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Alogent recently created a new spreadsheet that helps bankers calculate the cost of their current exception tracking workflows.

Modern Payments Infrastructure: 1 Platform, 1 API, All Channels
Is it time for a solution refresh? Legacy processes can’t always keep up. Ask yourself these questions to assess your payments modernization goals and explore the benefits of a single platform for all Day 1 and Day 2 processing.

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Community Development Tracking Forms

Dawn Lowrie developed these templates to use as worksheets on community development investments, loans, donations and services. Each form answers the specific questions the OCC posed during her bank's exam and were developed with input from their request. She scans in copies of documents pertinent to the investment/donation and provides the examiners with both a hard copy of these docs and a CD ROM version of the bank's file.

First published on 01/15/2005

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