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FinCEN updates BOI FAQs

FinCEN has updated its Beneficial Ownership Information FAQs webpage, adding Reporting Company questions C.15 and C.16, and updating Reporting Company question C.14 and Initial Report question G.4.


FCC proposes consumer protections from AI abuse in robocalls

The Federal Communications Commission has published [89 FR 73321] a proposed rule with steps to protect consumers from the abuse of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in robocalls alongside actions that clear the path for positive uses of AI, including its use to improve access to the telephone network for people with disabilities.

Specifically, the proposal would define AI-generated calls, adopt new rules that would require callers disclose to consumers when they receive an AI-generated call, adopt protections for consumers to ensure that callers adequately apprise them of their use of AI-generated calls when consumers affirmatively consent to receive such calls, and adopt protections to ensure that positive uses of AI that have already helped people with disabilities use the telephone network can thrive without threat of Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) liability. The document also seeks additional comment and information on developing technologies that can alert consumers to unwanted or illegal calls and texts, including AI-generated calls.

Comments on the proposal are due by October 10, 2024, and reply comments are due by October 25, 2024.


FHFA mortgage loan and natural disaster dashboard

The Federal Housing Finance Agency yesterday released an online risk analysis tool that provides geographic estimates for physical risks from various types of natural disasters as well as nationwide data on housing and the mortgage market.

The tool — known as the Mortgage Loan and Natural Disaster Dashboard— is intended to give property owners, community leaders, financial institutions, policymakers, and other stakeholders better insight into which areas of the country are most likely to incur greater damages from hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, and other types of natural hazards. Users can combine FHFA’s Public Use Database (PUDB) with data on previous disasters and other analysis from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). They can identify areas of the country with elevated disaster risk based on several factors, and which of those areas have concentrations of properties financed with loans acquired by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks.

The dashboard utilizes data from three publicly available sources. The PUDB provides a geographic breakdown of loans acquired by FHFA’s regulated entities. FEMA’s National Risk Index identifies communities most at risk for 18 types of natural hazards. The third source, FHFA’s Duty to Serve High-Needs Rural Areas data, pinpoints rural areas in the country that are characterized by a high concentration of poverty and substandard housing conditions.

The data on mortgages were updated as of 2022 and the data on past natural disasters reflected in the online tool were updated as of 2023, while the Census tracts were drawn from the 2020 U.S. Census. Dashboard users can view nationwide mortgage data at the Census-tract level overlaid with expected annual damages for 18 different types of natural disasters.


FinCEN trend analysis on mail theft-related check fraud

FinCEN on Monday released a Financial Trend Analysis on mail theft-related check fraud incidents based on Bank Secrecy Act data filed in the six months following FinCEN’s issuance of its 2023 alert on this same topic. During the review period, FinCEN received 15,417 BSA reports from 841 financial institutions on mail theft-related check fraud, amounting to more than $688 million in reported suspicious activity (the average amount reported was $44,774 per reported incident).

FinCEN identified three primary outcomes after checks were stolen from the U.S. Mail:

  • 44 percent were altered and then deposited
  • 26 percent were used as templates to create counterfeit checks
  • 20 percent were fraudulently signed [indorsed] and deposited

Check manipulation methodologies ranged in sophistication, and many perpetrators tried to avoid interaction with bank personnel. FinCEN also found that banks filed 88 percent of all mail theft-related check fraud reports. Additionally, analysis revealed that financial institutions reported transactional activity or BSA filing subjects linked to every U.S. state, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. While every state was affected, populous states with large urban areas had more reported incidents.

Mail theft-related check fraud losses can affect personal savings, checking accounts, business accounts, and retirement savings, as well as negatively impact financial institutions that typically cover the check fraud losses.


FDIC-insured institutions reported net income of $71.5B in 2nd quarter

The FDIC has reported that Call Reports from 44,539 FDIC-insured commercial banks and savings institutions reported aggregate net income of $71.5 billion in second quarter 2024, an increase of $7.3 billion (11.4 percent) from the prior quarter. A decline in noninterest expense and one-time gains on equity security transactions contributed to the quarterly increase. These and other financial results for second quarter 2024 are included in the FDIC’s latest Quarterly Banking Profile released on Thursday.


Comments due today on CFPB mortgage servicing proposal

Today is the closing day for comments on the CFPB's proposed amendments to Regulation X to streamline existing requirements when mortgage borrowers seek payment assistance in times of distress, add safeguards when borrowers seek help, and revise existing requirements with respect to borrower assistance. The proposed rule would also require loan servicers to provide certain communications in languages other than English, such as when a borrower is seeking payment assistance with their mortgage. The proposed rule, if finalized, would increase the likelihood that investors and borrowers can avert the costs of avoidable foreclosure.


Report on CFPB FDCPA activities

The CFPB has released its annual report to Congress summarizing the Bureau's activities to administer the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) in 2023 as the primary federal regulator of the consumer debt collection industry. The report also includes activities related to the debt collection industry that were conducted by the Federal Trade Commission in 2023 and highlights consumer protection issues in medical and rental debt collection.


Fed Board requests input on operational practices of discount window

The Federal Reserve Board has announced it is seeking public input around the operational practices of the discount window, which provides short-term credit for banks and credit unions. Feedback gathered through this process will be used by the Board and the Reserve Banks, which administer the discount window, to further improve the efficiency and ease of access to discount window and intraday credit.

The request for information seeks input on Federal Reserve operational practices, including: the collection of legal documentation; the process for pledging and withdrawing collateral; the process for requesting, receiving, and repaying discount window loans; the extension of intraday credit; and Reserve Bank communication practices related to the discount window and intraday credit.

The comment period will close 90 days after the request for information is published in the Federal Register.

Publication and comment period update: Published at 89 fr 73415 on 9/10/2024, with a 90-day comment period ending 12/09/2024.


FDIC Board taps Boston Consulting Group to advise on workplace culture initiatives

Yesterday, the FDIC announced that its Board selected Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Federal Corporation to advise and assist the agency as it implements its Action Plan for a Safe, Fair, and Inclusive Work Environment, which includes recommendations from a separate independent third-party review and the FDIC Office of the Inspector General. These initiatives are intended to improve FDIC workplace culture, policies, procedures and structures affecting interpersonal misconduct. BCG Federal will report directly to the Board.


U.S. acts to protect elections from Moscow's malign influence

The Treasury Department yesterday announced that OFAC has designated 10 individuals and two entities as part of a coordinated U.S. government response to Moscow’s malign influence efforts targeting the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Beginning in early 2024, executives at RT—Russia’s state-funded news media outlet—began a nefarious effort to covertly recruit unwitting American influencers in support of their malign influence campaign. RT used a front company to disguise its own involvement or the involvement of the Russian government in content meant to influence U.S. audiences.

Yesterday’s designations complement law enforcement actions taken by the Department of Justice and the Department of State’s designation of the Rossiya Segodnya media group and five of its subsidiaries, RIA Novosti, RT, TV-Novosti, Ruptly, and Sputnik, as Foreign Missions, steps to impose visa restrictions, and release of a Rewards for Justice (RFJ) reward offer of up to $10 million relating to information pertaining to foreign interference in a U.S. election.

For the names and identification information of the designated parties, and information on related OFAC actions, see this September 4, 2024, BankersOnline OFAC Update.


Fed Board issues two enforcement actions

The Federal Reserve Board has announced it has issued enforcement actions against two banks.

  • First Interstate Bank, Billings, Montana, was assessed a $70,000 civil money penalty for a pattern or practice of violations of Regulation H, 12 C.F.R. § 208.25, which implements the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Act.
  • United Texas Bank, Dallas, Texas, received a consent cease and desist order issued jointly by the Federal Reserve Board and the Texas Department of Banking after a May 2023 examination identified deficiencies in its BSA/AML compliance program.


Federal Reserve Banks list 10 CRA evaluations released in August

The Federal Reserve Board's archive of CRA evaluation reports include ten that were made public in August 2024. Eight of the ten evaluated banks received Satisfactory ratings. One, in Greenwich, Connecticut, received a Needs to Improve. And one bank, Central Savings Bank, Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, received an Outstanding rating on its evaluation.


FDIC lists 54 bank CRA evaluations

The FDIC has released its September 2024 list of FDIC-supervised financial institutions whose CRA evaluations were recently made public. Of the 54 institutions listed, two banks — one based in Utah, the other in Pennsylvania — received "Needs to Improve" ratings. Satisfactory ratings were issued to the other 52 institutions.


OCC releases 17 CRA evaluations

The OCC has released CRA evaluations for 17 national banks and federal savings associations whose evaluations became public in August. Ten of the evaluations are rated Satisfactory. We congratulate seven institutions for receiving evaluations with an Outstanding rating:


FTC: Huge increase in losses to Bitcoin ATM scams

The Federal Trade Commission reports that new data show a massive increase in the amount of money consumers report losing to scammers involving Bitcoin ATM machines. Since 2020, the amount consumers reported losing has increased nearly tenfold to over $110 million in 2023.

In a newly released data spotlight, the FTC says that fraud losses to Bitcoin ATMs have topped $65 million in just the first six months of 2024. During this timeframe, consumers over the age of 60 were more than three times as likely as younger adults to report losing money to Bitcoin ATM scams. Across all ages, the median loss reported in the first half of this year was a staggering $10,000.

The majority of scam losses involving Bitcoin ATMs come as a result of government impersonation, business impersonation, and tech support scams. The lies told by scammers vary, but they all create some urgent justification for consumers to take cash out of their bank accounts and put it into a Bitcoin ATM. As soon as consumers scan a QR code provided by scammers at the machine, their cash is deposited straight into the scammers’ crypto account.


Six credit rating agencies fined for recordkeeping failures

The Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday announced charges against six nationally recognized statistical rating organizations, or NRSROs, for significant failures by the firms and their personnel to maintain and preserve electronic communications. The firms admitted the facts set forth in their respective SEC orders; acknowledged that their conduct violated recordkeeping provisions of the federal securities laws; agreed to pay combined civil penalties of more than $49 million; and have begun implementing improvements to their compliance policies and procedures to address these violations.

  • Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. agreed to pay a $20 million civil penalty;
  • S&P Global Ratings agreed to pay a $20 million civil penalty;
  • Fitch Ratings, Inc. agreed to pay an $8 million civil penalty;
  • HR Ratings de México, S.A. de C.V. agreed to pay a $250,000 civil penalty;
  • A.M. Best Rating Services, Inc. agreed to pay a $1 million civil penalty; and
  • Demotech, Inc. agreed to pay a $100,000 civil penalty.


NCUA issues prohibition order

The NCUA has reported it has permanently prohibited Luz Araceli Davila-Hernandez, a former employee of Magnifi Financial Credit Union, Melrose, Minnesota, from ever working for a federally insured depository institution.


FDIC July enforcement actions

The FDIC has released a list of enforcement orders issued in July 2024.

  • A Consent Order against The State Exchange Bank, Lamont, Oklahoma
  • A Consent Order against Chesterfield State Bank, Chesterfield, Illinois
  • Prohibition orders against:
    • Raqeel Rashida Alsalam, formerly affiliated with First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Raleigh, North Carolina
    • Brent D. Torgerson, formerly affiliated with The Union Bank, Beulah, North Dakota
    • Samuel Ortiz-Perez, formerly affiliated with FirstBank Puerto Rico, Santurce, Puerto Rico
    • Leann Athas, formerly affiliated with Bank of Montana, Missoula, Montana


OCC and FDIC CRA exam schedules released

The OCC has released its schedule of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) evaluations to be conducted in the fourth quarter of 2024 and the first quarter of 2025.

The FDIC has also issued its Q4 2024 and Q1 2025 CRA exam schedules.


CFPB orders NewDay USA to pay $2.25M

The CFPB has announced it has taken action against repeat offender New Day Financial (NewDay USA) for deceiving active duty servicemembers and veterans seeking cash-out refinance loans. The CFPB found that NewDay USA gave misleading and incomplete cost comparisons to borrowers refinancing in North Carolina, Maine, and Minnesota, which made the company’s loans appear less expensive relative to their existing mortgages. The CFPB is ordering NewDay USA to pay a $2.25 million civil penalty to the CFPB’s victims relief fund.

New Day Financial, LLC is a non-bank direct mortgage lender headquartered in West Palm Beach, Florida, and specializes in offering mortgage loans guaranteed by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The company currently operates under the brand NewDay USA, and uses patriotic imagery and other marketing tactics to build trust with military-connected families. Since at least 2015, NewDay USA has provided cash-out refinance loans to consumers, including veterans and active-duty servicemembers.

The CFPB said that NewDay USA gave borrowers misleading information about the costs of its cash-out refinances. Specifically, for the “new loan” payment amount listed on disclosures provided to consumers, NewDay USA included only the principal and interest payments. It then presented a side-by-side comparison of the “new loan” payment amount with that of the “previous loan” payment amount, which included principal, interest, taxes, and insurance. This made NewDay USA cash-out refinance loans appear less expensive relative to consumers’ original mortgages, but for many consumers the refinanced loans were more expensive. NewDay USA originated at least 3,000 cash-out refinances in North Carolina and Maine through 2020 and Minnesota through 2018, most of which included the misleading comparisons.

The CFPB previously took action against New Day Financial in 2015 for paying illegal kickbacks and deceiving borrowers about a veterans’ organization’s endorsement of NewDay USA products.

In an August 29 company statement, NewDay USA CEO Rob Posner said, “Today, after yet another exhaustive, government-funded investigation, the CFPB has unearthed nothing more than clerical errors that caused no financial harm to Veteran borrowers.... NewDay operates in 44 states and the District of Columbia. The CFPB claims involved only three of those states, and focused on a single type of disclosure that was accurately provided to these consumers on a half-dozen other federally mandated disclosures and closing documents.”

Editor's Note: This story first appeared on August 30, 2024. It has been revised to remove a reference to "loan churning," which the CFPB did not accuse NewDay USA of, and to include part of Mr. Posner's statement.

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