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The NCUA has published in the Federal Register a final rule requiring federally insured credit unions to include response programs to address instances of unauthorized access to member information in their security programs. The rule is effective June 1, 2005.
PDF TXT 4/21/05
The four federal banking agencies have announced a delay in publication of notice of proposed rulemaking with respect to U. S. implementation of Basel II in order to assess the results of a recently completed quantitative impact study. FRB PR; OCC NR; FDIC NR; OTS NR 5/02/05
The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among Banco Industrial de Venezuela, C.A., Caracas, Venezuela; Banco Industrial de Venezuela, C.A. New York Agency; Banco Industrial de Venezuela, C.A. Miami Agency; the New York State Banking Department; the State of Florida Office of Financial Regulation; the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Written Agreement 5/02/05
A Legal Interpretation has been issued by the FRB which indicates that a certain package of services to customers would be within the scope of permissible data processing and data transmission activities under Regulation Y.
Interpretation 5/02/05
The FDIC is sponsoring identity theft symposiums in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Chicago. The symposiums will focus on fighting back against phishing and account hijacking in addition to exploring ways to further educate consumers about the problem. Symposiums 5/02/05
The March 2005 E.15 Agricultural Finance Databook has been published by the FRB. Ag Finance Databook 5/02/05
The FRB has released a working paper in the FEDS series on the topic, “Temporary Partial Expensing in a General-Equilibrium Model”. Working Paper 5/02/05
The FRB has issued its 2005 Annual Budget Review Report that covers budgeted expenses of the Reserve Banks for 2005, the 2005 phase of the Board's current two-year (2004-05) budget, and income and expenses for 2004. Budget Report 5/02/05
NCUA has announced that it will sponsor an Access Across America Economic Empowerment Summit in Los Angeles, CA on Tuesday, June 28, 2005. The free, one-day event will focus on federal resources available to credit unions. Summit 5/02/05
The federal bank, thrift, and credit union regulators, along with FinCEN and Treasury, have issued a new Interagency Interpretive Guidance on Customer Identification Program Requirements under Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act. Read the BOL Special Briefing to see how it might impact your CIP practices and procedures.
Guidance; FDIC FIL; OCC Bulletin; FRB SR Ltr; FinCEN 4/29/05
The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on the First Bank and Trust, New Orleans, Louisiana and Citizens Community Federal, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 4/28/05
The March 31, 2005 Preliminary Call Report and Thrift Financial Report data has been released by the FDIC.
Reports 4/28/05
OFAC has added four individuals and thirty entities linked to Viktor Bout, an international arms dealer and war profiteer, to the SDN List with the Liberia designation. One of the new additions is Daytona Pools, Inc. of Richardson, Texas. Information on all of the listings has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 4/27/05
The Federal Banking Agencies have issued an interpretive guidance designed to clarify the requirements for, and assist banking organizations in, appropriately assessing and minimizing risks posed by providing banking services to MSBs. FinCEN also has issued a concurrent advisory to MSBs to emphasize their BSA obligations and to notify them of the types of information that they will be expected to provide to a banking organization in the course of opening or maintaining account relationships. For more information, read the BOL MSB Special Guidance Report. Banking Guidance; FRB SR Ltr; OCC Bulletin; FDIC FIL; OTS CEO Ltr; NCUA NR; MSB Guidance 4/27/05
In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee Acting Comptroller of the Currency Williams and FinCEN Director Fox discussed the implementation of the BSA as it applies to MSBs. Williams Oral Statement; Williams Testimony; Fox Oral Statement; Fox Testimony 4/27/05
The FDIC has issued its annual report for 2004. 2004 Annual Report 4/27/05
The Spring 2005 issue of Money Smart News has been published by the FDIC. Money Smart News 4/27/05
The FDIC has released its 2005 Corporate Annual Performance Plan which sets out specific annual performance goals, indicators and targets for each of FDIC’s three major business lines – Insurance, Supervision, and Receivership Management. Performance Plan 4/27/05
Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position to include data as of the week ending April 22, 2005. International Reserve position. 4/27/05
A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on Greene County Bank, Greenville, Tennessee. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 4/26/05
"A Guide to the National Banking System" in the Comptroller’s Licensing Manual series has been revised and is available on the OCC’s Internet site. Guide 4/26/05
The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and between the Civitas BankGroup, Inc., Franklin, Tennessee, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Written Agreement 4/26/05
FinCEN has updated the MSB Registration List to include all registrants from December 2001 to April 2005.
MSB List 4/26/05
FRB Financial Services has published the April 2005 issue of FedFocus which highlights the challenges posed by risks in an electronic world. April FedFocus 4/26/05>
Amendments to appendix A of Regulation CC were published in the Federal Register. The amendments delete the reference to the Salt Lake City branch office of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and reassign the Federal Reserve routing symbols currently listed under that office to the Denver branch office of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. PDF TXT 4/25/05
The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks bearing the name of Security First Bank of North Dakota, New Salem, North Dakota. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier's checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 4/25/05
A Special Alert has been issued by the FDIC regarding the Caribbean International Bank, also known as Caribbean International Credit & Trust, an entity that may be conducting unauthorized banking activities. In addition, the OCC has published an updated aggregate list of unauthorized financial institutions.
Caribbean International Bank;
List 4/25/05
The OCC has published the April 2005 edition of the Bank Accounting Advisory Series which contains the views of the OCC Office of the Chief Accountant on accounting topics of interest to national banks. Advisory Series 4/25/05
The FDIC has issued two FILS regarding previously announced changes to the OFAC list concerning SDNs and Blocked Persons. Information regarding the changes was posted April 18, 2005 on the BOL OFAC page. FIL 1; FIL 2 4/25/05
Treasury has utilized powers granted by section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act to designate two Latvian financial institutions, Multibanka and VEF Bank, as "primary money laundering concerns." FinCEN also issued proposed rules that will prohibit U.S. financial institutions from establishing, maintaining, administering or managing any correspondent account in the U.S. for or on behalf of the two banks.
Treasury Action;
Multibanka NPR;
VEF Bank NPR 4/22/05
The FRB has issued a $46,050 CMP against The Bank, Warrior, Alabama, and a $22.300 CMP against Irwin Union Bank, Columbus, Indiana for alleged violations of Reg H.
The Bank;
Irwin Union 4/22/05
In a presentation before the Senate Budget Committee, Chairman Greenspan warned that unless the trend of increasing deficits is reversed, they would cause the U. S. economy to stagnate or worse. He noted, that “crafting a budget strategy that meets the nation's longer-run needs will become ever more difficult the more we delay.”
Speech 4/22/05
The FRB has published two additional working papers in the IFDP series on the topics of: A Flexible Finite-Horizon Identification of Technology Shocks; and Exchange Rate Pass-through to U.S. Import Prices: Some New Evidence.
Technology Shocks;
Exchange Rate 4/22/05
publishes correction to Final Rule first published in Federal Register on April 6, 2005, corrects the final rule by adding the regulations in subpart C of part 347 to the regulatory text. PDF TXT 4/21/05
published correction to Final Rule which amends a footnote reference in the text of 12 CFR part 225, Appendix A. Published in FR 4/21/05PDF TXT 4/21/05
The Federal banking regulators have issued a reply to a letter from the ABA and state banking associations regarding the enforcement of BSA and the so-called “zero tolerance” policy. Response; ABA Letter 4/21/05
The CRA evaluation ratings for the savings associations became publicly available during March 2004 have been issued by OTS. CRA Ratings 4/21/05
The OCC has released a Bulletin regarding the U.S. Census and 2005 HUD estimated median family incomes for MSAs, MDs, and nonmetropolitan portions of each state which are used to determine 2005 borrower income levels in CRA performance evaluations. Bulletin; Data 4/21/05
The OCC has announced new Electronic Interpretations and Actions for April 2005. Electronic Interpretations 4/21/05
The FRB has published new edition of the Beige Book based on information collected on or before April 11, 2005. Beige Book Summary; Beige Book Full Report 4/21/05
The FRB has released two new working papers in the IFDP series on the topics, Order Flow and Exchange Rate Dynamics in Electronic Brokerage System Data; and Adjusting Chinese Bilateral Trade Data: How Big is China's Trade Surplus. Order Flow; Adjusting Chinese 4/21/05
to clarify the minimum capital requirements a federally insured corporate credit union (Corporate CU) must meet to make unsecured MBLs to
its members other than member credit unions and corporate credit union service organizations (Corporate
CUSOs). PDF TXT 4/20/05
The OCC has released the CRA evaluations for thirty-two national banks that became public during the period of March 15, 2004 through April 14, 2005. CRA 4/20/05
Fifteen new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks and two terminations of existing enforcement actions have been announced by the OCC. Enforcement Actions 4/20/05
OTS has published the 2005 TFR Instruction Manual, which contains three hundred and fifty pages. TRF Manual 4/20/05
The FRB has announced amendments to Appendix A of Regulation CC that reflect the restructuring of the Federal Reserve's check processing operations in the Tenth and Twelfth Districts. Reg CC Amendments 4/20/05
Treasury has updated the U.S. International Reserve Position for the week ending April 15, 2005. International Reserve position 4/20/05
OFAC has made changes to an existing listing on the SDN List. Information regarding the changes has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 4/19/05
The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in May 2005 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the daily or weekly FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month prior to the month you received the application. Daily H. 15 Rate; Weekly H. 15 Rate 4/19/05
The FRB has redesigned its financial education web site which has material intended for the general public, as well as materials specifically geared toward teachers, high school and college students. The site features include: easier access to free educational materials, a teacher resource search engine, personal financial education, as well as new multilevel games for various ages and knowledge levels. Education Web Site 4/19/05
The FRB has published five working papers in the FEDS series on the following topics: Tracking the Source of the Decline in GDP Volatility: An Analysis of the Automobile Industry; The Effects of Competition from Large, Multimarket Firms on the Performance of Small, Single-Market Firms: Evidence from the Banking Industry; The Effects of Local Banking Market Structure on the Banking-Lending Channel of Monetary Policy; Are Firms or Workers Behind the Shift Away from DB Pension; and Yesterday's Bad Times are Today's Good Old Times: Retail Price Changes in the 1890s were Smaller, Less Frequent, and More Permanent
Tracking; Competition; Local Banking; Firms; Yesterday’s 4/19/05
OTS has released Volume 9, Issue 4 of The Quarterly Review of Interest Rate Risk for the fourth quarter 2004. Quarterly Review 4/19/05
The Asset & Liability Price Tables for the first quarter 2005 have been issued by OTS. Tables 4/19/05
The FDIC has announced that the Inventory of Deposit Insurance Guidance (IDIG) is available on one CD-ROM and provides bankers all of the resources on the FDIC's rules and requirements for deposit insurance coverage in a categorized, searchable format. IDIG Order Form 4/18/05
The eighth issue of the SAR Activity Review Trends, Tips, and Issues has been published. In a new section, “Director’s Forum”, Director Fox addresses the need for greater clarity and consistency in the application of suspicious activity reporting. SAR Review 4/18/05
Treasury has released the International Capital Data report for February 2005. International Capital 4/18/05
The G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Report for March 2005 has been released by Treasury.
G. 17 4/18/05
The first issue of FedFlash, a new source for the latest Federal Reserve Financial Services operational news, has been published. Each bulletin will report on of issues critical to day-to-day operations, provide national and District updates regarding Fed products and services, processes, technical protocols and contact information.
FedFlash 4/18/05
OTS has released the historical and current National Average Cost of Funds Ratio to OTS Regulated, SAIF - Insured Institutions reports. Historical; Current 4/18/05
The OCC has issued a Bulletin regarding the previously announced “Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice" that states that financial institutions should develop and implement a response program to address security breaches involving customer information, including customer notification procedures. Information concerning the guidance was posted in the March 29, 2005 BOL Top Stories. Bulletin 4/15/05
An Alert has been issued by the OCC regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on the Bankers Trust Company, N.A., Des Moines, Iowa. Information regarding the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 4/14/05
Treasury has announced that an individual has been designated as an SDGT and added to the OFAC SND list for providing financial support to the Zarqawi Network, an al Qaida-affiliated terrorist group active in the insurgency in Iraq. Information regarding the addition has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 4/14/05
The OCC has issued a Bulletin concerning a previously announced Interagency Guidance which allows banks whose internal risk rating systems qualify to use internal ratings applied to their unrated direct credit substitutes extended to ABCP programs when calculating regulatory capital. Information regarding the Guidance was posted in the March 31, 2005 BOL Top Stories. Bulletin 4/14/05
Treasury has issued an update to the U.S. International Reserve Position for the week ending April 8, 2005.
Update 4/14/05
The OTS will hold a series of Financial Management Seminars in various mid-western locations during June 2005.
Meeting Information;
Discussion Topics;
Registration Form 4/14/05
A Michigan U.S. District Count has rejected a defendant’s motion to dismiss his indictment for violation of federal law by conducting an unlicensed money transmitting business. The defendant is charged with the transmittal within the U.S. and abroad of at least $4,000,000. Court Ruling 4/14/05
The Federal financial regulating agencies have jointly issued a final rule on CRA. The rule adopts changes in the Standards for Defining Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas, census tracts designations, and the FRB's Regulation C. It also makes a correction to a cross-reference within the CRA regulations.
Joint Final Rule;
OCC Bulletin 4/13/05
The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on the Riverside Bank, Marietta, Georgia. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alert’s & Counterfeits page. 4/13/05
The FRB has issued a legal opinion to Leucadia National Corporation opining that the conversion of its subsidiary, American Investment Bank, N.A., Salt Lake City, Utah, from a national bank to a Utah-chartered commercial bank would not cause Leucadia to lose certain grandfather rights that it maintains under section 4(f) of the Bank Holding Company Act.
Opinion 4/13/05
The minutes of the FOMC meeting held on March 22, 2005 have been released.
Minutes 4/13/05
The G. 20 report of Finance Companies Owned and Managed Receivables Outstanding for February 2005 has been issued.
G. 20 4/13/05
The OCC has issued an Alert regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on the First National Bank & Trust Co. of Ada, Oklahoma, n/k/a Vision Bank, N.A. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 4/12/05
OTS has issued a Bulletin which contains information regarding the previously announced Final Rule which allows savings institutions select a combination of weighted components to that will be utilized to determine its CRA rating. Information concerning the Final Rule was posted on BOL Top Stories on March 1, 2005.
Final Rule 4/12/05
In a presentation before a derivatives conference co-sponsored by the FDIC, Cornell University and the University of Houston, Chairman Don Powell commented on the relationship between the new Basel capital framework and the leverage capital requirement mandated by FDICIA.
Speech 4/12/05
A white paper entitled “An Analysis of the Potential Competitive Impacts of Basel II Capital Standards on U.S. Mortgage Rates and Mortgage Securitization” has been published by the FRB.
White Paper 4/12/05
The FRB and Banco de Mexico have announced that beginning in July 2005 the funds availability on ACH payments from the U.S. to Mexico will improve from two days to one day at no additional charge to the financial institutions involved in the transaction.
Funds Availability 4/12/05
The FRB has announced that it plans to offer to originating banks an ACH risk management service, know as FedACH Risk. The new service will be piloted during the fall of 2005 with plans to be generally available in 2006 and will banks to monitor payments originated by corporate customers in real time.
FedACH Risk 4/12/05
The FDIC has issued an FIL announcing the publication of its First Quarter 2005 Letter to stakeholders, which reports on the priorities and activities for the first quarter of 2005.
Stakeholder Letter 4/12/05
The revised “Investment in Subsidiaries and Equities” booklet of the Comptroller’s Licensing Manual series is available on the OCC’s Internet site. The revisions incorporate many regulatory and policy changes, such as, establishing a financial subsidiary; performing insurance activities pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 92; making a noncontrolling investment; or filing the annual operating subsidiary report.
Investment Booklet 4/11/05
The OCC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 4/11/05
In remarks at the FRS’s Fourth Annual Community Affairs Research Conference in Washington, D.C., Chairman Greenspan noted that the consumer finance industry is central to the functioning of a robust consumer sector. He also observed that innovation and structural change in the financial services industry have been critical in providing expanded access to credit for the vast majority of consumers.
Speech 4/11/05
FinCEN has announced the advisories concerning transactions regarding the Philippines and The Cook Islands have both been withdrawn due to the implementation of significant reforms to each country’s counter-money laundering systems.
The Cook Islands 4/11/05
The U. S. Department of Justice has filed a Statement of Interest in the case of Wuliger vs. OCC, being heard in an Ohio U. S. District Court. The litigation involves an attempt by a private party to compel the OCC to provide him a SAR.
Statement 4/8/05
The OCC has issued an Alert regarding unauthorized banking activities being conducted by Caribbean International Bank of Bridgetown, Barbados, also known as Caribbean International Credit & Trust, which has not been licensed to operate as a bank in Barbados or the United States.
Alert 4/8/05
The FRB has released the G.19 Consumer Credit Report of February 2005.
G.19 4/8/05
The 3.12 U.S. Reserve Assets Report and the 3.13 Foreign Official Assets Held at Federal Reserve Banks Report for February 2005 have been issued by the FRB.
Assets Reports 4/8/05
OTS has published the March 2005 issue of the Financial Reporting Bulletin which contains a list of filing deadlines, information on new software, and TRF Manual updates.
Bulletin 4/8/05
The OCC has issued a Bulletin regarding the previously announced proposal by the FRB to amend Reg CC and Reg J. Information concerning the amendments was posted in the March 4, 2005 BOL Top Stories.
Proposal 4/7/05
A Bulletin has been issued by the OCC concerning the previously announced issuance by the federal financial regulators of a Joint Guidance on Overdraft Protection Programs. The issuance of the Guidance was reported in BOL Top Stories on February 24, 2005.
Guidance 4/7/05
In testimony before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, FDIC Chairman Greenspan discussed the role of housing-related government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) in our economy. He remarked that a recent study by FRB found no link between the size of the GSE portfolios and mortgages rates. He stated that the GSEs need a regulator with authority on a par with banking regulators.
Speech 4/7/05
The FDIC has published the Spring 2005 State Profiles which provide a quarterly summary of state banking and economic conditions.
State Profiles 4/7/05
April 2005 Issue Financial Connection Available
The FMS has published the April 2005 issue of Financial Connection and posted it online. Topics include: Transaction Reporting System: Changing the face of collection; Direct deposit, e-file popularity grows among federal income tax filers; Debt call center improves service for Spanish-speaking customers; Uncollectible debt: How to be a terminator; and Cash or check won't do? Consider US Debit Card.
Financial Connection 4/7/05
FDIC has adopted amendments to its international banking regulations in conformity with reg burden reduction efforts under EGRPRA. The changes affect address relocation of U.S. branches of foreign banks, adoption of a risk-based asset pledge requirement, and exam requirements for foreign banks that own branches or subsidiaries seeking FDIC insurance. 70FR17549 (txt) 70FR17549 (pdf) 4/7/05
The FDIC has released the ratings given to state nonmember banks evaluated in January 2005 for compliance with the CRA.
CRA Ratings 4/6/05
The Connecticut Department of Banking and the SEC have announced that they have taken actions against David M. Faubert, of Avon, Connecticut. The Connecticut Department of Banking has issued an order suspending his agent’s license and the SEC has obtained a temporary restraining order and a freeze of his assets. Mr. Faubert allegedly defrauded approximately 15 Connecticut residents of upwards of $4 million.
Actions 4/6/05
In a presentation before the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association Conference, in San Antonio, Texas, Chairman Greenspan noted that while it is not possible to judge with certainty how technological possibilities will play out in the future, but we can say with some assurance that developments in energy markets will remain central in determining the longer-run health of our nation's economy.Speech 4/6/05
FinCEN and the FDIC have announced that they will co-sponsor a half-day symposium on "Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing" on April 6 at the Hyatt Hotel in Austin, Texas. Interested participants are directed to contact the FDIC.
Symposium Information 4/5/05
NCUA has delivered a report entitled “Prompt Corrective Action Proposal for Reform” to Congress which details recommended statutory changes and provides a proposal as to how NCUA would design a new risk-based system for federally insured credit unions.
Proposal 4/5/05
Treasury has released the U.S. International Reserve Position for the week ending April 1, 2005.
Reserve Position 4/5/05
The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding fraudulent checks drawn on The Bankers Bank, Atlanta, Georgia, and counterfeit checks drawn on TCF National Bank, Wayzata, Minnesota. Information concerning the fraudulent checks and the counterfeits cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alert’s & Counterfeits page.
OFAC has released the Civil Penalties Enforcement Actions for April 1, 2005. Four financial institutions were cited for violations of various Sanctions Programs and assessed CMPs ranging from $2,586.44 to $40,423.00.
CMP 4/4/05
The FRB has issued the G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates release for March 2005.
G.5 4/4/05
The FDIC has published a working paper with the title: “FDIC-Sponsored Self-Insured Depositors: Using Insurance to Broaden Market Discipline and Strengthen Bank Funding”.
Working Paper 4/4/05
The FFIEC has issued its 2004 Annual Report.
Annual Report 4/4/05
The federal bank, credit union, and thrift supervisory agencies, along with HUD, have released a set of FAQs that address the new home loan price data disclosed this year for the first time under HMDA. The FAQs will aid users of the data with their evaluation and interpretation of the data, and will be posted on each of the agencies’ websites. FRB; FDIC; OCC; OTS; NCUA; HUD 4/01/05
Two Special Alerts have been issued by the FDIC regarding counterfeit cashier’s checks drawn on Silver State Bank, Henderson, Nevada and Community First National Bank, Fargo, North Dakota. Information concerning the counterfeit cashier’s checks has been posted on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 4/01/05
The FDIC has posted its Manual of Examination Policies on its Web site. Manual 4/01/05
The FDIC has issued a Cease and Desist Order against Eagle National Holding Company, Doral, Florida, a registered bank holding company that owns and controls the Eagle National Bank of Miami, Doral, Florida. Order 4/01/05
The FFIEC has released the E.16 Country Exposure Statistical Release and the Country Exposure Information Report for December 31, 2004. E.16; Information Report 4/01/05