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Ethics Training for the Board and Senior Management

The board and senior management approve policies and ensure that the bank operates at the highest standards. Maintaining ethical standards is a component of this and training is necessary for everyone in the bank. This culture starts with your board and senior management, so BOL user Devil Queen has provided a sixteen slide PowerPoint that is on point as it covers RESPA, your Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, Conflicts of Interest and the Bank Bribery Act.

Starting with a RESPA (Section 8) overview, topics contributing to today's environment of ethical behavoir include Enron, Sarbanes-Oxley, whistleblower provisions and corporate governance. Follow up with a review of conduct, ethics, conflicts of interest and conclude with a presentation of your own policy on this. Some slides already have speaker's notes to assist in the presentation.

First published on 04/01/2006

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