by Randy Carey:
Those signs can be posted anywhere - what you cannot do is post FIDC signs where you sell NDIPs.
by Andy Zavoina:
BOL has a few checklists on signage requirements and where they must be located. Having them all in one makes it simple but in the case of some requirements may be overkill. As an example the EHL poster is, "Displayed in each bank lobby and where deposits are accepted or loans made.” It has a specific size requirement (11x14) as well. FDIC signs do too (3x7) but they only need to be where you're taking insured deposits. Also an all-in-one can be a hassle to update. We had these but it was one large frame with a mat that had appropriate cutouts. The signs were individually removable. I've seen others that were not and they would be problematic as the EFAA sign was adjusted a year or so ago.