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Alogent recently created a new spreadsheet that helps bankers calculate the cost of their current exception tracking workflows.

Modern Payments Infrastructure: 1 Platform, 1 API, All Channels
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During the Robbery

The two most important things to a financial institution are its employees and customers. No one should endanger his life or the lives of others in foolish acts of heroism to save money.

The following suggestions will help your employees during the robbery.Go over these techniques in your robbery training program.

During a robbery you should:

  1. Stay calm.(It will be over in a few seconds.)
  2. Do exactly as told by the robber, either by his/her words or actions.(Follow the instructions very carefully, but do not help the robber)
  3. Give exactly the amount demanded - include bait money.(Do not give more, as this may cause the robber to get scared or mad, thinking you are tricking him)
  4. Be polite, courteous and observant.(Remember what he says, does, where he stands and what he touches) Practice this procedure.
  5. Form a good mental picture of the robber.Visually identify him or her.If there is more than one robber, try to concentrate on the one nearest you.
  6. Utilize customer identification techniques.(Concentrate on his speech or mannerisms, etc.)
  7. Presume that the robber has a weapon, and that it is real.
  8. Retain evidence, such as a note.
  9. Activate the alarm and camera when it is safe to do so.
  10. Observe the direction of the escape, description of the get-away car,color of car, make of car, license number or plate.

First published on 7/15/02.

First published on 01/01/2003

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