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The Treasury Department withdrew January 2001 proposed regulations that would have required reporting to the IRS for bank deposit interest paid to all nonresident alien individuals and issued new proposed regulations that will require reporting on a more limited basis. Treasury PO-3301 Bank Deposit Interest Regulations 7/31/02
The Office of Foreign Assets Control has published an interpretative ruling on computerized reservation systems (Cuba travel). Interpretative Ruling 7/31/02
The FDIC released a list of orders of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in June. No administrative hearings are scheduled for August. FDIC:PR-87-2002 7/31/02
The FDIC has amended its Statement of Policy on Bank Merger Transactions to incorporate a statutory change made by the USA PATRIOT Act. FDIC:FIL-82-2002, Notice 7/31/02
The OCC, FRB of Chicago and the FDIC will co-sponsor a Hispanic Banking Forum in Chicago, Illinois on July 31. OCC:NR 2002-62 7/31/02
As earlier reported in the Federal Register, this bulletin transmits a notice of proposed rule making jointly published by the U.S. Treasury Department, through the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), the federal banking agencies, and the National Credit Union Administration on July 23. OCC 2002-34 7/31/02
Trans Union May Not Sell Consumers' Personally Identifiable Financial Information without their Consent. The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has affirmed a lower court decision upholding regulations enacted by the Federal Trade Commission and six other federal agencies to implement the privacy provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). FTC Press Release 7/30/02
The Federal Reserve Board announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among the Community First Bank and Trust, Celina, Ohio, the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, and the Ohio Division of Financial Institutions. FRB Press Release 7/30/02
HUD is issuing a proposed rule under RESPA, to simplify and improve the process of obtaining home mortgages and reduce settlement costs for consumers. 67FR49133 7/29/02
This advisory letter updates existing guidance to reflect the repeal of 12 USC 51 on minimal capital requirements. OCC:AL 2002-6 7/29/02
As earlier reported in the fderal register, the FDIC, FRB, and the OCC are requesting comment on the addition of a proposed new schedule to the Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report) that would collect data on consumer loans in subprime lending programs. FDIC:FIL-81-2002, FFIEC 7/29/02
The release of the 2002 National Money Laundering Strategy into a world that changed dramatically as a result of the villainous terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The Strategy directs the government's resources against money launderers and those who finance terrorist activities and individuals. It is a good plan and a critical mission. Press Release 2002 Money Laundering Strategy 7/26/02
It is anticipated that the form will be final and available for use on October 1, 2002. Until that time, Money Services Businesses are to continue to use the Bank SAR form, Form TD F 90–22.47. 67FR48704 7/26/02
The Federal Reserve Board announced the approval of the application of Nordea Bank Finland Plc, Helsinki, Finland, to establish a branch in New York, New York and acquire ownership of a commercial lending company, American Scandinavian Banking Corp., New York, New York. FRB Press Release 7/26/02
Federal Reserves Financial Services publishes the DIT Test Schedule 7/26/02
Approval of bank absorptions when the resulting bank is a state nonmember bank. Report 7/26/02
FDIC hosts a symposium on risk management and the new Basel Capital Accord. Symposium Description 7/26/02
The regulation sets forth the procedures the FDIC will follow in collecting debts owed to the United States. These procedures include collection of debts through administrative offset, salary offset, administrative wage garnishment and tax refund offset. 67FR48525 (text) 7/25/02
In response to the recent wave of corporate accounting controversies that has shaken investor confidence in U.S. financial markets, the FDIC gathered prominent policymakers, academic experts, and business and accounting professionals on June 4, 2002 to participate in a daylong symposium addressing transparency issues. This issue of FYI and an accompanying Bank Trends report summarize the comments provided by participants in the June FDIC symposium. FYI 7/25/02
FinCEN is announcing that it is rescinding an exemption from the provisions of the Bank Secrecy Act regulations granted in 1972 to persons required to register as brokers or dealers in securities (``broker-dealers'') solely to permit the sale of variable annuities contracts issued by life insurance companies. 67FR48388 (text) 7/24/02
A number of changes were made to the Fedwire Funds Service message format to facilitate mapping from a SWIFT MT103 to Fedwire . One of these changes was to add a second optional element to Business Function Code field tag {3600} to map to the SWIFT field 26T, Transaction Type Code. This second optional element of the Business Function Code {3600} is intended to be present only when the first element, Business Function Code, is CTR. Software Change and Clarification of Field {3600} 7/24/02
In order to provide guidance to financial organizations seeking sponsorship for NCS services, the Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee (FBIIC) is developing a series of policies on the sponsorship of priority telecommunications access for private sector entities through the NCS. OCC 2002-33 FBIIC GETS Process 7/24/02
The FRB, OCC and FDIC recently issued updated host-state loan-to-deposit ratios that the banking agencies will use to determine compliance with section 109 of the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 (Interstate Act). OCC 2002-32, 2002 Host State Loan-to-Deposit Ratios 7/24/02
This issuance alerts banks and financial regulators that Trinity Savings Bank and Goldman & Stein are not authorized to conduct banking or financial business in Belize. Neither entity has been authorized by the OCC to conduct banking in the United States. ALERT 2002-8 7/24/02
The Report compares actual performance to the goals established in the FDIC's 2001 Annual Performance Plan. 7/24/02
The Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued guidance on transshipments to Iran. Guidance7/24/02
Under the auspices of the FFIEC, the OCC, FRB, FDIC and OTS have developed account management and loss allowance guidance for credit card lending. FRB Press Release, OCC:NR 2002-61, OTS 02-32, FDIC-PR-86-2002, FFIEC Press Release , Guidance 7/23/02
The FDIC proposes to issue a regulation that would clarify that a bank that is chartered as an LLC under State law would be considered to be ``incorporated'' under State law if it meets certain criteria. 67FR48054 (text) 67FR48054 (pdf) 7/23/02
The proposed rules on customer identification and verification have now been published in the Federal Register. Written comments must be submitted within 45 days from today. 67FR48289 (text), 67FR48289 (pdf)7/23/02
The Department of the Treasury and FinCEN issued an interim rule advising financial institutions on how to comply with the statutory provisions of section 312 of the USA PATRIOT Act, pending issuance of the final rule that will be published by October 25, 2002. PO-3270 7/22/02
The FDIC has been informed by Bank of America, Dallas, Texas, that 1,000 of the bank's cashier's checks have been stolen while in transit from the check printer to the bank. The bank's routing number is 114000019, and the account number is 001641003748. FDIC:FIL-80-2002 7/22/02
The OSFI of Canada has published "Monthly Warning Advisory" (Issue No. 30), which contains the names of entities recently brought to OSFI's attention through an inquiry or complaint. FDIC:FIL-79-2002 7/22/02
The FDIC has published FIL-78 to notify banks of a recent OFAC change where OFAC amended its listing of Specially Designated Nationals. [The OFAC change itself was previously covered on BOL.] FDIC:FIL-78-2002 7/22/02
The FTC told the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging that about 10 percent of consumers who called the agency to report that they are victims of identity theft are age 60 or older. FTC Press Release 7/19/02
The OCC announced that the first six booklets in the Comptroller's Licensing Manual are now available on the OCC's Internet site. OCC:NR 2002- 60 Licensing Manual 7/19/02
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission jointly announced the issuance of administrative actions addressing bank supervisory and securities law-related matters against The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a bank holding company. FRB Press Release 7/19/02
July 19 is the deadline for submitting comments on OFAC's proposal to make information public on OFAC civil penalty actions Don't miss the opportunity to tell them what you think! OFAC Civil Penalties Proposal How to Write a Comment Letter 7/18/02
Financial institutions are subject to COPPA if they operate a Web site(s) or online service(s) (or portion thereof) directed to children, or have actual knowledge that they are collecting or maintaining personal information from a child online. OCC 2002-31 Examination Procedures 7/18/02
The Treasury Department and the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced an agreement to develop and implement a system by which financial institutions may access a database to verify the authenticity of Social Security Numbers provided by customers at account opening. PO-3264 7/18/02
The Department of the Treasury and seven federal financial regulators issued proposed rules that would require certain financial institutions to establish minimum procedures for identifying and verifying the identity of customers seeking to open new financial accounts. Written comments on the proposed rules may be submitted within 45 days of their publication in the Federal Register. FRB Press Release, FDIC: PR-85-2002, NCUA Press Release, SEC Press Release, OCC:NR 2002-59 , OTS 02-31 7/18/02
Interpretive Letters and No-Objection Letters reflect the views of the Comptroller's legal staff. Corporate Decisions, CRA Decisions and Conditional Approvals are from the office of Bank Organization and Structure. Electronic Interpretations and Actions 7/18/02
The OCC released a list of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluations that became public during the period of June 15 through July 14, 2002. The list contains only national banks and insured federal branches of foreign banks that have received ratings. The possible ratings are outstanding, satisfactory, needs to improve, and substantial noncompliance. OCC:NR 2002-58 7/18/02
The proposed rules on customer identification and verification, required by Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act have now been issued by the various regulatory agencies. Proposed Rules on Customer ID Just Issued 7/17/02
On June 6, 2002, the OCC, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the FDIC published a final rule in the Federal Register that amended each Agency's regulation governing deposit production offices. Today they issued a document that corrects a typographical error in the OCC's regulation. 67FR46842 7/17/02
The OCC announced 11 new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks and 3 terminations of an existing enforcement action. OCC:NR 2002- 57 7/17/02
The NCUA announced that it has issued a letter to the SEC in response to the SEC's request for comment on the Notice of Application of Evangelical Christian Credit Union (ECCU) for Exemptive Relief (SEC File No. S7-12-01). In the letter, NCUA Chairman Dennis Dollar stated, We support exemptive relief for ECCU and for all federally-insured credit unions to permit them to offer sweep account services without registration to all their members on the same terms and conditions as banks and thrifts.†NCUA Press Release 7/17/02
The FBI has reported to Congress that it is undertaking a multi-phase data mining project that seeks to identify potential terrorist related individuals through Social Security Number misusage analysis. The report was in connection with a Congressional hearing on identity theft. FBI Statement to Congress on ID Theft 7/16/02
The Regulators are hosting an inter-agency information technology security conference October 15 – 17, 2002 at the Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Center in Grapevine, Texas. OTS Press Release 7/16/02
HUD submitted to Congress a draft of its proposed rule to reform the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act ("RESPA"). Congress has 15 days from the date of submission to review this draft proposal before HUD can publish it in the Federal Register for public comment. The draft proposed rule has three major parts. First, the proposal clarifies disclosure rules applicable to transactions involving mortgage brokers. Second, the proposed rule amends the good faith estimate disclosure ("GFE") to increase clarity and make it more useful to consumers. Third, the draft proposal creates a system of guaranteed cost disclosures pursuant to a safe harbor under Section 8 of RESPA. Press Release (Word doc) 7/15/02
The Operating Circular sets forth the terms under which the Federal Reserve Bank of (City) maintains Securities Accounts and effects Transfers of Book-Entry Securities for Participants. By maintaining a Securities Account, a Participant agrees to all theprovisions of this Circular, as amended from time to time. Operating Circular #7 7/15/02
FedLine for the Web provides Internet access to many of the Federal Reserve's financial services. These services can be accessed from most Internet-connected PCs within your institution, eliminating the need for a dedicated FedLine terminal with proprietary Federal Reserve software. Initially, only select services will be available on FedLine for the Web, but the Federal Reserve will continue to develop and introduce new Web-based services to support your business environment. Service Charge Information 7/15/02
FedLine for the Web provides Internet access to many of the Federal Reserve's financial services. These services can be accessed from most Internet-connected PCs within your institution, eliminating the need for a dedicated FedLine terminal with proprietary Federal Reserve software. Initially, only select services will be available on FedLine for the Web, but the Federal Reserve will continue to develop and introduce new Web-based services to support your business environment. Account Management Information 7/15/02
The FFIEC, of which the agencies are members, has approved the agencies' publication for public comment of proposed revisions to the Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (Call Report) for banks and the Thrift Financial Report (TFR) for savings associations, which are currently approved collections of information. 67FR46250 7/12/02
A change to FedACH edit procedures will align the stale date and duplicate file parameters. Beginning July 29, 2002, the stale date edit will check for file creation dates that are older than four days. Previously the stale date edit looked for files that were over five days old. FRB Financial Services 7/12/02
The Letter to Stakeholders will be published at the end of each calendar quarter. It will appear in both electronic and hard-copy forms. This is just one of many tools we are using to communicate significant activities at the FDIC. FDIC:FIL-77-2002, Letter to Stakeholders FYI 7/11/02
The Federal Reserve Board released the minutes of its discount rate meetings from April 1 to May 6, 2002. FRB Press Release 7/11/02
The Federal Reserve Board announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among Rurban Financial Corp., Defiance, Ohio; The State Bank and Trust Company, Defiance, Ohio; the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland; and the Ohio Division of Financial Institutions. FRB Press Release 7/11/02
FinCEN notified U.S. financial institutions that, based on the improvements in their anti-money laundering regimes and on the FATF action, the U.S. is withdrawing the FinCEN Advisories on Israel, Lebanon, and St. Kitts & Nevis. Treasury Press Release FinCEN Advisory #26A FinCEN Advisory #18A, FinCEN Advisory #17A, Financial Action Task Force (FATF) 7/10/02
The Federal Trade Commission testified that it supports a Senate bill to increase penalties for identity thieves who use stolen identities to commit certain federal crimes. FTC Press Release 7/10/02
The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) of Canada has published "Monthly Warning Advisory" (Issue No. 29), which contains the names of entities recently brought to OSFI's attention through an inquiry or complaint. FDIC:FIL-74-20027/10/02
The FDIC has learned that counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on four separate financial institutions are in circulation. FDIC:FIL-75-2002 7/10/02
The FDIC has published FIL-76 to notify banks of a recent OFAC change where OFAC amended its listing of Specially Designated Nationals. [The OFAC change itself was previously covered on BOL.] FDIC:FIL-76-2002 7/10/02
The survey results identified a need to improve the Summary Statement of Service Charges. Specifically, customers indicated they had trouble interpreting the Billing statement and reconciling their monthly charges. Summary of Billing Service Changes 7/9/02
The Federal Reserve Board announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among First American Bancorp, Inc., Stonewall, Oklahoma, the First American Bank, Stonewall, Oklahoma, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, and the Oklahoma State Banking Department. FRB Press Release 7/9/02
The Federal Reserve Board announced the issuance of Orders of Restitution against William Chiang, Paul Lee, Joseph C.C. Kuo, Lih Yuh Kuo, and Ching-Tseh Yao, all former directors of the Great Eastern Bank, Flushing, New York. FRB Press Release 7/9/02
The Federal Open Market Committee announced its tentative meeting schedule for 2003 FRB Press Release 7/8/02
The FDIC issued its monthly list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The list covers evaluation ratings that the FDIC assigned to institutions in April 2002. FDIC:PR-84-2002 7/8/02
The FDIC is collecting the names of former employees who may be interested in working on projects, including foreign technical assistance projects, when needed by federal government agencies, international organizations, or private organizations seeking persons knowledgeable about banking and financial issues. These projects vary in nature, scope and duration. Employment Opportunity 7/5/02
The OCC bulletin transmits a notice of proposed rulemaking published by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on June 19 concerning the availability of information. This notice was previously announced on BOL. OCC 2002-30 7/5/02
Added March 31, 2002 Call Report Validation Criteria Edits Expressed in Boolean Logic: PDF | Excel - FINAL, revised July 1, 2002 7/5/02
This issuance alerts banks and financial regulators to the distribution from an unknown source by e-mail, fax, or regular mail of fictitious regulatory agency issuances that contain proposals involving claims to certain international payments reportedly held by the OCC. The names and signatures on these documents are not those of real OCC officials. OCC:Alert 2002-7 7/3/02
The FDIC has announced the sale of the owned credit card portfolio from the former NextBank, National Association, Phoenix, Arizona (NextBank). NextBank was closed on February 7, 2002, by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the FDIC was named receiver. FDIC:PR-83-2002 7/3/02
March 31, 2002 E16 Country Exposure Statistical Release 7/3/02
In a continuing effort to expand the coverage of suspicious activity reporting to all potentially vulnerable sectors of the financial services industry, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network announced a new rule requiring brokers and dealers in securities to report suspicious activity. FinCEN Press Release7/2/02
Canoga Park, California-based D.C. Credit Services, Inc. and company co-owner, David Cohen, have agreed to pay a $300,000 civil penalty as part of a settlement of Federal Trade Commission charges that they violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). In addition to requiring the civil penalty, the consent decree to settle the charges would permanently ban defendant David Cohen from engaging in debt collection activity. FTC Press Release 7/2/02
On June 30, 2002, the FDIC, through an internal organizational order, merged the Division of Supervision and the Division of
Compliance and Consumer Affairs and as a result of the merger, changed the name of the ``Division of Supervision'' and ``Division of Compliance and Consumer Affairs'' to the ``Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection'' (DSC). 67FR44351 (text) 7/2/02
The FDIC announced that it will market a $248 million loan portfolio from the failed Connecticut Bank of Commerce, Stamford, Connecticut, whose offices were located in several Connecticut cities and New York, New York, within the next 45 days. FDIC:PR-82-2002 7/2/02
Is it a subliminal message from the regulators emphasizing the importance of testing your compliance program and testing your information security measures, or is it simply a reflection of the fact that some Internet technology simply isn't ready for prime time? Start your day with a chuckle by viewing an FDIC Webcast on "Enhancing Financial Transparency". You'll see that even the regulators can get befuddled by technology. (And once you get past the humorous opening part, the Webcast really is excellent.) 7/1/02
The latest bank to bite the BSA dust is a Pennsylvania bank which entered into a written agreement with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia June 20, 2002. The Agreement requires the bank to conduct a comprehensive review of BSA compliance controls and procedures and identification and reporting of suspicious activity and make a written report of what it finds to the reserve bank, plus a lot more. You'll want to read the order. FRB Press Release 7/1/02
The FDIC recognizes the importance of financial education, particularly for people with little or no banking experience. That 's why they created Money Smart, a training program to help adults outside the financial mainstream enhance their money skills and create positive banking relationships. Money Smart 7/1/02
The FDIC has approved the assumption of the insured deposits of Universal Federal Savings Bank, Chicago, Illinois by Chicago Community Bank, Chicago, Illinois. FDIC:PR-81-2002, Spanish Version 7/1/02
The FDIC has approved the assumption of the insured deposits of The Connecticut Bank Of Commerce, Stamford, Connecticut, by Hudson United Bank, Mahwah, New Jersey. FDIC:PR-80-2002 7/1/02
The FDIC released a list of orders of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in May. One administrative hearing is scheduled for July. FDIC:PR-79-2002 7/1/02
FDIC Chairman Don Powell today announced the appointment of Cottrell L. Webster to the post of Ombudsman. Webster replaces Ronald F. Bieker, who will become the agency's Regional Director in Kansas City. Webster now serves as Director of the Division of Supervision's Memphis Regional Office. FDIC:PR-78-2002 7/1/02
The FDIC is pleased to announce that it is centralizing its consumer affairs function with the establishment of the National Consumer Response Center (CRC) within the Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection. This move will improve efficiency and enhance service to consumers needing assistance. The CRC will become operational on July 1, 2002. FDIC:FIL-73-2002 7/1/02
The FDIC has learned that counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Guaranty Bank of California, Los Angeles, California, are in circulation. The routing number is 122235902. It appears the checks may be circulating nationwide. FDIC:FIL-72-2002 7/1/02
The FDIC has been informed by Bank West of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, that 284 of the bank's cashier's checks are missing and may have been stolen. The bank's routing number is 122401778. FDIC:FIL-71-2002 7/1/02