by Banker's Hotline:
The first question is whether it is legal in your state. We couldn’t locate any federal laws prohibiting employees, customers, or visitors from carrying a concealed weapon into a bank or credit union. All fifty states currently have laws in place that govern citizen’s right to carry concealed firearms, including twenty-seven states that have “shall-issue” laws where a license is required. Assuming that your employees can legally carry a concealed weapon, industry best practices would indicate that your bank policy should prohibit employees from bringing firearms on the premises. With all that said, there are jurisdictions around the country where carrying a weapon is practically a way of life.
We recommend surveying other financial institutions and businesses in your market to determine best practices. Whatever you choose, the policy should be communicated in writing, and all bank personnel should acknowledge receipt. As always, we encourage you to seek advice from legal counsel.
This Q&A originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline. For more information, sample issues, and to subscribe, click here or email