Answer by John Burnett: You won't, in my opinion, "unring the bell" by getting your affected directors and executive officers to fork over the waived fees. The violation took place and can't get "expunged," but you can mitigate the damage by getting them to "pay up."
Change your policy and procedures quickly to discontinue the practice of waiving the fees for executive officers and directors, and ensure that appropriate individuals are retrained so that you don't continue the violations.
Hopefully, the amounts involved won't be large, and you won't have trouble convincing the directors that it's the right thing to do to pay the waived fees.
Answer by Ken Golliher: If it was a mistake, there is no reason your directors should benefit from it. The closest you can come to making things right involves your directors ponying up their overdraft fees to the penny, now.
First published on 9/12/11