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Exception Tracking Spreadsheet (TicklerTrax™)
Downloaded by more than 1,000 bankers. Free Excel spreadsheet to help you track missing and expiring documents for credit and loans, deposits, trusts, and more. Visualize your exception data in interactive charts and graphs. Provided by bank technology vendor, AccuSystems. Download TicklerTrax for free.

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FDIC classification of ITMs as branches or RSUs

The FDIC has issued Financial Institution Letter FIL-53-2024, "Classification of Interactive Teller Machines as Domestic Branches or Remote Service Units."

Interactive Teller Machine (ITM) technology has become increasingly sophisticated in recent years. State nonmember banks have sought guidance from the FDIC regarding whether the proposed use of an ITM at a location other than an established branch facility would require the filing of a domestic branch application, or would qualify for the RSU exclusion to the definition of domestic branch (meaning no branch application would be necessary). ITMs generally resemble automated teller machines but allow customers to interact with live tellers to complete a variety of banking transactions.

The FDIC would not consider an ITM established by a state nonmember bank to be a “domestic branch” subject to FDIC approval under section 18(d) of the FDI Act under the following circumstances:

  • The ITM is an automated, unstaffed banking facility owned or operated by, or operated exclusively for, the bank, which is equipped to enable existing customers to initiate an interactive session with remotely located bank personnel;
  • State nonmember banks may also provide access to ITM facilities to non-customers as long as the ITM services available to non-customers are limited to the same functionality typically provided by an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) to non-customers (e.g., withdrawal of cash) and such users are unable to engage a live remote teller to remotely perform core banking functions for the customer; and,
  • To the extent that bank personnel have the ability to remotely assist the customer with the operation of the ITM to perform core banking functions, customers must also be able to perform such transactions without the involvement of bank personnel and must have the sole discretion to initiate and terminate interactive sessions with bank personnel.

ITMs that operate outside of these parameters may require a branch application.

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