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Fed posts 15 CRA evaluation ratings in June

The Federal Reserve Board's archive of evaluations of member banks' Community Reinvestment Act compliance includes 15 evaluations made public by the Reserve Banks in June 2024, all of which carried Satisfactory ratings.


FinCEN updates Beneficial Ownership Information FAQs; warns of scam

FinCEN has updated its Beneficial Ownership Information Frequently Asked Questions, adding three new Reporting Company questions (questions C.12 – C.14), and one new Beneficial Owner question (question D.17).

In related news, FinCEN has posted an alert on its Beneficial Ownership Information webpage concerning fraudulent attempts to solicit information from individuals and entities who may be subject to reporting requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act.


FDIC releases July list of CRA evaluation ratings

The FDIC has issued a list of 64 banks examined for compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act who were assigned evaluation ratings in April 2024. Four of those banks — The Peoples Bank, Gambier, Ohio; Union Bank, Lake Odessa, Michigan; Bank of Crocker, Waynesville, Missouri; and Forbright Bank, Potomac, Maryland — were rated "Needs to Improve." Fifty-eight banks received "Satisfactory" ratings.

We congratulate two banks — Bank of Charles Town, Charles Town, West Virginia, and UBS Bank USA, Salt Lake City, Utah — who received ratings of "Outstanding."


OFAC issues guidance on production submission standards

OFAC has issued OFAC Guidance: Production Submission Standards, updating its former delivery standards. The new document provides technical and general guidance to persons submitting material to OFAC and applies primarily to persons providing responses to administrative subpoenas, requests for information, disclosures, and especially for submissions that may entail voluminous documentation (e.g., more than 100 pages).


FATF identifies jurisdictions with AML/CFT/CPF deficiencies

On Wednesday, FinCEN reported that the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental body that establishes international standards for anti-money laundering, countering the financing of terrorism, and countering the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (AML/CFT/CPF), issued a public statement at the conclusion of its plenary meeting last month highlighting the growing financial connectivity of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) with the international financial system, and reiterating the FATF’s concerns over the DPRK’s continued failure to address the significant deficiencies in its AML/CFT regime and the serious threats posed by the DPRK’s illicit activities related to the proliferation and financing of weapons of mass destruction. In order to protect the international financial system, the FATF continues to urge all jurisdictions to remain vigilant to these risks and calls for renewed implementation and enforcement of countermeasures against the DPRK.

The FATF also updated its lists of jurisdictions with strategic AML/CFT/CPF deficiencies. U.S. financial institutions should consider the FATF’s stance toward these jurisdictions when reviewing their obligations and risk-based policies, procedures, and practices.

On June 28, 2024, the FATF added Monaco and Venezuela to its list of Jurisdictions Under Increased Monitoring and also removed Jamaica and Türkiye from the list.

The FATF’s list of High-Risk Jurisdictions Subject to a Call for Action remains the same, with Iran, DPRK, and Burma subject to calls for action. Iran and DPRK are still subject to the FATF’s countermeasures, while Burma is still subject to the application of enhanced due diligence, but not countermeasures.


HUD settles with California housing providers

The Department of Housing and Urban Development yesterday announced it has entered a Conciliation Agreement between Burbank Housing Management Corporation, Burbank Housing Development Corporation, BHDC Parkwood Apartments, LLC, Oak Ridge Apartments Associates LP, and James Perez, requiring the respondents to pay $41,500 in compensation to the complainant. The Agreement resolves allegations that the respondents were in noncompliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and also violated the Fair Housing Act by discriminating against tenants with disabilities.

The Agreement stems from a complaint by Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California alleging that the Sonoma County, California, based housing providers interfered with the rights of tenants with disabilities to obtain reasonable accommodations. The Respondents denied the allegations in the Complaint and agreed to settle the matter. The Conciliation Agreement does not constitute an admission of guilt by the Respondents and no determination has been issued by HUD in this matter.

Under the terms of the Agreement, the housing providers will pay $41,500 to the complainant. The housing providers will also ensure their reasonable accommodation policies are in compliance with the Fair Housing Act and Section 504 and that they process reasonable accommodation requests in a timely manner


CFPB releases Supervisory Highlights

The CFPB yesterday announced publication of an edition of its Supervisory Highlights sharing key findings from recent examinations of auto and student loan servicing companies, debt collectors, and other financial services providers. The report also highlights consumer complaints about medical payment products and identifies concerns with providers preventing access to deposit and prepaid account funds.


Fed fines Silvergate Capital and Silvergate Bank $43M for AML deficiencies

On Monday, the Federal Reserve Board announced it had fined Silvergate Capital Corporation and Silvergate Bank $43 million for deficiencies in Silvergate's monitoring of transactions in compliance with anti-money laundering laws.

The action was taken in coordination with an action by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation of the State of California, the state supervisor of Silvergate. The penalties announced by the Board and state total $63 million. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission separately announced a penalty against Silvergate Capital Corporation.

Silvergate separately announced last year that it was voluntarily winding down its operations, and has now paid back all deposits to its customers.


U.S. sanctions Mexico- and China-based money launderers

On Monday, the Treasury Department reported that OFAC has sanctioned a Mexico-based money launderer and China-based members of a money laundering organization with criminal links to the Sinaloa Cartel as part of ongoing efforts to disrupt the flow of illicit narcotics into the United States.

For the names and identification information of the three individuals, see the July 1, 2024, BankersOnline OFAC Update.


OCC reports CRA evaluation ratings

The OCC has released a list of CRA performance evaluation ratings made public by the OCC during the month of June. Of the 21 institutions listed, 14 received ratings of Satisfactory.

Six of the institutions received a rating of Outstanding. We congratulate each of them:

American Commercial Bank & Trust, National Association, Ottawa, Illinois, received a Needs to Improve rating.


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