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How Long to Monitor High Risk New Account

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We have a new customer, just moved to our town, from a​n​ HIDTA county in Florida. When I process a ​risk ​a​assessment, and use his Florida ​d​river​'​s ​l​icense address, the risk is a ​h​igh ​r​isk. How long should I monitor this account? He did get a Louisiana license on the day that he opened his account.

by Randy Carey:

I really have no idea why a consumer moving to a new location makes them high risk, regardless of where they moved from, barring other specific information that would indicate potential high risk behavior.


by Ken Golliher:

If a consumer customer is a PEP or an NRA, you might consider a higher risk classification, but former residence in a HIDTA? Sixty percent of the U.S. population lives in HIDTAs...

First published on 09/24/2017

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