Disclosing Overdraft Balances on ATMs
Is a bank required to give advertising disclosures when notifying customers of available overdraft balances at ATMs?
Is a bank required to give advertising disclosures when notifying customers of available overdraft balances at ATMs?
How have the new changes in FDIC insurance affected banks?
Can a borrower rescind a loan after the loan has been satisfied and after the lender released its security interest in the borrower's home?
On residential loans our bank does not use a customer's credit score in the credit determination, however, the credit score is on the credit reports that we receive. Are we required to provide the customer the credit score notice required by the FACT Act?
Our bank is considering offering overdraft privilege to our customers.It appears that the regulatory agencies are really against this service. What is your opinion?
Our bank is getting ready to republish its privacy notice. We do share customer information with our affiliates for a marketing purpose. Even though the agencies have not yet published the regulations under the FACT Act regarding sharing customer information with an affiliate for a marketing purpose, should we address it in our privacy notice now?