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§ 1002.109—Reporting of data to the Bureau.

This section added effective August 29, 2029.

(a) Reporting to the Bureau—(1) Annual reporting. (i) On or before June 1 following the calendar year for which data are compiled and maintained as required by § 1002.107, a covered financial institution shall submit its small business lending application register in the format prescribed by the Bureau.

(ii) An authorized representative of the covered financial institution with knowledge of the data shall certify to the accuracy and completeness of the data reported pursuant to this paragraph (a).

(iii) When the last day for submission of data prescribed under paragraph (a)(1) of this section falls on a Saturday or Sunday, a submission shall be considered timely if it is submitted on the next succeeding Monday.

(2) Reporting by subsidiaries. A covered financial institution that is a subsidiary of another covered financial institution shall complete a separate small business lending application register. The subsidiary shall submit its small business lending application register, directly or through its parent, to the Bureau.

Official Interpretation

Section 1002.109—Reporting of Data to the Bureau

109(a) Reporting to the Bureau

109(a)(2) Reporting by subsidiaries.

1. Subsidiaries. A covered financial institution is considered a subsidiary of another covered financial institution for purposes of reporting data pursuant to § 1002.109 if more than 50 percent of the ownership or control of the first covered financial institution is held by the second covered financial institution.

(3) Reporting obligations where multiple financial institutions are involved in a covered credit transaction. Where it is necessary for more than one financial institution to make a credit decision in order to approve a single covered credit transaction, only the last covered financial institution with authority to set the material terms of the covered credit transaction is required to report the application. Financial institutions report the actions of their agents.

Official Interpretation

109(a)(3) Reporting obligations where multiple financial institutions are involved in a covered credit transaction.

1. General. The following clarifies how to report applications involving more than one financial institution. The discussion below assumes that all parties involved with the covered credit transaction are covered financial institutions. However, the same principles apply if any party is not a covered financial institution.

i. A financial institution shall report the action that it takes on a covered application, whether or not the covered credit transaction closed in the financial institution’s name and even if the financial institution used underwriting criteria supplied by another financial institution. However, where it is necessary for more than one financial institution to make a credit decision in order to approve a single covered credit transaction, only the last financial institution with authority to set the material terms of the covered credit transaction is required to report. Setting the material terms of the covered credit transaction include, for example, selecting among competing offers, or modifying pricing information, amount approved or originated, or repayment duration. In this situation, the determinative factor is not which financial institution actually made the last credit decision prior to closing, but rather which financial institution last had the authority for setting the material terms of the covered credit transaction prior to closing. Whether a financial institution has taken action for purposes of § 1002.109(a)(3) and comment 109(a)(3)-1 is not relevant to, and is not intended to repeal, abrogate, annul, impair, or interfere with, section 701(d) (15 U.S.C. 1691(d)) of the Act, § 1002.9, or any other provision within subpart A of this Regulation.

ii. A financial institution takes action on a covered application for purposes of § 1002.109(a)(3) if it denies the application, originates the application, approves the application but the applicant did not accept the transaction, or closes the file or denies for incompleteness. The financial institution must also report the application if it was withdrawn. For reporting purposes, it is not relevant whether the financial institution receives the application directly from the applicant or indirectly through another party, such as a broker, or (except as otherwise provided in comment 109(a)(3)-1.i) whether another financial institution also reviews and reports an action taken on a covered application involving the same credit transaction.

iii. Where it is necessary for more than one financial institution to make a credit decision in order to approve a single covered credit transaction and where more than one financial institution denies the application or otherwise does not approve the application, the reporting financial institution (the last financial institution with authority to set the material terms of the covered credit transaction) shall have a consistent procedure for determining how it reports inconsistent or differing data points for purposes of subpart B. For example, Financial Institution A is the reporting entity because it has the last authority to set the material credit terms. Financial Institution A sends the application to Financial Institution B and Financial Institution C for review, but both Financial Institution B and Financial Institution C deny the application, with different denial reasons. Based on these denials, Financial Institution A follows suit and denies the application. Financial Institution A must have a consistent procedure for what denial reason(s) to report, such as reporting the denial reason(s) from the first financial institution that denied the covered application.

2. Examples. The following scenarios illustrate how a financial institution reports a particular covered application. The illustrations assume that all parties involved with the covered credit transaction are covered financial institutions. However, the same principles apply if any party is not a covered financial institution. Examples i through iv involve a single financial institution with responsibility for making a credit decision without the involvement of an intermediary. Example v describes a financial institution intermediary with only passive involvement in the covered credit transaction. Example vi describes a transaction where multiple financial institutions independently decision and take action on a covered application. Examples vii and viii describe situations where more than one financial institution must make a credit decision in order to approve the covered credit transaction. Examples ix and x describe situations involving pooled and participation interests.

i. Financial Institution A received a covered application from an applicant and approved the application before closing the covered credit transaction in its name. Financial Institution A was not acting as Financial Institution B’s agent. Financial Institution B later purchased the covered credit transaction from Financial Institution A. Financial Institution A was not acting as Financial Institution B’s agent. Financial Institution A reports the application. Financial Institution B has no reporting obligation for this transaction.

ii. Financial Institution A received a covered application from an applicant. If approved, the covered credit transaction would have closed in Financial Institution B’s name. Financial Institution A denied the application without sending it to Financial Institution B for approval. Financial Institution A was not acting as Financial Institution B’s agent. Since Financial Institution A took action on the application, Financial Institution A reports the application as denied. Financial Institution B does not report the application.

iii. Financial Institution A reviewed a covered application and made a credit decision to approve it using the underwriting criteria provided by a Financial Institution B. Financial Institution B did not review the application and did not make a credit decision prior to closing. Financial Institution A was not acting as Financial Institution B’s agent. Financial Institution A reports the application. Financial Institution B has no reporting obligation for this application.

iv. Financial Institution A reviewed and made the credit decision on a covered application based on the criteria of a third-party insurer or guarantor (for example, a government or private insurer or guarantor). Financial Institution A reports the action taken on the application.

v. Financial Institution A received a covered application from an applicant and forwarded that application to Financial Institution B. Financial Institution B reviewed the application and made a credit decision approving the application prior to closing. The covered credit transaction closed in Financial Institution A’s name. Financial Institution B purchased the covered credit transaction from Financial Institution A after closing. Financial Institution B was not acting as Financial Institution A’s agent. Since Financial Institution B made the credit decision prior to closing, and Financial Institution A’s approval was not necessary for the credit transaction, Financial Institution B reports the origination. Financial Institution A does not report the application. Assume the same facts, except that Financial Institution B reviewed the application before the covered credit transaction would have closed, but Financial Institution B denied the application. Financial Institution B reports the application as denied. Financial Institution A does not report the application because it did not take an action on the application. If, under the same facts, the application was withdrawn before Financial Institution B made a credit decision, Financial Institution B would report the application as withdrawn and Financial Institution A would not report the application for the same reason.

vi. Financial Institution A received a covered application and forwarded it to Financial Institutions B and C. Financial Institution A made a credit decision, acting as Financial Institution D’s agent, and approved the application. Financial Institutions B and C are not working together with Financial Institutions A or D, or with each other, and are solely responsible for setting the terms of their own credit transactions. Financial Institution B made a credit decision approving the application, and Financial Institution C made a credit decision denying the application. The applicant did not accept the covered credit transaction from Financial Institution D. Financial Institution D reports the application as approved but not accepted. Financial Institution A does not report the application, because it was acting as Financial Institution D’s agent. The applicant accepted the offer of credit from Financial Institution B, and credit was extended. Financial Institution B reports the application as originated. Financial Institution C reports the application as denied.

vii. Financial Institution A received a covered application and made a credit decision to approve it using the underwriting criteria provided by Financial Institution B. Financial Institution A was not acting as Financial Institution B’s agent. Financial Institution A forwarded the application to Financial Institution B. Financial Institution B reviewed the application and made a credit decision approving the application prior to closing. Financial Institution A makes a credit decision on the application and modifies the credit terms (the interest rate and repayment term) offered by Financial Institution B. The covered credit transaction reflecting the modified terms closes in Financial Institution A’s name. Financial Institution B purchases the covered credit transaction from Financial Institution A after closing. As the last financial institution with the authority for setting the material terms of the covered credit transaction, Financial Institution A reports the application as originated. Financial Institution B does not report the origination because it was not the last financial institution with the authority to set the material terms on the application. If, under the same facts, Financial Institution A did not modify the credit terms offered by Financial Institution B, Financial Institution A still reports the application as originated because it was still the last financial institution with the authority for setting the material terms, even if it chose not to so do in a particular instance. Financial Institution B does not report the origination.

viii. Financial Institution A received a covered application and forwarded it to Financial Institutions B, C, and D. Financial Institution A was not acting as anyone’s agent. Financial Institution B and C reviewed the application and made a credit decision approving the application and Financial Institution D reviewed the application and made a credit decision denying the application. Prior to closing, Financial Institution A makes a credit decision on the application by deciding to offer to the applicant the credit terms offered by Financial Institution B and does not convey to the applicant the credit terms offered by Financial Institution C. The applicant does not accept the covered credit transaction. As the last financial institution with the authority for setting the material terms of the covered credit transaction, Financial Institution A reports the application as approved but not accepted. Financial Institutions B, C, and D do not report the application because they were not the last financial institution with the authority for setting the material terms of the covered credit transaction. Assume the same facts, except the applicant accepts the terms of the covered credit transaction from Financial Institution B as offered by Financial Institution A. The covered credit transaction closes in Financial Institution A’s name. Financial Institution B purchases the transaction after closing. Here, Financial Institution A reports the application as originated. Financial Institutions B, C, and D do not report the application because they were not the last financial institution responsible for setting the material terms of the covered credit transaction,

ix. Financial Institution A receives a covered application and approves it, and then Financial Institution A elects to organize a loan participation agreement where Financial Institutions B and C agree to purchase a partial interest in the covered credit transaction. Financial Institution A reports the application. Financial Institutions B and C have no reporting obligation for this application.

x. Financial Institution A purchases an interest in a pool of covered credit transactions, such as credit-backed securities or real estate investment conduits. Financial Institution A does not report this purchase.

3. Agents. If a covered financial institution takes action on a covered application through its agent, the financial institution reports the application. For example, acting as Financial Institution A’s agent, Financial Institution B approved an application prior to closing and a covered credit transaction was originated. Financial Institution A reports the covered credit transaction as an origination. State law determines whether one party is the agent of another.

(b) Financial institution identifying information. A financial institution shall provide each of the following with its submission:

Official Interpretation

109(b) Financial institution identifying information.

1. Changes to financial institution identifying information. If a financial institution’s information required pursuant to § 1002.109(b) changes, the financial institution shall provide the new information with the data submission for the collection year of the change. For example, assume two financial institutions that previously reported data under subpart B of this part merge and the surviving institution retained its Legal Entity Identifier but obtained a new TIN in February 2026. The surviving institution must report the new TIN with its data submission for its 2026 data (which is due by June 1, 2027) pursuant to § 1002.109(b)(5). Likewise, if that financial institution’s Federal prudential regulator changes in February 2026 as a result of the merger, it must identify its new Federal prudential regulator in its annual submission for its 2026 data.

(1) Its name.

(2) Its headquarters address.

(3) The name and business contact information of a person that the Bureau or other regulators may contact about the financial institution’s submission.

(4) Its Federal prudential regulator, if applicable.

Official Interpretation

Paragraph 109(b)(4).

1. Federal prudential regulator. For purposes of § 1002.109(b)(4), Federal prudential regulator means, if applicable, the Federal prudential regulator for a financial institution that is a depository institution as determined pursuant to section 3q of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(q)), including the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; or the National Credit Union Administration Board for financial institutions that are Federal credit unions.

(5) Its Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

(6) Its Legal Entity Identifier (LEI).

Official Interpretation

Paragraph 109(b)(6).

1. Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). A Legal Entity Identifier is a utility endorsed by the LEI Regulatory oversight committee, or a utility endorsed or otherwise governed by the Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF) (or any successor of the GLEIF) after the GLEIF assumes operational governance of the global LEI system. A financial institution complies with § 1002.109(b)(6) by reporting its current LEI number. A financial institution that does not currently possess an LEI number must obtain an LEI number, and has an ongoing obligation to maintain the LEI number. The GLEIF website provides a list of LEI issuing organizations. A financial institution may obtain an LEI, for purposes of complying with § 1002.109(b)(6), from any one of the issuing organizations listed on the GLEIF website.

(7) Its Research, Statistics, Supervision, and Discount identification (RSSD ID) number, if applicable.

Official Interpretation

Paragraph 109(b)(7).

1. RSSD ID number. The RSSD ID is a unique identifying number assigned to institutions, including main offices and branches, by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. A financial institution’s RSSD ID may be found on the website of the National Information Center, which provides comprehensive financial and structure information on banks and other institutions for which the Federal Reserve Board has a supervisory, regulatory, or research interest including both domestic and foreign banking organizations that operate in the United States. If a financial institution does not have an RSSD ID, it reports that this information is not applicable.

(8) Parent entity information, if applicable, including:

(i) The name of the immediate parent entity;

(ii) The LEI of the immediate parent entity, if available;

(iii) The RSSD ID number of the immediate parent entity, if available;

(iv) The name of the top-holding parent entity;

(v) The LEI of the top-holding parent entity, if available; and

(vi) The RSSD ID number of the top-holding parent entity, if available.

Official Interpretation

Paragraph 109(b)(8).

1. Immediate parent entity. An entity is the immediate parent of a financial institution for purposes of § 1002.109(b)(8)(i) through (iii) if it is a separate entity that directly owns more than 50 percent of the financial institution.

2. Top-holding parent entity. An entity is the top-holding parent of a financial institution for purposes of § 1002.109(b)(8)(iv) through (vi) if it ultimately owns more than 50 percent of the financial institution, and the entity itself is not controlled by any other entity. If the immediate parent entity and the top-holding parent entity are the same, the financial institution reports that § 1002.109(b)(8)(iv) through (vi) are not applicable.

3. LEI. For purposes of § 1002.109(b)(8)(ii) and (v), a financial institution shall report the LEI of a parent entity if the parent entity has an LEI number. If a financial institution’s parent entity does not have an LEI, the financial institution reports that this information is not applicable.

4. RSSD ID numbers. For purposes of § 1002.109(b)(8)(iii) and § 1002.109(b)(8)(vi), a financial institution shall report the RSSD ID number of a parent entity if the entity has an RSSD ID number. If a financial institution’s parent entity does not have an RSSD ID, the financial institution reports that this information is not applicable.

(9) The type of financial institution that it is, indicated by selecting the appropriate type or types of institution from the list provided.

Official Interpretation

Paragraph 109(b)(9).

1. Type of financial institution. A financial institution complies with § 1002.109(b)(9) by selecting the applicable type or types of financial institution from the list below. A financial institution shall select all applicable types.

i. Bank or savings association.

ii. Minority depository institution.

iii. Credit union.

iv. Nondepository institution.

v. Community development financial institution (CDFI).

vi. Other nonprofit financial institution.

vii. Farm Credit System institution.

viii. Government lender.

ix. Commercial finance company.

x. Equipment finance company.

xi. Industrial loan company.

xii. Online lender.

xiii. Other.

2. Use of “other” for type of financial institution. A financial institution reports type of financial institution as “other” where none of the enumerated types of financial institution appropriately describe the applicable type of financial institution, and the institution reports the type of financial institution via free-form text field. A financial institution that selects at least one type from the list is permitted, but not required, to also report “other” (with appropriate free-form text) if there is an additional aspect of its business that is not one of the enumerated types set out in comment 109(b)(9)-1.

3. Additional types of financial institution. The Bureau may add additional types of financial institutions via the Filing Instructions Guide and related materials. Refer to the Filing Instructions Guide for any updates for each reporting year.

(10) Whether the financial institution is voluntarily reporting covered applications from small businesses.

Official Interpretation

Paragraph 109(b)(10).

1. Financial institutions that voluntarily report covered applications under subpart B of this part. A financial institution that is not a covered financial institution pursuant to § 1002.105(b) but that elects to voluntarily compile, maintain, and report data under §§ 1002.107 through 1002.109 (see comment 105(b)-10) complies with § 1002.109(b)(10) by selecting “voluntary reporter.”

(c) Procedures for the submission of data to the Bureau. The Bureau shall make available a Filing Instructions Guide, containing technical instructions for the submission of data to the Bureau pursuant to this section, as well as any related materials, at

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