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Locating the safe deposit customer viewing area in the vault

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We have three questions relating to safe deposit box operations:<ol><li>Can the customer viewing area be located in the same vault as the boxes are located?<li>If the viewing area is in the vault, can you admit more than one (1) customer at a time?<li>Can the guard gate be removed from the Safety Deposit Box vault?</ol>

Remember THE SAFE DEPOSIT GOLDEN RULE - "Never leave anyone in your vault alone." Putting the viewing rooms inside the vault would cause the financialinstitution to break this rule on every access transaction.

The second rule; Never allow more than one box renter to access the vaultarea at one time. If one renter steals from another, the institution couldbe held liable because they allowed this situation to happen.

The third rule; The guard keys should always be kept in the possession of anauthorized person at all times during the day and locked up securely at night.

First published on 3/5/01

First published on 03/05/2001

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