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Transfers at Another Bank's ATM

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Can you do an ATM transfer from checking to savings at an ATM that isn't the cardholder's bank?

The answer will depend upon the transactions permitted by the ATM owner, the cardholder's bank and the ATM network. In most cases, that sort of transfer is available at ATMs on networks. There can be limitations, however. For example, if there is more than one checking account or savings account tied to an ATM or debit card, one of the checking accounts and one of the savings accounts will be designated the primary account of that type. Transfers at another bank's ATMs may be limited to those between primary accounts, even if the cardholder could make transfers between any of the accounts (even a checking to checking transfer) at the cardholder's bank's machines.

First published on 4/23/07

First published on 04/23/2007

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