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FHFA re-proposes amendments to Suspended Counterparty Program

The Federal Housing Finance Agency has announced it has revised the Agency's proposal to amend the Suspended Counterparty Program (SCP). The SCP regulation requires a regulated entity to report to FHFA if an individual or institution that it does business with has committed certain types of misconduct within the prior three years. It also authorizes FHFA to order its regulated entities to cease doing business or refrain from entering into new business with certain counterparties. Final suspension orders are published on FHFA’s website.

FHFA is publishing this re-proposal after considering issues that commenters had raised about the original proposed rule, issued in July 2023. This includes distinguishing between misconduct that poses material risk to the safety and soundness of the regulated entities from behavior with de minimis impact.

Specifically, the re-proposal would:

  • Authorize the suspension of business between a regulated entity and a counterparty whose misconduct resulted in a federal prohibition order or a civil money penalty above a specific threshold; and
  • Authorize the suspension of business between a regulated entity and a counterparty that has committed criminal or civil misconduct related to the management or ownership of real property.

Comments on the re-proposed rule will be accepted for 60 days following its publication in the Federal Register.

Publication and comment period update: Published 10/1/2024 at 89 FR 79785 in the Federal Register, with a comment period of 62 days, ending 12/02/2024

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