmission of any commercialelectronic mail message to a protected computer unless themessage provides—
(i) clear and conspicuous identification that the messageis an advertisement or solicitation;
(ii) clear and conspicuous notice of the opportunityunder paragraph (3) to decline to receive further commercialelectronic mail messages from the sender; and
(iii) a valid physical postal address of the sender.
(B) Subparagraph (A)(i) does not apply to the transmissionof a commercial electronic mail message if the recipient hasgiven prior affirmative consent to receipt of the message.
First published on 12/03/07
Email Taglines
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Our residential department has a tagline on all emails, advertising a new delivery channel. When our email goes outside it comes with standard text about "If you have received this in error......"Can I link to our website for the paragraph on CAN-SPAM and opting out of these advertisements? Otherwise, our email communications are getting cluttered. Also.....any ideas on tracking emails to the opt out people? We have a system for our mass mailings, but are still debating how to stop the emails with taglines.