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Forms Included in the RESPA Disclosures

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I am a Mortgage Broker. I was referred to this web site from the Department of Real Estate. I needed to know what forms are included in the "RESPA" Disclosures to keep us in compliance.

RESPA has several disclosures that are required in certain instances and not in others. So it will be difficult to answer the question as asked, but:

The major disclosures to be concerned about are the - at application - Good Faith Estimate, the Servicing Transfer Disclosure (although this can now be done in a short form), - at closing - the Transfer of Servicing Disclosure, the HUD Settlement Statement.

Other disclosures that could come into play would be the Affiliated Business Arrangement Disclosure and the Escrow Analysis disclosures.

If you are not comfortable with your current knowledge of the required disclosures, both from a RESPA and a Reg. Z perspective, I would advise attending a seminar or purchasing some training material. These would be beneficial to both bring you up to date on the requirements and to use as reference materials in the future.

You may also want to check with some of the banks you deal with. They may have training materials they would be willing to share with you, or allow you to attend one of their training sessions.

First published on 07/18/05

First published on 07/18/2005

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