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Script for Tellers to Explain Opt-in

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I am looking for a sample of a script I can use for our front line employees to explain the opt-in requirement. We have had so many go off on their own tangent, further confusing things, that we need to bring everyone to same page so to speak.

I suggest that you hold a training session using a Q&A format. Let your tellers ask the questions about opting into your overdraft service for ATM and one-time debit card transactions, and work out the appropriate answers. Have someone take careful notes.

After the session, use the notes and other Q&A pairs prompted by customer inquiries to form a Q&A document, grouping the questions in a logical order by topic. In this way, you will have created a script of sorts that is tailored to your institution's overdraft service and accounts, rather than reflective of irrelevant generic responses.

First published on 8/09/10

First published on 08/09/2010

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