The "Fair Lending" poster you refer to is, I assume, the Equal Housing poster as required by FDIC 338.4(b) and HUD's 24 CFR 110.25(a). This notice is 11x14 inches and is specific to your regulatory agency. You have two immediate choices for this. Your Marketing Department likely has received catalogs that offer among other things, bank signage. The second stop is your regulator. Here is what I was able to find for you.
National banks - or contact the OCC Communications Dept. Washington, D.C. 20210, FAX: (202) 874-5263
FDIC banks - FDIC, 2009 Beaver Rd, Landover, MD 20785, (202)898-7390
As to the HMDA notice, I have heard of bankers paying $20 or more for each letter size copy to post. Why not do this yourself, faster. This was covered here.
First published on 11/05/07
Signage Search
Answered by:
Where can I get new Fair Lending and HMDA posters for the lobby? I have searched the internet, but I know there has to be something I am missing.