First Secure Bank and Trust pays $12,375 flood insurance-related penalty
Issued by FDIC
For the purposes of this part,1 unless the context indicates otherwise, the following definitions apply:
1. The words this part, as used herein, mean title 12, chapter II, part 227 of the Code of Federal Regulations, cited as 12 CFR part 227 and designated as Regulation AA.
(a) Board means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
(b) Consumer complaint means an allegation by or on behalf of an individual, group of individuals, or other entity that a particular act or practice of a State member bank is unfair or deceptive, or in violation of a regulation issued by the Board pursuant to a Federal statute, or in violation of any other Act or regulation under which the bank must operate.
(c) State member bank means a bank that is chartered by a State and is a member of the Federal Reserve System.
(d) Unless the context indicates otherwise, bank shall be construed to mean a State member bank, and complaint to mean a consumer complaint.