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The latest edition of FDIC Consumer News offers practical guidance on how to become a smarter, safer user of financial services. 8/31/01
The FDIC released a list of orders of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in July. No administrative hearings are scheduled for September. FDIC:PR-58-2001 8/31/01
The OCC released a directory summarizing all Part 24 national bank investments made during 2000. Part 24 investments are
investments that support community development, that are made pursuant to Part 24 of the OCC's regulations. OCC:NR 2001-73 8/31/01
The FRB has amended its Regulation A, Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks to reflect its approval
of a decrease in the basic discount rate at each Federal Reserve Bank. The Board acted on requests submitted by the Boards of Directors of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks. 66FR45752 (text) 66FR45752 (pdf) 8/30/01
"I've spent my entire professional career as a banker and look forward to working with the dedicated and
trusted people of the FDIC," said Chairman Powell. "This is an exciting time in the banking industry, and I
am honored to be able to have a hand in shaping the issues that lie ahead." FDIC:PR-57-2001 8/30/01
The CD-ROM, developed by the FFIEC, contains reference and training materials on consumer financial privacy. The CD-ROM may be used to help your staff:
The SAR Bulletin, published by FinCEN is part of a series of overviews of trends and patterns in money laundering derived from the Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) database that can help financial institutions prevent and detect financial crime. FDIC:FIL-72-2001 8/29/01
The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions of Canada has published a "Monthly Warning Advisory", which contains the names of entities recently brought to OSFI's attention through an inquiry or complaint. FDIC:FIL-71-2001 8/29/01
As previously reported in the Federal Register, the FDIC has issued "Request for Comment on Study of Banking Regulations Regarding the Online Delivery of Banking Services." Section 729 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requires the FDIC to review its regulations regarding the delivery of financial services and report recommendations to Congress for adapting existing requirements to online banking and lending. FDIC:FIL-70-2001 8/29/01
The FDIC may be holding unclaimed funds in one of two ways: either as unclaimed insured deposits or as undeliverable dividend checks. The new Web page provides depositors of failed institutions who did not claim their funds previously, or whose dividend checks were returned to the FDIC as undeliverable, an opportunity to claim their funds. FDIC:PR-56-2001 8/28/01
The OTS announced that 46 savings associations are scheduled for Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) examinations during the fourth quarter of 2001. OTS 01-56 8/28/01
The OTS has released its updated Trust and Asset Management Handbook, designed to assist OTS examiners in planning and conducting examinations of trust and asset management products and services provided by savings associations. OTS 01-54 8/28/01
This one-day workshop will allow directors to interact with senior OCC staff experienced in the risk assessment process through a
combination of lectures, discussions and exercises. Banker Education 8/27/01
This guidance focuses on the risk-management controls necessary to authenticate the identity of customers accessing electronic financial services. It also addresses the verification of new customers and the authentication of existing customers. The guidance applies to both retail and commercial customers. FDIC:FIL-69-2001 8/27/01
The FDIC's examination procedures for customer information security are now available to help both examiners and financial institutions understand compliance expectations in this area. FDIC:FIL-68-2001 8/27/01
The List of Foreign Margin Stocks is composed of certain foreign equity securities that qualify as margin securities
under Regulation T. The Foreign List is published twice a year by the Board. 66FR44525 8/24/01
First Quarter 2001 Newsletter contains the most recent industry statistics for several measures of interest rate risk (IRR): the Post-Shock Net Portfolio Value (NPV) Ratio, the Interest Rate Sensitivity Measure, the Pre-Shock NPV Ratio, and the Change in NPV Ratio. 8/24/01
It is now possible to access the FFIEC Financial Privacy InfoBase online. This interactive training resource allows you to customize your view of the information, looking at it in alphabetical order, by agency, by document type, or in chronological order. Download the Flash plug-in and hook up your speakers, because in addition to documents, there are multimedia presentations. 8/24/01
This CD contains a variety of both print materials and audio-visual training segments on the Privacy of Consumer Financial Information (“the privacy ruleâ€), section 305 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. OTS CEO Ltr 144 8/23/01
The OTS announced savings associations' Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluation ratings that became available in July 2001. OTS 01-55 8/23/01
The rule requires that payments on Ginnie Mae MBS due to Depositories be made in immediately available funds and supersedes any current provisions allowing those payments to be made by check. Payments to other security holders may be made by check or other means provided the check is received by the security holder not later than the applicable payment date specified in the Ginnie Mae Mortgage-Backed Securities Guide. 66FR44257 (text) 66FR44257 (pdf) 8/22/01
Regulators responded to questions submitted by ABA and ABIA relating to the insurance consumer protection rules implementing section 305 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Letter 8/22/01
The FOMC decided to lower its target for the federal funds rate by 25 basis points to 3-1/2 percent. In a related action, the Board of Governors approved a 25 basis point reduction in the discount rate to 3 percent. FRB Press Release FRB Press Release, FRB Press Release 8/22/01
The Board of Directors of the FDIC announced that John D. Broderick has been appointed president and chief executive officer of Superior Federal, FSB, Hinsdale, Illinois (New Superior). FDIC: PR-55-2001 8/21/01
The FRB announced it has contracted to purchase from Mack-Cali Realty Corporation of Cranford, N.J., an eight-story, 173,390 square-foot* office building located at 1709 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., for $67 million. FRB Press Release 8/21/01
The OCC released a list of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluations that became public during the period of July 15 through August 14. OCC:NR 2001-71 8/17/01
Comptroller of the Currency John D. Hawke, Jr. issued a statement regarding community activist Gale Cincotta, who passed away on August 15. OCC:NR 2001-72 8/17/01
The final rule of the Federal Reserve Board implementing the financial subsidiary provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act for state member banks has now been published in the Federal Register. GLBA authorizes state member banks that comply with the requirements of the rule to control, or hold an
interest in, a financial subsidiary which may conduct certain financial activities that are not permissible for the parent bank to conduct directly. The final rule is substantially similar to the interim rule that the Board adopted in March 2000. The effective date of the final rule is September 17, 2001. 66 FR 42929 [text] 66 FR 42929 [PDF] 8/16/01
Expanding rapidly, federally insured credit union assets grew 8.9 percent, while savings grew nearly 10 percent and the amount of money placed in investments grew 11.4 percent in the first six months of 2001, according to midyear call report data. NCUA Press Release 8/16/01
NCUA Acting Chairman Dennis Dollar told a group of agency department directors today that he will propose a minimum four percent (4%) NCUA staff reduction to be accomplished in the 2002 and 2003 budget cycles. NCUA Press Release 8/16/01
OCC Distributes 1990 U.S. Census and 2001 Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimated median
family incomes for metropolitan statistical areas (MSA) and non-MSA portions of each state. OCC 2001-40 8/16/01
The federal banking agencies recently issued guidance for examiners and banking organizations. The guidance addresses authentication in an electronic banking environment. FRB:SR 01-20 8/16/01
The FDIC has learned that counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Atlantic Bank, New York, New York, are in circulation. The counterfeit items bear no resemblance to the legitimate checks. The address of 211 W. 53rd Street, New York, New York, does not match any Atlantic Bank branch location. FDIC:FIL-67-2001
The OCC announced 6 new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks and 1 termination of an existing enforcement action. OCC:NR 2001- 70 8/15/01
As earlier reported in Federal Register, the FRB announced it had lifted the October 1, 2001, mandatory compliance date for interim rules governing the electronic delivery of certain consumer disclosures. FDIC:FIL-66-2001 8/14/01
OCC:Alert 2001-7 8/14/01
The final rule is substantially similar to the interim rule that the Board adopted last year and issued for comment. The rule continues to allow qualifying state member banks to use a streamlined notice procedure to establish a financial subsidiary.
FRB Press Release 8/14/01
Developments in technology, the expansion of financial services, and a risk-focused approach to examinations necessitate increased flexibility in structuring and organizing the content of reports of examination. The FRB has collaborated on the development of guidance on the format of reports of examination for community banking organizations. FRB:SR 01-19 8/14/01
The June 2001 issue of the Quarterly Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2 (for first quarter 2001), is now available on-line. 8/13/01
The FFIEC has released a guidance document, "Authentication in an Electronic Banking Environment", to address the verification of new customers and the authentication of existing customers in electronic banking. It provides guidance on the risks and risk management controls which are necessary for proper identity authentication, and applies to both retail and commercial customers. FFIEC Press Release Guidance Document 8/9/01
In the lead article of OCC’s summer 2001 community affairs newsletter, Comptroller of the Currency John D. Hawke, Jr. underscores the opportunities for national banks to meet the fast-growing needs of an ethnically-diverse financial services market. OCC 2001-69 8/9/01
The previously announced push back of the compliance deadline for the e-regs has now been made official with publication in the Federal Register. 66 FR 41439 [text] 66 FR 41439 [PDF] 8/8/01
The Office of the Comptroller has revised its 1998 "Community Bank Supervision" booklet in the
Comptroller's Handbook, to integrate the Canary early warning process (a risk level assessment) into community bank supervision and makes the assessment of a community bank's information technology part
of its safety and soundness examination. Community Bank Supervision Booklet 8/7/01
The Federal Reserve Board has published a Spanish version of its brochure for consumers, "How to File a Consumer Complaint About a Bank". The brochure covers the kinds of complaints the Federal Reserve System investigates and information needed from consumers in order to assist in an investigation. The brochure also provides information about major consumer protection laws and lists the other federal regulatory agencies and the types of financial institutions they supervise. FRB PR 8/7/01
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today issued its monthly list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The list covers evaluation ratings that the FDIC assigned to institutions in May 2001. 8/6/01
The Federal Reserve has issued a press release announcing the lifting of the October 1, 2001 mandatory compliance date for interim rules governing the electronic delivery of certain consumer disclosures that amended Regs B, E, M, Z and DD.
Based on the comments received, the Board is considering adjustments to the rules
to provide additional flexibility. The Board is, therefore, lifting the
October 1, 2001 compliance date for the interim rules. Once permanent
final rules are issued, the Board expects to afford institutions a reasonable
period of time to comply with those rules.
FRB Notice 8/3/01
As earlier reported in the Federal Register, this advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) seeks public comment on a wide range of questions as part of the review. The regulators also welcome comments discussing other aspects of the CRA regulations and suggesting ways to improve the efficacy of the regulations. FDIC:FIL-65-2001 8/3/01
The OTS reported that it issued five enforcement orders to three individuals and one institution during June. OTS 01-53 8/3/01
As earlier reported in the Federal Register, the FFIEC sent out an update of "Interagency Questions and Answers
Regarding Community Reinvestment", which is a comprehensive interpretation of the Community Reinvestment Act
regulations. OCC 2001-39 FDIC:FIL-64-2001 8/3/01
OCC discusses the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Interim Final Rules
Testimony OCC:NR 2001- 68 8/3/01
The OTS announced the approval of the application from American International Group, Inc. (AIG), New York, N.Y., the savings and loan holding company of AIG Federal Savings Bank (AIG Bank), Wilmington, Del., to acquire control of American General Corporation (American General), Houston, Texas, and American General Finance, Inc. (AGFI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of American General
and parent savings and loan holding company of American General Bank, FSB (American General Bank), Midvale, Utah, and to merge American General Bank into AIG Bank. OTS 01-52 8/2/01
The new form provides a convenient method for national banks to self-certify or to request prior approval of a community development investment. OCC 2001-38 8/2/01
This interagency guidance reviews the risks and risk management features of a number of existing and emerging authentication
tools. These tools are necessary to initially verify the identity of new customers and to authenticate existing customers that access electronic banking services. OCC:AL 2001-8 8/1/01