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Alogent recently created a new spreadsheet that helps bankers calculate the cost of their current exception tracking workflows.

Modern Payments Infrastructure: 1 Platform, 1 API, All Channels
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Fair Lending Analytical Reports

This isn't a tool in itself, but an offer for a free set of reports that will help you prepare for "lending disparity" questions from your examiners, compliance committee, bank board and senior executives. (This is the type of information you need to share with these people to demonstrate your due diligence and compliance efforts.) TRUPOINT Partners is offering four, free fair lending reports to financial institutions through TRUPOINT Analytics.

The reports are customized for your institution and include:

  • Application and Origination Comparison. This report compares the applications and originations for your institution against the national average for all institutions examined by your agency.
  • Denial by Race Report. This report compares the applications and denials for your institution by race against the national average for all institutions examined by your agency.
  • Hispanic Application Rates by State. This report provides a quick overview of loan applications received from Hispanic applicants by state or U.S. territory for 2010
  • Rate Spread Frequency by State. This report reviews the frequency of higher-cost loans made during 2010, according to the HMDA loan application register.

First published on 01/01/2010

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