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Agencies release report on accounting and capital standards differences

The OCC, Federal Reserve Board, and FDIC have jointly published [89 FR 95786] in today's Federal Register their collective annual report to congressional committees describing differences among the accounting and capital standards used by the agencies for insured depository institutions.

As of September 30, 2024, the agencies have not identified any material differences among the agencies' accounting standards applicable to institutions.

With regard to differences in capital requirements, in 2013 the agencies revised the risk-based and leverage capital rule for institutions (capital rule) which harmonized the agencies' capital rule in a comprehensive manner. Since 2013, the agencies have revised the capital rule on several occasions, further reducing the number of differences in the agencies' capital rule. Today, only a few differences remain, which are statutorily mandated for certain categories of institutions, or which reflect certain technical, generally nonmaterial differences among the agencies' capital rule. No new material differences were identified in the capital standards applicable to institutions in this report compared to the previous report submitted by the agencies.

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