FDIC Ombudsman updates post exam surveys
In Financial Institution Letter FIL-59-2023, issued yesterday, the FDIC notified banks that the Office of the Ombudsman, which is responsible for administering the Post-Examination Surveys (Survey), is updating the Survey and the transmission process for Risk Management and Compliance and/or CRA examinations. The updated Survey solicits additional feedback on the virtual aspects of examinations.
The Office of the Ombudsman will—
- Update the Survey and the transmission process for Risk Management and Compliance and/or CRA examinations effective January 1, 2024
- Send updates Surveys to the Executive Officers
- Send notices and provide reminders about the Survey from FDICSurveys-noreply@fdic.gov
- Continue to serve as the point of contact for banks regarding the Survey and follow-up requests
A copy of the Post-Examination Survey (Risk Management Examination) and the Post-Examination Survey (Compliance and/or CRA Examination) were provided with the Financial Institution Letter.