First Secure Bank and Trust pays $12,375 flood insurance-related penalty
Issued by FDIC
(a) General rule. If a depository institution mails or delivers a periodic statement, the statement shall include the following disclosures:
(1) Annual percentage yield earned. The "annual percentage yield earned" during the statement period, using that term, calculated according to the rules in Appendix A of this part.
(2) Amount of interest. The dollar amount of interest earned during the statement period.
(3) Fees imposed. Fees required to be disclosed under § 1030.4(b)(4) of this part that were debited to the account during the statement period. The fees shall be itemized by type and dollar amounts. Except as provided in § 1030.11(a)(1) of this part, when fees of the same type are imposed more than once in a statement period, a depository institution may itemize each fee separately or group the fees together and disclose a total dollar amount for all fees of that type.
(4) Length of period. The total number of days in the statement period, or the beginning and ending dates of the period.
(5) Aggregate fee disclosure. If applicable, the total overdraft and returned item fees required to be disclosed by § 1030.11(a).
(b) Special rule for average daily balance method. In making the disclosures described in paragraph (a) of this section, institutions that use the average daily balance method and that calculate interest for a period other than the statement period shall calculate and disclose the annual percentage yield earned and amount of interest earned based on that period rather than the statement period. The information in paragraph (a)(4) of this section shall be stated for that period as well as for the statement period.
(a) General rule.
1. General. Institutions are not required to provide periodic statements. If they do provide statements, disclosures need only be furnished to the extent applicable. For example, if no interest is earned for a statement period, institutions need not state that fact. Or, institutions may disclose “$0” interest earned and “0%” annual percentage yield earned.
2. Regulation E interim statements. When an institution provides regular quarterly statements, and in addition provides a monthly interim statement to comply with Regulation E, the interim statement need not comply with this section unless it states interest or rate information. (See 12 CFR 1005.9(b).)
3. Combined statements. Institutions may provide information about an account (such as a MMDA) on the periodic statement for another account (such as a NOW account) without triggering the disclosures required by this section, as long as:
i. The information is limited to the account number, the type of account, or balance information, and
ii. The institution also provides a periodic statement complying with this section for each account.
4. Other information. Additional information that may be given on or with a periodic statement includes:
i. Interest rates and corresponding periodic rates applied to balances during the statement period.
ii. The dollar amount of interest earned year-to-date.
iii. Bonuses paid (or any de minimis consideration of $10 or less).
iv. Fees for products such as safe deposit boxes.
(a)(1) Annual percentage yield earned.
1. Ledger and collected balances. Institutions that accrue interest using the collected balance method may use either the ledger or the collected balance in determining the annual percentage yield earned.
(a)(2) Amount of interest.
1. Accrued interest. Institutions must state the amount of interest that accrued during the statement period, even if it was not credited.
2. Terminology. In disclosing interest earned for the period, institutions must use the term “interest” or terminology such as:
i. “Interest paid,” to describe interest that has been credited.
ii. “Interest accrued” or “interest earned,” to indicate that interest is not yet credited.
3. Closed accounts. If consumers close an account between crediting periods and forfeits accrued interest, the institution may not show any figures for interest earned or annual percentage yield earned for the period (other than zero, at the institution's option).
(a)(3) Fees imposed.
1. General. Periodic statements must state fees disclosed under Sec. 1030.4(b) that were debited to the account during the statement period, even if assessed for an earlier period.
2. Itemizing fees by type. In itemizing fees imposed more than once in the period, institutions may group fees if they are the same type. (See § 1030.11(a)(1) of this part regarding certain fees that are required to be grouped.) When fees of the same type are grouped together, the description must make clear that the dollar figure represents more than a single fee, for example, “total fees for checks written this period.” Examples of fees that may not be grouped together are--
i. Monthly maintenance and excess-activity fees.
ii. “Transfer” fees, if different dollar amounts are imposed, such as $.50 for deposits and $1.00 for withdrawals.
iii. Fees for electronic fund transfers and fees for other services, such as balance-inquiry or maintenance fees.
iv. Fees for paying overdrafts and fees for returning checks or other items unpaid.
3. Identifying fees. Statement details must enable consumers to identify the specific fee. For example:
i. Institutions may use a code to identify a particular fee if the code is explained on the periodic statement or in documents accompanying the statement.
ii. Institutions using debit slips may disclose the date the fee was debited on the periodic statement and show the amount and type of fee on the dated debit slip.
4. Relation to Regulation E. Disclosure of fees in compliance with Regulation E complies with this section for fees related to electronic fund transfers (for example, totaling all electronic funds transfer fees in a single figure).
(a)(4) Length of period.
1. General. Institutions providing the beginning and ending dates of the period must make clear whether both dates are included in the period.
2. Opening or closing an account mid-cycle. If an account is opened or closed during the period for which a statement is sent, institutions must calculate the annual percentage yield earned based on account balances for each day the account was open.
(b) Special rule for average daily balance method.
1. Monthly statements and quarterly compounding. This rule applies, for example, when an institution calculates interest on a quarterly average daily balance and sends monthly statements. In this case, the first two monthly statements would omit annual percentage yield earned and interest earned figures; the third monthly statement would reflect the interest earned and the annual percentage yield earned for the entire quarter.
2. Length of the period. Institutions must disclose the length of both the interest calculation period and the statement period. For example, a statement could disclose a statement period of April 16 through May 15 and further state that “the interest earned and the annual percentage yield earned are based on your average daily balance for the period April 1 through April 30.”
3. Quarterly statements and monthly compounding. Institutions that use the average daily balance method to calculate interest on a monthly basis and that send statements on a quarterly basis may disclose a single interest (and annual percentage yield earned) figure. Alternatively, an institution may disclose three interest and three annual percentage yield earned figures, one for each month in the quarter, as long as the institution states the number of days (or beginning and ending dates) in the interest period if different from the statement period.