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Precatuions for Wireless Networks

Our entire WAN is wireless. Are there any guidelines that state we have to have RADIUS, 3DES, WEP, or any other security measure in place? We have measures in place, just want to see what's required.

Answer by Clayton Hoskinson:
I don't believe there are specific requirements of that nature mentioned for wireless LANs or WANs in the Information Security guidelines.


Answer by Mary Beth Guard:
Regardless of the type of charter your institution has, I would urge you to review FDIC's FIL-8-2002 on Managing Risks Associated With Wireless Networks and Wireless Customer Access and the Appendix attached thereto. It will help you understand the risks and begin to grasp the steps you should be taking to mitigate them.

There have been a number of articles in computer publications recently about the practice of "war chalking", where hackers mark spots where wireless networks are found. They're juicy targets. A Google search using the term "war chalking" will reveal how this phenomenon is catching on.

First published on 1/6/03

First published on 01/06/2003

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