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Appendix A—Model Disclosure Clauses and Forms*

Click HERE for Appendix A. Note: Official Staff Interpretation of Appendix A appears below.

Official Interpretation

Appendix A—Model Disclosure Clauses and Forms

1. Review of forms. The Bureau will not review or approve disclosure forms or statements for financial institutions. However, the Bureau has issued model clauses for institutions to use in designing their disclosures. If an institution uses these clauses accurately to reflect its service, the institution is protected from liability for failure to make disclosures in proper form.

2. Use of forms. The appendix contains model disclosure clauses for optional use by financial institutions and remittance transfer providers to facilitate compliance with the disclosure requirements of §§ 1005.5(b)(2) and (3), 1005.6(a), 1005.7, 1005.8(b), 1005.14(b)(1)(ii), 1005.15(c), 1005.15(e)(1) and (2), 1005.18(b)(2), (3), (6) and (7), 1005.18(d)(1) and (2), 1005.31, 1005.32 and 1005.36. The use of appropriate clauses in making disclosures will protect a financial institution and a remittance transfer provider from liability under sections 916 and 917 of the act provided the clauses accurately reflect the institution's EFT services and the provider's remittance transfer services, respectively.

3. Altering the clauses. Unless otherwise expressly addressed in the rule, the following applies. Financial institutions may use clauses of their own design in conjunction with the Bureau's model clauses. The inapplicable words or portions of phrases in parentheses should be deleted. The catchlines are not part of the clauses and need not be used. Financial institutions may make alterations, substitutions, or additions in the clauses to reflect the services offered, such as technical changes (including the substitution of a trade name for the word “card,” deletion of inapplicable services, or substitution of lesser liability limits). Several of the model clauses include references to a telephone number and address. Where two or more of these clauses are used in a disclosure, the telephone number and address may be referenced and need not be repeated.

4. Model forms for remittance transfers. The Bureau will not review or approve disclosure forms for remittance transfer providers. However, this appendix contains 15 model forms for use in connection with remittance transfers. These model forms are intended to demonstrate several formats a remittance transfer provider may use to comply with the requirements of §1005.31(b). Model Forms A-30 through A-32 demonstrate how a provider could provide the required disclosures for a remittance transfer exchanged into local currency. Model Forms A-30(a), (b), (c), and (d) demonstrate four options regarding model language related to the required disclaimer, where applicable, of non-covered third-party fees and taxes on the remittance transfer collected by a person other than the provider under §1005.31(b)(1)(viii). Model forms 30(b) through (d) also include language that may be used if a provider elects to estimate either these non-covered third-party fees or taxes collected by a person other than the provider as part of the disclaimer. Model Forms A-33 through A-35 demonstrate how a provider could provide the required disclosures for dollar-to-dollar remittance transfers. These forms also demonstrate disclosure of the required content, in accordance with the grouping and proximity requirements of §1005.31(c)(1) and (2), in both a register receipt format and an 8.5 inch by 11 inch format. Model Form A-36 provides long form model error resolution and cancellation disclosures required by §1005.31(b)(4), and Model Form A-37 provides short form model error resolution and cancellation disclosures required by §1005.31(b)(2)(iv) and (vi). Model Forms A-38 through A-41 provide language for Spanish language disclosures.

i. The model forms contain information that is not required by subpart B, including a confirmation code, the sender's name and contact information, and the optional disclosure of the estimated amount of these non-covered third-party fees and taxes collected by a person other than the provider as part of the disclaimer. Additional information not required by subpart B may be presented on the model forms as permitted by §1005.31(b)(1)(viii) and (c)(4). Any additional information must be presented consistent with a remittance transfer provider's obligation to provide required disclosures in a clear and conspicuous manner.

ii. Use of the model forms is optional. A remittance transfer provider may change the forms by rearranging the format or by making modifications to the language of the forms, in each case without modifying the substance of the disclosures. Any rearrangement or modification of the format of the model forms must be consistent with the form, grouping, proximity, and other requirements of §1005.31(a) and (c). Providers making revisions that do not comply with this section will lose the benefit of the safe harbor for appropriate use of Model Forms A-30 to A-41.

iii. Permissible changes to the language and format of the model forms include, for example:

A. Substituting the information contained in the model forms that is intended to demonstrate how to complete the information in the model forms—such as names, addresses, and Web sites; dates; numbers; and State-specific contact information—with information applicable to the remittance transfer. In addition, if the applicable non-covered third-party fees are imposed by an institution other than a bank, a provider could modify the disclaimer accordingly.

B. Eliminating disclosures that are not applicable to the transfer, as described under §1005.31(b). For example, if only covered third-party fees are imposed, a provider would not use a disclaimer related to additional fees that may apply because all applicable fees are covered and included in the disclosure as required under §1005.31(b)(1)(vi).

C. Correcting or updating telephone numbers, mailing addresses, or Web site addresses that may change over time.

D. Providing the disclosures on a paper size that is different from a register receipt and 8.5 inch by 11 inch formats.

E. Adding a term substantially similar to “estimated” in close proximity to the specified terms in §1005.31(b)(1) and (2), as required under §1005.31(d).

F. Providing the disclosures in a foreign language, or multiple foreign languages, subject to the requirements of §1005.31(g).

G. Substituting cancellation language to reflect the right to a cancellation made pursuant to the requirements of §1005.36(c).

iv. Changes to the model forms that are not permissible include, for example, adding information that is not segregated from the required disclosures, other than as permitted by §1005.31(c)(4).

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