There are six categories of exception holds you can place, if the circumstances allow. These six are:
- New account
- Large deposit
- Repeat overdrafter
- Redeposited item
- Reasonable cause to doubt collectibility
- Emergency conditions
If the conditions for any of these apply, you can use that exception hold reason. Under #5, there could be any number of specific factors that give rise to the reasonable cause to doubt colletibility beyond those that would be confirmed through a call to the bank. For example, it could appear that there have been alterations on the face of the check or to the endorsement, the check could be a counterfeit or you might suspect that the signature is forged. The key is that you can't just have a hunch, you've got to have specific facts that rise to the level of reasonable doubt about that check. If none of the six exception hold reasons are available, you can still place a case-by-case hold on the item. This type of hold, while for a shorter period of time, does not require a specific reason for placing the hold.
First published on 4/14/08