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Top Story Compliance Related


CFPB TILA-RESPA Rule Compliance Guide

The CFPB has released its Small Entity Compliance Guide for the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule. The guide highlights issues that financial institutions might find helpful to consider when implementing the rule. It may also be helpful to settlement service providers, software providers, secondary market participants, and other firms that serve as business partners to creditors. The Bureau also posted links to several other resources—including sample forms annotated with rule citations—designed to assist lenders and others in their compliance efforts.


OFAC CMP report

OFAC has reported a payment of $157,500 from a private shipping and fuel supply company to settle potential civil liability for violations of sanction programs.


Top Stories for January 2004

  • FinCEN's PACS Reaches One Million Filings

    In a presentation before The Financial Enforcement Network, FinCEN Director Fox noted that the number of filings made utilizing PACS had reached one million, but that accounts for only 4% of the total filings. He observed that one of FinCEN's toughest challenges is to streamline the CTR system to weed out unnecessary filings. He also stated that compliance is not a "check-the-box" exercise, but rather requires financial institutions to exercise their judgment, as informed by FinCEN's guidance and assistance. Speech 1/30/04

  • Interpretations and Actions - January Issue

    The OCC has posted the January 2004 issue of Interpretations and Actions on its Web site.
    Electronic Interpretations and Actions 1/30/04

  • January FEDS Papers Released

    The FRB has released three new working papers in the finance and economics discussion series on the topics of: Monetary Policy in Deflation: The Liquidity Trap in History and Practice; Market Structure and Market Definition: The Case of Small Market Banks and Thrifts; and Measuring the Effects of Monetary Policy: A Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) Approach.
    Monetary Policy;
    Market Structure;
    Measuring 1/30/04

  • International Reserve Positions Issued

    Treasury has issued the U.S. International Reserve Positions for the weeks ending January 9 and 16.
    International Reserve Positions 1/30/04

  • OTS 2004 Performance Plan Released

    The OTS has release its budget/performance plan for 2004. 2004 Plan

  • Thirty-three CRA Evaluations Released

    The OCC has released the CRA evaluations for thirty-three national banks. Nine banks were rated were outstanding and twenty-four received a satisfactory designation. None were reported as improve or substantial noncompliance.
    CRA 1/29/04

  • OCC Defends Preemption Rule

    Julie L. Williams, First Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief Counsel for the OCC, indicated in testimony before the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations that new regulations regarding preemption and the OCC’s exclusive visitorial powers to regulate and supervise national banks are firmly grounded in Federal law, judicial precedent and the U.S. Constitution. She stated that the OCC has zero tolerance for lending that is unfair, abusive, deceptive or predatory.
    Oral Statement 1/29/04

  • Debt Elimination Scams SR Letter Issued

    The FRB has issued a Supervisory Letter regarding various illegal schemes being offered to the public that purport to eliminate outstanding debt through the use of specially prepared documents which are presented to the borrower's creditor's in an attempt to satisfy the debt. The scams are reminiscent of the tax protesters' tax evasion schemes seen throughout the 1990s.
    SR 04-3 1/29/04

  • 2003 Terrorist Asset Report Issued By OFAC

    OFAC has released the calendar year 2003 Annual Report on Assets in the United States of Terrorist Countries and International Terrorist Program Designees. Approximately $6 million in assets of designees have been blocked and almost $2 billion in assets of terrorist countries are under U.S. jurisdiction.
    Terrorist Asset Report 1/29/04

  • Stolen Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding cashier's checks stolen from the Citizens Savings Bank and Trust Company, Nashville, Tennessee. Details regarding the counterfeit cashier’s checks and contact information have been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 1/29/04

  • Financial Literacy Meeting To Be Webcast

    The inaugural meeting of the Financial Literacy and Education Commission will be held on Thursday, January 29 and will be available for viewing on a live Webcast starting at 10:30 am EST.
    Treasury PR:
    Webcast 1/29/04

  • FOMC Announces Fed Funds Target Rate

    The FOMC has announced its target for the Federal funds rate. The Committee believes that an accommodative stance of monetary policy, coupled with robust underlying growth in productivity, is providing important ongoing support to economic activity.
    Target Rate 1/29/04

  • FIL Regarding Announced SDNs

    The FDIC has issued FIL-12-2004 concerning three SDNs that were added to the OFAC list on January 22, 2004. Information regarding the additions was previously announced in a BOL Special OFAC Alert and placed on the BOL OFAC page. 1/29/04

  • Comments Sought on Call Report Revisions

    The OCC, FRB and FDIC have issued and published in the Federal Register a Notice and Request for Comments regarding proposed revisions of Call Report Forms FFIEC 031 and FFIEC 041. Notice

  • Greenspan On Economic Flexibility

    In a presentation before the HM Treasury Enterprise Conference in London, Chairman Greenspan noted deregulation and the newer information technologies have joined to advance financial flexibility which may be the most important contributor to the significant gains in economic stability over the past two decades. He also observed that the United States have not engaged in significant and widespread protectionism for more than five decades and the consequences of moving in that direction could be unexpectedly destabilizing. Speech 1/27/04

  • Mad Cow Guidance Issued

    The OCC has issued the first AL of 2004 which offers guidance to national banks on compliance with legal lending limits related to declines in the collateral value of cattle as a result of public perception of the recent Mad Cow disease issue in the U.S. OCC examiners will treat noncompliance as an "extraordinary circumstance" for the next 180 days.
    OCC AL 2004-1 1/26/04

  • FTC To File Amicus Brief in FCRA Case

    The FTC will file an amicus brief in the appeal of court decision involving FCRA and adverse action notices. The plaintiffs allege that Hartford Financial Services used information in credit reports to set the initial rate for the insurance it offers consumers. The plaintiffs claim that Hartford violated the FCRA by failing to provide customers with adverse action notices if a high rate was offered due to unfavorable credit information. The decision of the district court held that the FCRA’s definition of adverse action does not encompass setting a higher initial price for insurance.
    FTC Brief 1/26/04

  • FDIC Insurance Fictitious Emails

    The OCC and FDIC have issued alerts to financial institutions and consumers regarding fraudulent e-mails that have the appearance of being sent from the agencies and informs recipients that their FDIC insurance has been suspended for alleged violations of the USA PATRIOT Act. The fake emails are the subject of a new BOL Blog which contains the text of the scam.
    BOL Blog
    OCC AL 2004-5
    FDIC SR-5-2004 1/26/04

  • FinCEN Director Makes First Public Address

    In a presentation before the South Carolina Bar Association, FinCEN Director Fox discussed FinCEN’s implementation of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act.
    Speech 1/26/04

  • Credit Union 2003 Highlights Detailed

    Chairman Dollar reviewed the highlights of credit union accomplishments during 2003 and the challenges of 2004 in a presentation at the winter meeting of the American Association of Credit Union Leagues.
    Speech 1/26/04

  • Online Financial Education Newsletter Released

    The Treasury's Office of Financial Education (OFE) has released the first issue of its on-line, quarterly newsletter, The Treasury Financial Education Messenger. A featured article lists the eight elements of a successful financial education program and offers guidance to financial education organizations as they develop programs and strategies to achieve the greatest impact in their communities. Messenger 1/23/04

  • ID Theft Tops FTC Complaint List

    The FTC has released its annual report listing the top 10 fraud complaint categories reported by consumers in 2003. The report indicates over 516,000 complaints were received in 2003 and also identifies the metropolitan areas that experienced the highest per capita rates of consumer fraud and identify theft. FTC Report 1/23/04

  • Bank Strategies to Assist Small Businesses

    The OCC has published the Winter 2003 issue of the Community Developments Newsletter focusing on bank support for small businesses through innovative investments, loans, and technical assistance. Newsletter 1/23/04

  • U.S. and Saudis Fight Terrorist Financing

    The United States has joined with Saudi Arabia to designate four branches of the Al-Haramain charitable organization in Kenya, Tanzania, Indonesia, and Pakistan for providing financial, material, or logistical support to terrorist organizations like al-Qaida. As a result, OFAC has added four new SDGTs, each with numerous a.k.a.s, to the SDN list. Information regarding the additions was included in a BOL OFAC Alert and has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. Joint Action 1/23/04

  • Managing Through a Rising Rate Scenario

    OTS Director Gilleran examined the condition of the thrift industry and commented on how to manage through a rising rate scenario in a presentation before the Exchequer Club of Washington, D.C. Speech 1/22/04

  • OCC Enforcement Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced 15 new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks in Texas, Florida, Illinois, Oklahoma, Arizona, Colorado, California, and Ohio.
    Enforcement Actions 1/21/04

  • FDIC Amends Insurance Coverage for Living Trust Accounts

    The FDIC is amending its regulations to clarify and simplify the deposit insurance coverage rules for living trust accounts. The
    rules are amended to provide coverage up to $100,000 per qualifying beneficiary who, as of the date of an insured depository institution
    failure, would become the owner of the living trust assets upon the account owner's death. 68FR2825 (txt) 68FR2825 (pdf) 1/21/04

  • Regulators Announce CRA NPR

    The FDIC has announced approval of a joint interagency NPR regarding CRA. The FRB, OCC, and OTS are expected to announce their approval shortly. The NPR proposes to amend the CRA regulations definition of "small bank"; to expand and clarify the provision that an institution's CRA evaluation is adversely affected when the institution has engaged in specified discriminatory, illegal, or abusive credit practices in connection with certain loans; and to revise the regulations to provide that the CRA disclosure statement would contain the number and amount of the institution's small business and small farm loans by census tract. FDIC PR 1/21/04

  • OTS Issues SCRA CEO Letter

    OTS has issued a CEO Letter that highlights the differences between the SCRA and the SSCRA.
    CEO Letter

  • OTS Interest Rate Projections

    The Interest Rate Projections for Capital Plans for the Fourth Quarter 2003 have been released by OTS.
    Projections 1/21/04

  • FIL Regarding Announced OFAC Changes

    The FDIC has Issued FIL-9-2004 regarding previously announced changes to the OFAC List involving FTO and SDN entries. Information concerning the changes was the subject of a BOL OFAC Alert on January 12 and has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 1/21/04

  • January Financial Holding Company Elections

    The list of bank holding companies that have elected as January 16, 2004 to become or be treated as financial holding companies under the Bank Holding Company Act has been issued by the FRB.
    FHC 1/21/04

  • OCC Updates Licensing Manual

    The "Business Combinations" booklet of the Comptroller's Licensing Manual has been revised to incorporate recent regulatory and policy changes, such as a bank’s combination with a nonbank subsidiary or affiliate, transactions with affiliates, and anti-money laundering effectiveness. Update 1/20/04

  • Transcript Regarding B of A/Fleet Application

    The transcript of the public meeting held regarding the application of Bank of America to acquire FleetBoston Financial Corporation has been released by the FRB.

    Transcript 1/20/04

  • Budget Increase Proposed For FinCEN

    The Bush Administration has announced that it will propose a 12.7% increase in the budget of FinCEN to allow the continued acquisition and upgrading of technology and resources utilized in the fight against terrorism and financial crimes.

    Treasury JS-1100 1/20/04

  • G. 17 Industrial Production Report

    The FRB has release the G. 17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization report for December 2003.
    G.17 1/20/04

  • OFAC Adds SDGT

    A SDGT entry has been added to OFAC's SDN list. Information regarding the addition was the subject of a BOL OFAC Alert and has been posted on the BOL OFAC page. 1/20/04

  • FDIC Expands Fair Lending Exam Program

    The FDIC has announced that it has expanded its fair lending examination program nationwide by appointing examination specialists in each of its six regions. FDIC PR 04-2004 1/16/04

  • FRB Issues Business Continuity Guide

    The National Business Continuity Guide provides continuity information for all Federal Reserve products and services in the unlikely event of a business disruption. The guide provides specific product and service information on steps to take to prepare for and actions to be taken if a Federal Reserve business disruption occurs. Guide 1/16/04

  • FTC Obtains $23.5 Million Settlement

    The FTC has accepted $23.5 million to settle charges that Certified Merchant Services violated the FTC Act while providing merchants with credit-card payment services. The payment to the FTC came from a forced sale of CMS’s assets, and the parties agree that it will provide full redress to merchants. Settlement 1/16/04

  • Third Quarter 2003 Z. 1 Flow of Funds

    The FRB has released the Z. 1 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States report for the Third Quarter 2003.
    Flow 1/16/04

  • Securities Disclosures Final Rule

    The OCC has issued a Bulletin regarding the previously announced Final Rule regarding reporting and disclosure requirements for National Banks with securities registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Information regarding the Final Rule was posted in the December 10, 2003 BOL Top Stories. 1/16/04

  • Credit Rating and Scoring Conference

    The OCC has posted the program and registration information online for a Credit Rating and Scoring Conference to be held on May 17-19 in Alexandria, Virginia. The conference will bring together technical experts from financial institutions, regulatory authorities, academia, and the model vendor community which specialize in retail or commercial risk rating model design, data collection, use and performance evaluation to discuss areas of common interest. Program 1/16/04

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks issued by Saehan Bank, Los Angeles, California and Coastal Community Bank, Everett, Washington. Details regarding the counterfeit cashier’s checks and contact information have been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 1/16/04

  • November 2003 Cost of Funds Reports Released

    The OTS has released the historical and current reports as November 2003 regarding the cost of funds for OTS regulated SAIF insured institutions. Historical Report Current Report 1/16/04

  • March 2004 TFR Instructions

    OTS has issued revised instructions for the March 2004 TFR regarding only new, modified, or renumbered lines. The instructions for any line listed on the 2004 form that is not listed in the revision remain unchanged.
    TFR 1/15/04

  • SEC Proposes Securities Law Reforms

    The SEC has proposed three regulatory initiatives designed to better protect the 95 million investors in mutual funds. These initiatives represent the next in a series of securities law reforms pursued by the Commission to address problems identified with the management and sale of mutual funds.
    Initiatives 1/15/04

  • Beige Book Updated

    The FRB has released a new edition of the Beige Book based on information collected before January 6, 2004.
    Beige Book 1/15/04

  • FDIC Letter To Stakeholders

    The FDIC has issued a Letter to Stakeholders which contains highlights of 4th Quarter 2003 activities and year-end financial statistics.
    Letter 1/15/04

  • Fall 2003 Statistics of Income Bulletin

    The IRS has issued the Statistics of Income Bulletin for the Fall 2003 which contains a detailed look at 130.3 million individual returns for Tax Year 2001.
    Income Bulletin 1/15/04

  • Reg B Spousal Signatures Guidance Issued

    The FDIC has issued a guidance to assist banks in complying with the spousal signature provisions of ECOA and Regulation B, 12 CFR Part 202.
    FIL-6-2004 Guidance 1/14/04

  • Living Trust FDIC Insurance Rules Simplified

    The FDIC has decided to simplify the insurance rules for deposits held in connection with a living trust. The new rules will become effective April 1, 2004, but the FDIC will apply the new rules to living trust deposits at any insured institution that fails between now and April 1 if doing so would benefit the affected depositors.
    Living Trust Insurance 1/14/04

  • OCC Bulletin Regarding Preemption

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2004-6 regarding the previously announced Final Rules concerning Preemption and Visitorial Powers. The Final Rules were the subject a BOL Special Briefing on January 7. 1/14/04

  • Greenspan On Globalization

    Chairman Greenspan expressed his opinion on the globalization of the economic framework of various nations during a presentation in Berlin. He noted the question of whether globalization will be allowed to proceed rests largely on the judgment of whether greater economic freedom is deemed by leaders in societies to enhance the interests of their populations.
    Speech 1/14/04

  • FYI: Bull Market and Defined Benefit Plans

    The FDIC posted a FYI article entitled, "Could a Bull Market Be a Panacea for Defined Benefit Pension Plans?".
    FYI 1/14/04

  • Quarterly Journal Online

    The June 2003 issue of the OCC Quarterly Journal, Vol. 22, No. 2 for the first quarter calendar year 2003, is now available on-line in PDF and in print.
    Quarterly Journal 1/14/04

  • Bank Examiners Going to Iraq

    The OCC has announced that a team of bank examiners is going to Iraq to assist in the establishment of a Iraqi bank supervision department.
    Examiners 1/14/04

  • Community Development Aids Introduced

    The FRB has announced the availability of three new products to promote community development activities. The Fiscal Impact Tool (FIT) is an automated system that analyzes the potential impact of economic development projects, Lessons Learned: Community and Economic Development Case Studies is a database that profiles the practices and programs used in various communities to finance economic development, and the Community Development Investments web site is a source for information about Federal Reserve policies and guidelines that promote investment by bank holding companies and state-member banks in community development activities.
    FRB PR;   Web Site 1/13/04

  • FinCEN Updates Web Page

    FinCEN has added a link to subscribe to FinCEN QuickNews and a new section, Comments on Regulatory Proposals, to its Web Page.
    QuickNews;    Comments 1/13/04

  • FFIEC 002 December Report Form

    The December 2003 FFIEC 002 Report Form has been posted on the FFIEC Web Site. 002 Report Form 1/13/04

  • January Financial Holding Company Elections

    The list of bank holding companies that have elected as January 9, 2003 to become or be treated as financial holding companies under the Bank Holding Company Act has been issued by the FRB. Financial Holding Companies 1/13/04

  • OFAC Updates SDGTs

    As noted in Monday's BOL OFAC Alert, OFAC some "[FTO][SDGT]" entries have been changed on OFAC's SDN list. Information regarding the changes has been added to the BOL OFAC page. 1/13/04

  • Federal Register Publishes OCC Preemption and Visitorial Rules

    The OCC issued two regulations, one which clarifies what types of state laws apply to national banks, and a second which clarifies issues related to the OCC's exclusive visitorial powers over national banks. In addition, the OCC has published a number of documents explaining the rulemakings on national bank preemption and the OCC's visitorial powers. First announced in a special briefing from BOL on 1/7/04. 69FR1904 txt 69FR1904 pdf 69FR1895 txt 69FR1895 pdf 1/13/04

  • FDIC Summarizes Reg B Changes

    The FDIC has issued a FIL that summarizes the FRB amendments to Regulation B and the Official Staff Interpretations of the regulation. Compliance becomes mandatory on April 15, 2004.
    FDIC FIL-5-2004 1/12/04

  • OCC Licensing Manual Updated

    The revised "Branches and Relocations" booklet of the Comptroller's Licensing Manual series is available on the OCC's Internet site. The revisions incorporate recent policy and procedure changes regarding the bank's ability to file a branch or relocation application or notice electronically using e-Corp and include a modified discussion about opening temporary branches in disaster areas.
    Branches and Relocations 1/12/04

  • EOs Issued Against Virginia Banker

    The FRB has issued an Order of Prohibition and Order to Cease and Desist against a former vice president of the James Monroe Bank, Arlington, Virginia based on his alleged participation in violations of law and unsafe or unsound practices regarding identity theft, falsification of bank records, misapplication of bank funds, self-dealing and violations of institutional internal controls that resulted in losses and other damage to the bank and personal gain.
    Orders 1/12/04

  • FRB Makes Change to Processing Office

    The FRB is amending appendix A of Regulation CC to delete the reference to the Miami check processing office of the
    Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and reassign the Federal Reserve routing symbols currently listed under that office to the Jacksonville
    office of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. 69FR1655 (txt) 69FR1655 (pdf) 1/12/04

  • 2004 CAC Members and Officers Named

    The FRB has named nine new members to its Consumer Advisory Council for three-year terms and designated a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Council for 2004.
    CAC 1/12/04

  • December 2003 Agricultural Finance Databook

    The FRB has issued the December 2003 edition of the E.15 Agricultural Finance Databook which contains sections listing: Amount and Characteristics of Farm Loans Made by Commercial Banks; Selected Statistics from the Quarterly Reports of Condition of Commercial Banks; and Reserve Bank Surveys of Farm Credit Conditions and Farm Land Values.
    E.15 1/12/04

  • FRB Enforcement Action Against French Bank

    The FRB and Commission Bancaire, the regulator of French banks, have announced the issuance of a consent enforcement action against Credit Lyonnais, S.A. and its parent company. This action results from Credit Lyonnais's participation in the rehabilitation of the Executive Life Insurance Co. of California.
    Enforcement Action 1/9/04

  • 18 Entities Conducting Unauthorized Banking

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding 18 Canadian entities that may be conducting unauthorized banking activities in the U.S. and Canada. SA-3-2004 1/9/04

  • Internet Con Artists Also ID Thieves

    A federal district court has pulled the plug on two defendants who used stolen identities to sell nonexistent goods in online auctions making it appear that innocent third parties were guilty of fraud. The defendants opened numerous accounts on Internet auction Web sites, sold merchandise, accepted payment from consumers, and then failed to deliver the promised merchandise. The defendants set up bank accounts and post office boxes in other people’s names and directing that payment be sent to them. As a result, consumers and law enforcers believed that the identity theft victims were responsible for the auction fraud. Case Information 1/9/04

  • 2003 Reserve Bank Income

    The Reserve Bank income and expense data and transfers to the Treasury for 2003 have been released by the FRB. Income 1/9/04

  • Four FEDS Papers Released

    The FRB has released four new FEDS papers entitled: The Responses of Wages and Prices to Technology Shocks, A Utility-Based Welfare Criterion in a Model with Endogenous Capital Accumulation, Optimal Monetary Policy in a Micro-founded Model with Parameter Uncertainty, and Testing Conflicts of Interest at Bond Rating Agencies with Market Anticipation: Evidence that Reputation Incentives Dominate.
    Welfare Criterion;   
    Monetary Policy;   
    Testing Conflicts

  • November G. 19 Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the G.19 Consumer Report for November 2003. G. 19

  • FILs Regarding Recent OFAC Changes

    The FDIC has issued FIL-2-2004 and FIL-2004 regarding changes to the OFAC list and a general license issued under the Iranian Sanctions Program. Information regarding the changes and the license were previously posted on the BOL OFAC page. 1/9/04

  • CIP FAQs

    The regulatory agencies have jointly released FAQs regarding CIP. While the agencies recognize that every question hasn't been ansewered, the list of Q&As contains a wealth of useful information.
    FINCEN CIP FAQ 1/8/04

  • Court Lowers Boom On Credit Card Scam

    A federal district court has entered a temporary restraining order enjoining the owners of a nationwide telemarketing operation from making misrepresentations to consumers in addition to freezing the owners’ assets. The FTC filed an action against the defendants alleging that they violated the FTC Act by misrepresenting that consumers were likely to receive an unsecured major credit card and violated the GLBA by using false or fictitious statements to obtain consumers’ bank account information. Court Order 1/8/04

  • Clearing Bank Interruption Recommendations

    The FRB has released the report of the private-sector Working Group on Government Securities Clearance and Settlement and endorsed its recommendations. The Working Group, formed by the Board following September 11, 2001, recommended nine steps to mitigate risks to the financial system from the interruption or termination of the services of a clearing bank as the result of either operational or non-operational problems. Report

  • Federal Register Publishes Reg CC Proposal

    The FRB is publishing for comment proposed amendments to Regulation CC that would add a new subpart D, with commentary, to implement the recently-enacted Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act. These proposed amendments (1) would set forth the requirements of the Act that apply to banks, (2) provide a model disclosure and model notices relating to substitute checks, and (3) set forth indorsement requirements and truncating bank and reconverting bank identification requirements for substitute checks. The proposed amendments also would clarify some existing provisions of the rule and commentary. 69FR1469 (txt) 69FR1469 (pdf) 1/8/04

  • OCC Issues Preemption and Visitorial Rules

    The OCC issued two regulations, one which clarifies what types of state laws apply to national banks, and a second which clarifies issues related to the OCC's exclusive visitorial powers over national banks. In addition, the OCC has published a number of documents explaining the rulemakings on national bank preemption and the OCC's visitorial powers.
    Statement from the Comptroller;
    Press Release 2004-03; Final Rule: Preemption; Final Rule: Visitorial Powers;
    Questions and Answers on the Preemption Rulemaking; Questions and Answers on the Visitorial Powers Rule; A chart comparing OCC's preemption rule with those of the Office of Thrift Supervision and the National Credit Union Administration.

  • SSCRA Rewritten

    A new federal law called the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act rewrites the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940. It clarifies various limitations on creditors and other parties who do business with service members, adds certain new protections for those in military service, and requires a servicemember to provide written notice and a copy of the military orders in order to invoke the interest cap provision. Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Webinar 1/7/04

  • OTS CEO Letter Regarding HMDA

    OTS has issued a CEO Letter which summarizes the significant changes affecting the way thrifts report 2004 HMDA data as a result of the implementation of amendments to Reg C. CEO Letter 1/7/04

  • OCC Proposed Change in Asset Composition of a Bank

    The OCC is proposing to amend its regulations to require a national bank to obtain the approval of the OCC before two types of fundamental changes in the composition of the bank's assets: (1) Changing the composition of all, or substantially all, of its assets through sales or other dispositions or, (2) after having sold or disposed of all or substantially all of its assets, subsequently purchasing or otherwise acquiring assets. The proposal also provides that, in the second case, the OCC will apply, among other factors,
    the same factors as it applies to the establishment of a de novo bank. 69FR892 (txt) 69FR892 (pdf) 1/7/04

  • FTC Issues Enforcement Report To FRB

    The FTC has issued a report to the FRB regarding enforcement activities conducted during 2003 regarding violations of TILA, CLA, ECOA, and EFTA. The information will be incorporated into the FRB’s annual report to Congress. FTC Report 1/7/04

  • International Reserve Position Issued

    Treasury has released the U. S. International Reserve Position for the week ending January 2. Reserve Position 1/7/04

  • Providing Financial Support To Funds Alert

    Federal regulators have issued an interagency policy statement alerting financial institutions to the safety and soundness and legal issues involved in providing financial support to investment funds advised by the institution or its subsidiaries or affiliates.
    FRB PR;   
    FRB Statement;   
    OCC Bulletin 2004-2;   
    OCC Statement;   
    FDIC FIL-1-2004 ;   
    FDIC Statement;   
    OTS PR 1/6/04

  • FDIC CRA Evaluations

    The January 2003 list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for CRA compliance has issued by the FDIC. The list covers evaluation ratings that the FDIC assigned to the institutions in October 2003.
    FDIC CRA 1/6/04

  • October 2003 G.20 Report Released

    The FRB has released the G.20 Finance Companies report for October 2003.
    G.20 1/6/04

  • 314(a) Contact Information To Be Automated

    The OCC has issued an alert to provide notice to all national banks and federal branches that during the first quarter of 2004 an automated process will be implemented to create and maintain FinCEN’s electronic 314(a) distribution list utilizing the information provided on Call Reports.
    OCC Alert 2004-1 1/6/04

  • FDIC Consumer News 10th Anniversary

    The FDIC has released a special 10th anniversary edition of the Consumer News containing articles on the following topics: Tips You Can Bank On; An FDIC Guide to Being a Smarter, Safer Financial Consumer; You and Your Bank; Deposits and Deposit Insurance; Loans and Credit Cards; Fighting Fraud; and Family Matters.
    Consumer News 1/6/04

  • Electronic Filing Final Rule Published

    The OCC has published a final rule that permits national banks to file any class of corporate applications electronically. The final rule, which is effective February 2, 2004, adopts without change the interim rule which is currently in effect.
    Final Rule 1/5/04

  • OCC Bulletin Regarding BSA Travel Rule

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-1 regarding the notice issued by FinCEN of the permanent expiration of the conditional exception to the BSA Travel Rule which was previously reported in BOL Top Stories on December 2, 2003.
    Top Stories

  • Five Financial Institutions Penalized By OFAC

    The January 2004 OFAC Civil Penalties Enforcement Information cites five financial institutions for violations of various sanctions programs. The penalties imposed ranged from $4,000 to over $73,000. Information regarding the violations and penalties are found on the BOL OFAC Page.

  • Greenspan Reviews Monetary Policy

    The key developments of the past decade and a half of monetary policy were analyzed by Chairman Greenspan in a presentation before the American Economic Association. He observed that perhaps the greatest irony of the past decade is that the gradually unfolding success against inflation may well have contributed to the stock price bubble of the latter part of the 1990s.

  • 2003 Foreign Exchange Rates Released

    The FRB has issued the 2003 annual and December monthly G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates Statistical Releases.
    G.5 Monthly;
    G.5A Annual

  • November FDIC Enforcement Actions

    The FDIC has released a list of orders of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in November which included three cease-and-desist orders, three civil money penalty orders, two removal-and-prohibition orders, one modification of a prohibition order, and one termination of a previously issued cease-and-desist order.
    Enforcement Actions 01/02/04

  • Removal, Prohibition and CMP Issued

    The FDIC has issued a removal and prohibition order and imposed a $5,000 civil money penalty against a former executive vice president of Heartland Community Bank, Franklin, IN.
    Orders CMP 01/02/04

  • FinCEN Terrorist Information Number

    FinCEN has added to the top of its Web page the telephone number that financial institutions should call to report suspicious activity that may relate to terrorist activity.
    FinCEN 01/02/04

  • California Earthquake Relief Guidelines

    FDIC has issued an FIL encouraging banks to work constructively with borrowers who were adversely affected by the California earthquakes. The FDIC has prepared guidelines, which state that extending repayment terms, restructuring existing loans or easing terms for new loans, if done in a manner consistent with sound banking practices, can contribute to the health of the community and serve the long-term interests of the lending institution.
    FIL-100-2003 Guidelines 01/02/04

  • OFAC Issues Iranian Relief License

    OFAC has issued a General License authorizing cash donations to nongovernmental entities engaged in humanitarian relief activities in response to the earthquake in Bam, Iran. Information regarding the license has been placed on the BOL OFAC page. 01/02/04

  • E16 Country Exposure Data Released

    The FFIEC has issued the September 30, 2003 E16 Country Exposure Statistical Release and the Country Exposure Information Report. Release; Report. 01/02/04

  • International Reserve Position Released

    The U. S. International Reserve Position for the week ending December 26 has been released by Treasury. Reserve Position 01/02/04


CFPB to host Payday Lending Field Hearing

The Bureau Blog has announced a field hearing on payday lending will be hosted by the CFPB in Richmond, VA on March 26 at 12 pm EDT. The event is open to the public, but requires an RSVP. A live video will be streamed on the Blog.


Top Stories for December 2003

  • OTS Quarterly Review of Interest Rate Risk

    OTS has released the Third Quarter 2003 Review of Interest Rate Risk which reports an increase in median interest rate sensitivity. Quarterly Review 12/31/03

  • CU Share Insurance Rules Changed

    The Federal Register publication of final changes to NCUA's share insurance rules has been made. The final rules simplify and clarify the rules and provide parity with the deposit insurance rules of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).   68fr75111.txt (text) 68fr75111.pdf (pdf)12/30/03

  • NCUA Loan Participation Rule Finalized

    The NCUA's final rule, which clarifies loan participation rules for credit unions, has been published in the Federal Register. It is effective January 29, 2004.    68fr75110.txt (text) 68fr75110.pdf (pdf)12/30/03

  • Interagency Privacy Proposals Published

    Want more options when it comes to providing GLB privacy notices? The regulators are considering giving you some alternatives, as evidenced by this Interagency proposed to consider alternative forms of privacy notices published in the Federal Register. 68fr75164.txt (text) 68fr75164.pdf (pdf)12/30/03

  • Assessing Consumer Compliance Risk

    The FRB has issued a SR regarding the development of an enhanced framework for the supervision of consumer compliance risk at LCBOs and LBOs that are subject to the regulator's continuous supervision program.   SR 03-22;   Framework 12/30/03

  • Three New IFDPs Available Online

    The FRB has posted three new International Finance Discussion Papers on its Web site. The titles of the new items are: The Response of Hours to a Technology Shock: Evidence Based on Direct Measures of Technology; China and Emerging Asia: Comrades or Competitors?; and How Does the Border Affect Productivity? Evidence from American and Canadian Manufacturing Industries.  Response;   China;   How Does 12/30/03

  • OTS Publishes Technical Corrections

    The OTS is amending its regulations to incorporate a number of technical and conforming amendments. They include clarifications, updated statutory and other references, and corrections of typographical errors.   68fr75108.txt (text) 68fr75108.pdf (pdf)12/30/03

  • Reg C Asset Size and MSA/MA Info Published

    The FRB has published in the Federal Register a final rule amending Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure) and the staff commentary to increase the asset-size exemption threshold to conform the rule and commentary to changes in the Standards for Defining Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas published by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Depository institutions with assets of $33 million or less as of December 31, 2003, are exempt from data collection in 2004. 68fr74829.txt (text) 68fr74829.pdf (pdf)12/29/03

  • FACT Act Interim Final Rules Published

    The Interim Final Rules establishing December 31, 2003 as the effective date of certain provisions under the FACT Act have been published in the Federal Register. December 31, 2003 will be the effective date forprovisions of the Act that determine the relationship between the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and state laws and provisions that authorize rulemakings or other implementing action by various agencies. 68fr74467a.txt (text) 12/29/03

  • FACT Act Proposed Rules Published

    A rule proposing effective dates for provisions of the FACT Act that do not contain specific effective dates has now been published in the Federal Register. 68fr74529.txt (text) 68fr74529.pdf (pdf)12/29/03

  • OCC Publishes Technical Correction

    The OCC previously published in the Federal Register a final rule implementing authority provided to national banks by sections 1204, 1205, and 1206 of the American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 2000 (AHEOA). Now, the OCC has published in the Federal Register technical corrections to that final rule. 68fr74467.txt (text) 12/29/03

  • Regulators Issue GLB Privacy Notices ANPR

    Federal financial institution regulators have issued an ANPR requesting public comment on ways to improve the privacy notices financial institutions provide to consumers under the GLB Act.   FRB PR;   FRB ANPR;   OCC NR;   OCC ANPR;   OTS NR;   OTS ANPR;   FDIC PR;   NCUA PR;;   SEC PR;   FTC PR; 12/26/03

  • FRB Written Agreement with Ohio Bank

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among Combanc, Delphos, Ohio; The Commercial Bank, Delphos, Ohio; the Ohio Division of Financial Institutions, Columbus, Ohio; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.  Written Agreement 12/26/03

  • BSA Policy Advisor Named By FinCEN

    FinCEN has announced the appointment of a Senior Policy Advisor regarding the strategic development and administration of regulations concerning BSA.  FinCEN PR 12/26/03

  • Developments in Business Lending by Commercial Banks

    The December issue of the FRB Bulletin contains an article regarding recent developments in business lending which indicates that the real value of C&I loans at domestic commercial banks and at U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks has fallen 19 percent since the beginning of 2001.  Article 12/26/03

  • HSA Guidance Issued By Treasury

    Treasury has issued a guidance regarding the establishment of HSAs which are designed to help individuals save for qualified medical and retiree health expenses on a tax-free basis. Like MSAs, banks may serve as HSA custodians.Guidance 12/23/03

  • Reg CC Check 21 Amendment Proposed

    The FRB has approved a proposed rule to amend Regulation CC and its commentary to implement the Check 21 Act.Proposed Amendment 12/23/03

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks issued by The Bank of Inverness, Inverness, Florida. Details regarding the counterfeit cashier's checks and contact information have been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 12/23/03

  • Public Meetings Regarding Bank Merger

    The FRB has announced that public meetings will be held regarding the application of Bank of America Corporation to merge with FleetBoston Financial Corporation. Public Meetings 12/23/03

  • TFR Instruction Manual Updated

    OTS has updated the TFR Instruction Manual. Updates 12/23/03

  • US and Canada Reach Enron Agreement

    The FRB and the OSFI Canada have announced they have reached an agreement to coordinated actions between OSFI and U.S. regulatory and enforcement authorities related to the involvement of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in certain structured finance transactions with the Enron Corporation.  Agreement 12/23/03

  • New FEDS Paper Released

    The FRB has released a new FEDS paper entitled, The GSE Implicit Subsidy and Value of Government Ambiguity.  FEDS Paper 12/23/03

  • Third Quarter Fedwire Data Published

    Checks services data for the Third Quarter 2003 has been published by the FRB.  Fedwire Data 12/23/03

  • Foreign Bank Structure and Share Information

    The FRB has released the September 2003 structure and share data for U.S. offices of foreign banks.Data 12/23/03

  • December Financial Holding Company Elections

    The list of bank holding companies that have elected as December 19, 2003 to become or be treated as financial holding companies under the Bank Holding Company Act has been issued by the FRB.
    Financial Holding Companies 12/23/03

  • Enhanced Functionality for Check Adjustments

    FRB Financial Services has announced beginning December 21, 2003, new Check Adjustments via FedLine Web enhancements will provide customers with increased flexibility, ability to customize their inbox and outbox as well as additional selection options. Check Adjustments 12/23/03

  • OFAC Designates SDGT and SDNT Changes

    A SDGT was added and changes were made to existing SDGT and SDNT entries on the SDN list. Information regarding the new entry and the changes has posted on the BOL OFAC page. 12/23/03

  • 2004 Reg C Asset-Size Exemption Announced

    The FRB has announced its annual notice of the asset-size exemption threshold for depository institutions under Regulation C along with technical amendments to Regulation C and the staff commentary to conform them to changes in the standards for defining MSA boundaries made by the OMB. FRB PR   Reg C Final Rule 12/22/03

  • Branches and Agencies Final Rule Issued

    The OCC has published a final rule to streamline and simplify regulations that apply to federal branches and agencies of foreign banks. The final rule reduces unnecessary regulatory burdens on national banks engaging in international activities, consistent with safety and soundness. Final Rule    68FR70691 (txt) 68FR70691 (pdf) 12/22/03

  • Counterfeit and Missing Checks Special Alerts

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks issued by Republic Bank, St. Petersburg, Florida and Rockville Bank, Rockville, Connecticut plus cashier's checks missing in transit drawn on Industrial Bank of Korea, New York, New York. Details regarding the counterfeit and missing cashier's checks along with contact information have been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 12/22/03

  • FFIEC Site Adds Call Report Forms

    The FFIEC has posted the 031 and 041 Report Forms for December 2003 on its Web site along with a FIL containing the Call Report for Fourth Quarter 2003 and the December 2003 Quarterly Call Report Supplemental Instructions.  031 Report Forms    041 Report Forms    Call Report    Supp. Information    12/22/03

  • FTC Announces FCRA Fee Disclosure Ceiling

    The FTC has approved a notice regarding the 2004 ceiling on allowable charges for certain disclosures under FCRA.   FCRA Ceiling 12/22/03

  • One and a Half Million Dollars in CMPs Issued

    The FRB has announced the issuance of several enforcement actions involving Credit Lyonnais, S.A., a large French bank with several U.S. offices. The actions include a CMP of $1,000,000 against the bank and a CMP of $500,000 against the former CEO.$1 Million    $0.5 Million    Written Agreement 12/19/03

  • OCC Bulletin Regarding New CTR Form

    The OCC has issued a bulletin regarding the new CTR Form 104 which was previously announced by FinCEN.OCC Bulletin 2003-48 12/19/03

  • Fourth Quarter Financial Reporting Bulletin

    OTS has published the December 2003 Fourth Quarter Financial Reporting Bulletin and the Filing Schedule for 2004 Regulatory Reports.  Financial Reporting Bulletin    Filing Schedule 12/19/03

  • File FDIC Branch Applications Online

    The FDIC has announced beginning December 19, 2003, the agency will accept online applications for branch openings, branch relocations, and main office relocations from FDIC-supervised institutions using the Electronic Branch Application (EBA).FIL-96-2003 12/19/03

  • FDIC Orders Issued and CMP Assessed

    The FDIC has announced the issuance of Removal and Prohibition Orders against former bankers from Illinois, Louisiana and a Removal and Prohibition Order plus a CMP against a former Kentucky banker. Illinois Order    Louisiana Order    Kentucky Order    Kentucky CMP 12/19/03

  • Organizational Changes Final Rule Issued

    The OCC has issued a Final Rule implementing sections of the American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 2000 (AHEOA) which will allow national banks to make some organizational changes more efficiently. The changes permit a national bank, subject to OCC approval, to: become a subsidiary of a holding company; increase the maximum term for directors; allow staggered terms for directors; have more than 25 directors; and merge with a nonbank affiliate. Final Rule     Federal Register Notice 68FR70122 12/18/03

  • OCC Preemption Positions Explained

    In a letter responding to concerns raised by Senator Sarbanes, Comptroller Hawke clarifies the positions taken by the OCC regarding the federal preemption of state laws and the ability of state law enforcement officials to exercise visitorial powers with respect to national banks. Preemption Letter 12/18/03

  • 314(a) Reports Produce Valuable Leads

    FinCEN has issued a report that indicates the information provided by financial institutions responding to 314(a) requests have resulted in numerous leads in both terrorist financing and money laundering investigations. FinCEN Report 12/18/03

  • Getting A ITIN Made More Difficult

    The IRS has announced, effective immediately, it has imposed more controls over the issuance of ITINs to help insure that they are being obtained for their intended tax administration purpose and not for other reasons, such as a providing personal identification. IRS ITIN 12/18/03

  • Minority-Owned Banks Report

    The FRB has released list sorted by state containing one hundred thirteen minority-owned banks. Minority-Owned Banks 12/18/03

  • FACT Act Effective Date Interim Rules

    The FRB and FTC have requested comments on interim final rules and proposed rules to establish effective dates for certain provisions of the FACT Act including provisions that preempt state laws that regulate areas governed by the FCRA.  Preemptive Rules   Other Rules    FTC FYI 12/17/03

  • OCC CRA Ratings Released

    The OCC has issued the CRA evaluations for forty national banks. Five banks were rated outstanding, thirty-four were satisfactory, one was needs to improve, and none were substantial noncompliance. CRA

  • OCC Enforcement Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced fifteen new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks located in eight states. Enforcement Actions 12/17/03

  • January HOEPA APR Reference Rates

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in January 2004 will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. H.15 Daily Rates    H.15 Weekly Rates

  • OFAC Issues Iranian Regulations IRs

    OFAC has issued interpretive rulings of limited application dealing with the payment of court costs or money judgments relating to litigation with an Iranian entity and the posting of information from Iran on Web sites.Court Costs    Posting 12/17/03

  • Counterfeit Canadian Money Orders

    FinCEN has issued an Advisory concerning counterfeit Canadian Money Orders that are sent as payment for Internet purchases or are a part of the Nigerian or other scams. Victims are instructed to cash the items and send part of the proceeds to the scam artist. FinCEN Advisory 12/17/03

  • December 2003 019 Report Form

    The FFIEC has posted the December 2003 019 Report Form with instructions on its Web page. 019 Report Form 12/17/03

  • Deceptive Claims of FDIC Insurance

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding a New York City entity, which may be using multiple names, is falsely representing on its Web site that it is a member of the FDIC. Special Alert 80-03 12/17/03

  • G.17 Industrial Production Report

    The FRB has released the G.17 Industrial Production statistical release for November 2003.G.17 12/17/03

  • Final Third Quarter IRR Measures

    OTS has released the final Thrift Industry Interest Rate Risk Measures for the third quarter 2003.  Final Interest Risk Measures 12/17/03

  • International Reserve Position Issued

    Treasury has released the U. S. International Reserve Position for the week ending December 12. Reserve Position 12/17/03

  • Fed Offers Free Online Check Imaging Seminar

    The Fed is taking registrations for a free online seminar to be held on January 22, 2004, regarding how checking imaging can be implemented as part of a strategy to reduce costs, retain customers and enhance revenue streams. Check Imaging Seminar 12/16/03

  • Basel II Issues Remain For U.S.

    Comptroller Hawke indicated in a presentation before the American Academy in Berlin that while the U.S. remains committed to completing work on the Basel II capital accord by mid-2004, many complex issues must still be worked out before the agreement can be implemented.
    Speech 12/16/03

  • October 2003 Cost of Funds Reports Released

    The OTS has released the historical and current reports as of October 2003 regarding the cost of funds for OTS regulated SAIF insured institutions. Historical Report    Current Report 12/16/03

  • 2004 HMDA Guide and New FAQs

    The FFIEC has issued the 2004 version of A Guide to HMDA Reporting and new regulatory and interpretative FAQs.
    2004 HMDA Guide      HMDA FAQs 12/15/03

  • OTS Releases CRA Ratings

    OTS has released the November 2003 CRA performance evaluations for savings associations. CRA Ratings 12/15/03

  • Prohibitions - Removals - Civil Money Penalties

    The FDIC has issued enforcement orders against former bankers from Iowa, Georgia, Missouri, Minnesota and California.  Iowa Banker 1    Iowa Banker 2    Georgia Banker   Missouri Banker    Minnesota Banker    California Banker 12/15/03

  • Special Alert - Claims of FDIC Insurance

    The FDIC has learned that Banco Athlantic, Madrid, Spain, is falsely representing to potential customers on its Web site that it is a member of the FDIC. FDIC SA 79-2003 12/15/03

  • Derivatives Volume Tops $67 Trillion

    OCC has issued the Bank Derivatives Report for the third quarter 2003. OCC NR    Derivates Report 12/15/03

  • OCC Updates Licensing Booklets

    The OCC has revised the "Subordinated Debt" and "General Policies and Procedures" booklets in its Comptroller's Licensing Manual series and posted the updated items on the OCC's Web site. The revisions incorporate recent policy and procedure changes, among which were the bank's ability to file applications and notices electronically using e-Corp. Licensing Manuals    Subordinated Debt    General Policies 12/12/03

  • 2004 HMDA and CRA Data Entry Software

    The FFIEC has announced that 2004 HMDA and CRA Data Entry Software is now available for download free of charge. The 2004 software will automatically install into a separate directory from previous versions of the software to ensure access to prior years' data.  Software Downloads 12/12/03

  • Community Development Investments Guidance

    FRB has posted an update to the regulatory guidance and resource information found on its Community Development Investments Web page. Web Page 12/12/03

  • Greenspan On Capitalism

    Read the comments of the Chairman regarding capitalism and the role of globalization in a presentation before the World Affairs Council of Greater Dallas. Speech 12/12/03

  • Risk Management of Wireless Networks

    The OCC has issued an Advisory Letter that highlights risks associated with wireless networks and provides guidance for managing those risks.   Advisory Letter 2003-10 12/11/03

  • FRB's Working Papers Released

    The FRB has released two new working papers in the finance and economics discussion series on the topics of Calculating and Using Second Order Accurate Solutions of Discrete Time Dynamic Equilibrium Models; and Asset Prices and Rents in a GE Model with Imperfect Competition.  Calculating; Asset Prices 12/11/03

  • OCC Bulletin Announces FFIEC Actions

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-46 that announces that the country of Burma has been designated as a jurisdiction of primary money laundering concern under the USA PATRIOT Act. The FFIEC had previously issued proposed regulations which would impose special measures against Burma. Information regarding the FFIEC proposal was previously posted on November 20, 2003 in BOL Top Stories. Final Rule 12/11/03

  • OCC Issues Final Rule

    The OCC has revised its regulations to reflect amendments to the Exchange Act made by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act which give
    the OCC the authority to administer and enforce a number of new reporting, disclosure, and corporate governance requirements with respect to national banks that have a class of securities registered under the Exchange Act. The OCC also revised the securities offering disclosure rules for national banks that issue securities that are not subject to the registration requirements of Securities Act. Final Rule 12/10/03

  • Outlook Discusses Interest Rate Volatility

    The FDIC has indicated that several related factors have contributed to an upward trend in the volatility of long-term U.S. interest rates, and that these factors could cause continued volatility going forward. According to a report released in the Winter 2003 FDIC Outlook, concerns about deflation, mortgage-related hedging activity, dependence on foreign capital and a rising federal budget deficit have all played a role in recent interest rate movements. FDIC Outlook 12/10/03

  • Internet Mortgage Scam Settlement

    An Internet operation that advertised “3.95% 30 Year Mortgages” to obtain sensitive financial information from consumers has been barred from violating federal lending and privacy laws. The operation's principals have agreed to settle FTC charges that the scheme violated federal law and post $1 million bonds before sending unsolicited commercial e-mail - spam - in the future.Settlement Order 12/10/03

  • Liquidity Management Handbook Update

    OTS has updated the Liquidity Management section of the Thrift Activities Regulatory Handbook.Update 12/10/03

  • Consolidated Asset National Ranking Released

    The FRB has released the national ranking of commercial banks that have consolidated assets of $300 million or more.  National Ranking 12/10/03

  • FIL Regarding Announced SDGT

    The FDIC has issued FIL 94-2003 concerning a SDGT that was added to the OFAC list on December 5, 2003. Information regarding the change was previously announced in a BOL Special OFAC Alert and placed on the BOL OFAC page. 12/10/03

  • International Reserve Position

    Treasury has released the U. S. International Reserve Position for the week ending December 5. Reserve Position 12/10/03

  • Fed Funds Target Rate Set

    The Federal Open Market Committee has set its target for the federal funds rate. Target Rate   12/10/03

  • Federal Register Publishes Proposed Rules to Regs B, E, M, Z and DD

    The FRB has published proposed rules to establish more uniform standards for providing disclosures under five consumer protection regulations: B; E; M; Z; and DD . Comment on the proposed rules is requested by January 30, 2004. M,    E,    B,    Z and    DD 12/10/03

  • EAs Issued Against Former Bankers

    The FDIC has issued Enforcement Actions including Civil Money Penalties ranging from $5,000 to $75,000 against former bankers from Illinois, Texas, Kentucky and South Carolina.  Illinois 1   Illinois 2    Illinois 3    Illinois 4    Texas 1    Texas 2    South Carolina    Kentucky 12/9/03

  • December Fed Focus and Check 21

    The December 2003 edition of Fed Focus has been placed online by the FRB and contains a discussion on Check 21. Fed Focus 12/9/03

  • HOLTA Investment Limitations Discussed

    OTS has issued a TB regarding the investment limitations of HOLTA which clarifies the flexibility a savings association may have in computing total assets. OTS TB-78a 12/9/03

  • OTS Legal Opinions Issued

    The OTS has issued two legal opinions regarding the treatment of closed-end mortgages under the Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act and applicability of SEC Rule 144A to securities offerings by regulated savings associations.AMTPA    Rule 144A 12/9/03

  • Secure Web Site Announced By FDIC

    The FDIC has announced the nationwide availability of FDICconnect, a secure Web site developed to facilitate electronic communication with FDIC. A number of transactions, including the summary of deposits collection, the filing electronic branch applications, and online access to deposit insurance assessment invoices can be conducted online. Institutions are encouraged to register for FDICconnect beginning immediately. FDICconnect    List of Transactions 12/9/03

  • December 2003 Treasury Bulletin Issued

    Treasury has posted the December 2003 issue of the Treasury Bulletin on the FMS Web Page. Dec Treasury Bulletin 12/9/03

  • Federal Register Publishes Reg Y Changes

    The FRB has issued a final rule amending Regulation Y which expands the abilities of all bank holding companies to process, store and transmit nonfinancial data in connection with financial data activities. The rule which increases the revenue limit to forty-nine percent will be effective January 8, 2004. This was previously announced on BOL on December 5th.   68FR68493 (txt)   68FR68493 (pdf) 12/9/03

  • FDIC Enforcement Orders Released

    The FDIC has released thirty orders of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in October 2003 including four cease-and-desist orders, eleven removal-and-prohibition orders, five civil money penalty orders, four terminations of insurance, five terminations of cease-and-desist orders, and one adjudicated decision.
    October Enforcement Orders 12/8/03

  • Deposit Broker Alert Issued By FDIC

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding the identification of potential concerns with brokered deposit arrangements that federally insured financial institutions have entered into with an unregistered financial services broker.FDIC SA-78-2003 12/8/03

  • OFAC Penalty Against Bank

    In the December OFAC Civil Penalties Enforcement Information, one bank was listed for violations of sanctions and a penalty of $5,500 was imposed. BOL OFAC Page 12/8/03

  • Unauthorized Banking Alert

    The OCC has issued an Alert regarding an Internet entity using the names Effex Bank NA; Effex Bank Ltd.; Effexbank Bank, Ltd.; or Effexbank International Bank Limited that may be operating a banking business without authorization. Financial institutions are asked to send any information they may have about this business to the OCC. OCC Alert 12/8/03

  • FDIC Establishes Center For Financial Research

    The FDIC has announced the formation of the Center for Financial Research. The Center will sponsor research on key issues and developments affecting the banking industry. Six prominent economists will serve as Senior Fellows who will assist in guiding the activities of the Center.   FDIC Center 12/8/03

  • OFAC Change Adds SDGT

    As noted in Friday's BOL OFAC Alert, OFAC has added an entry as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist. Information regarding the entry and AKAs has been added to the BOL OFAC Page. 12/8/03

  • FFIEC Web Site Additions

    The FFIEC has posted online the following information for the FFIEC 002 form: the initial Federal Register notice, the draft instructions for March 31, 2004, and the draft reporting form for May 31, 2004.  Notice    Draft Instructions    Draft Form 12/8/03

  • October G. 19 Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the G.19 Consumer Report for October 2003.G. 19 12/8/03

  • Final Rule Amends Reg Y

    The FRB has issued a final rule amending Regulation Y which expands the abilities of all bank holding companies to process, store and transmit nonfinancial data in connection with financial data activities. The rule which increases the revenue limit to forty-nine percent will be effective January 8, 2004. Final Rule 12/5/03

  • FFIEC Nixes Cartridge Tapes

    FFIEC has announced that cartridge tape submissions will not be accepted for calendar year 2004 HMDA and CRA data.2004 HMDA    2004 CRA 12/5/03

  • CTR Form Revised

    FinCEN has revised the CTR form. Two lines have been added - one to enable the reporting of foreign cash in, the other for foreign cash out. Although the new form became effective December 1, 2003 and is available for use by financial institutions, FinCEN wants to assure that during this transition the prior form, IRS Form 4789, is still valid and can be used through August 31, 2004. Revised CTR 12/4/03

  • Eighty-One CRA Exams Scheduled By OTS

    OTS has announced that 81 savings associations are scheduled for CRA examinations during the first quarter of 2004.  CRA Exam Schedule 12/4/03

  • CRA Ratings Released

    The FDIC has issued its monthly list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the CRA. The list covers evaluation ratings that the FDIC assigned to institutions in September 2003.CRA Ratings 12/4/03

  • Thrift Activities Regulatory Handbook Updated

    OTS has updated the liquidity management section of the thrift activities regulatory handbook.RB 32-32 12/4/03

  • Third Quarter QBP Issued

    The FDIC has issued the Quarterly Banking Profile for the Third Quarter 2003 which provides a comprehensive summary of financial results for all FDIC-insured institutions in addition to written analyses, graphs and statistical tables.
    QBP 12/4/03

  • Record Earning In Third Quarter

    Commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the FDIC reported record earnings in the third quarter of 2003, marking the third quarter in a row that earnings set a new high.  Record Earnings 12/4/03

  • International Reserve Position

    Treasury has released the U. S. International Reserve Position for the week ending November 28.International Reserve   12/4/03

  • September UBPR Available Online

    The FFIEC has placed the September 30, 2003 issue of the Uniform Bank Performance Report on line. It contains 5 years of continuous financial history that is restated quarterly to reflect call report amendments and new analytical tools. A User's Guide is also available online for technical explanations of UBPR data. UBPR 12/3/03

  • Travel Rule Exception to Expire

    FinCEN has published notice in the Federal Register that the conditional exception to the BSA Travel Rule will permanently expire 7/1/04. 68FR66708 (txt)   68FR66708 (pdf) 12/2/03

  • FRB Written Agreement With W. Virginia Bank

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among the Putnam County Bank, Hurricane, West Virginia; the West Virginia Division of Banking, Charlestown, West Virginia; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. The bank is required to take corrective measures to comply with BSA and the AML provisions of Reg H. Written Agreement 12/2/03

  • First Quarter 2004 CRA Exam Schedule

    The OCC has issued the CRA examination schedule for the First Quarter 2004. CRA Exam Schedule 12/2/03

  • New TIAC Members Named

    The FRB has announced the names of four new members of the Thrift Institutions Advisory Council and the designation of a new President and Vice President of the Council for 2004. TIAC Members 12/2/03

  • November G. 5 Exchange Rates

    The FRB has released the G. 5 (405) Foreign Exchange Rates report for the month of November 2003. G.5 Release 12/2/03

  • Securities Subsidiaries Listed

    The FRB has issued a listing of securities underwriting and dealing subsidiaries in the categories of Section 20 subsidiaries, Section (4)(k)(4)(E) securities subsidiaries, and financial subsidiaries of state member banks as of September 30, 2003.
    Securities Subsidiaries 12/2/03

  • New FEDS Papers Released

    The FRB has released five new papers in the Finance and Economic Discussion Series on the following topics: Central Bank Talk: Does It Matter and Why?; The Effect of Restructuring on Unemployment; What If Welfare had no Work Requirements? The Age of Youngest Child Exemption and the Rise in Employment of Single Mothers; Getting Bad News Out Early: Does it Really Help Stock Prices?; and Forecasting Exogenous Fiscal Variables in the United States.  Central Bank   Effect of Restructuring    What If    Getting Bad News   Forecasting    12/2/03

  • Disclosure Standards - Regs B, E, M, Z and DD

    The FRB has published proposed rules to establish more uniform standards for providing disclosures under five consumer protection regulations: B; E; M; Z; and DD . Comment on the proposed rules is requested by January 30, 2004.
    Reg B    Reg E    Reg M    Reg Z    Reg DD 12/1/03

  • CMPs Assessed for Flood Violations

    The FRB has announced the assessment of a $34,100 civil money penalty against Provident Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio and a $16,000 civil money penalty against The Bank of Currituck, Moyock, North Carolina for alleged violations of the National Flood Insurance Act . Provident Bank    Bank of Currituck 12/1/03

  • November Beige Book Released

    The November update to The Beige Book was prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and based on information collected before November 17, 2003. Beige Book 12/1/03

  • OCC 2004 Fee Schedule Announced

    The OCC issued a Bulletin that announces the OCC fees and assessments for 2004. OCC Bulletin 2003-45 12/1/03

  • Assessment Risk Classifications

    The FDIC has issued a FIL which indicates a streamlined internal process for evaluating an insured institution's request for a review of its assessment risk classification will be utilized for the semiannual assessment period beginning January 1, 2004, and subsequent assessment periods. FIL-90-2003 12/1/03

  • Third Quarter Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates

    The charge-off and delinquency rates on loans and leases at commercial banks for the Third Quarter 2003 have been released by the FRB. Charge-Off Rates 12/1/03

  • G. 20 For November 2003

    The G. 20 statistical release for finance companies has been placed online by the FRB. G. 20 12/1/03

  • Changes Made To UBPR Peer Group

    The FFIEC Task Force on Surveillance Systems has announced changes to the peer group structure and to the way income and expense are annualized in the UBPR. Peer Group Changes    Income and Expense 12/1/03

  • Credit Union Loan Growth Expansion Reported

    NCUA has released preliminary call report data submitted by federally insured credit unions that indicates the most significant expansion in loan growth since 2001. The largest increases were shown in the categories of first mortgage real estate loans and used auto loans. Loan Growth 12/1/03


Top Stories for November 2003

  • Bank Dissolution Ordered

    The OCC, the SEC, and the New York Attorney General have jointly announced a series of actions against Phoenix, Arizona-based Security Trust Company, N.A. and three former executives, arising from their participation in mutual fund late trading and market timing schemes. The bank will begin a process that will result in an orderly dissolution by March, 31, 2004.OCC NR    SEC PR    Consent Order 11/26/03

  • CMP Assessed For BSA and AML Violations

    FinCEN has assessed a $10,000 civil money penalty against a Georgia financial institution for willful violations of the BSA and AML Program requirements regarding correspondent accounts.Assessment 11/26/03

  • FinCEN Issues Two NPRs

    FinCEN has issued one notice of proposed rule making regarding the imposition of special measures against Burma as a jurisdiction of Primary Money Laundering Concern and a second notice regarding Myanmar Mayflower Bank and Asia Wealth Bank as financial institutions of Primary Money Laundering Concern. Burma NPR    Banks NPR 11/26/03

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks issued by Affinity Bank, Ventura, California; Capital Bank & Trust Company, Nashville, Tennessee; and Suburban Bank & Trust Company, Elmhurst, Illinois. Details regarding the counterfeit cashier'
    s checks and contact information have been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 11/26/03

  • International Reserve Position

    Treasury has released the U. S. International Reserve Position for the week ending November 21.Reserve Position 11/26/03

  • OTS Issues 2003 Financial Report

    The 2003 Financial Report has been issued by OTS.OTS Financial Report 11/26/03

  • Thrift Charge-Off Rates Released

    OTS has released the thrift industry charge-off rates by asset types report for the third quarter 2003.Charge-Off Rates 11/26/03

  • USA PATRIOT Act Section 311 Designations

    Published in the Federal Register the Treasury has announced the designation of Burma and two Burmese banks to be of "primary money laundering concerns" under Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act and a notice of proposed rulemaking that would require U.S. financial institutions to terminate correspondent accounts involving Burmese financial institutions, subject to certain specified exemptions. This announcement previously appeared on 11/20/03 on BOL. 68FR66305 (txt)    68FR66305 (pdf)    68FR66299 (txt)    68FR66299 (pdf) 11/25/03

  • Injunction Against MasterCard Issuer

    The FTC has charged Platinum Universal, LLC, its principals, and its successor, Pulsar Data, Inc. with violating the FTC Act and the Telemarketing Sales Rule in connection with the offer of credit cards to consumers for an advance fee. The FTC alleges that the defendants falsely represented to English- and Spanish-speaking consumers that they would obtain a credit card after paying the defendants a fee, when, in fact, consumers did not receive a credit card. The defendants have stipulated to a preliminary injunction which appointed an individual to monitor all of the past, present and future activities, assets and financial transactions of the corporate defendants. Court Documents 11/25/03

  • OFAC Interim Rule

    OFAC is amending the Iraqi Sanctions Regulations to incorporate a general license authorizing U.S. financial institutions to transfer certain claims against the Government of Iraq for unpaid loans and other debts to their home offices or to other foreign offices of the same institution. 68FR65844 (txt) 68FR65844 (pdf) 11/24/03

  • SAR Preparation Guidance Issued

    FinCEN has issued a three part guidance package designed to provide assistance in the preparation of SARs to provide more useful narrative information to the authorities. Guidance 11/24/03

  • FRB Issues Order of Prohibition

    The FRB has announced the issuance of a Final Decision and Order of Prohibition against Garfield C. Brown, Jr., a former employee of Mellon Bank, N.A., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Final Decision    Order 11/24/03

  • OTS Updates Holding Companies Handbook

    OTS has issued a regulatory bulletin which updates the Large and Complex Enterprises (Conglomerates) section of the Holding Companies Handbook. RB 35 11/24/03

  • FedImage Services Check Image Retrieval

    The Federal Reserve has integrated FedImage Services with several home banking applications, including Fiserv's GalaxyPlus Netbranch, Fiserv's IntegraSys Virtual Branch and Worldwide Interactive Services' Your to support image access. This integration enables customers of financial institutions to retrieve check images from the Federal Reserve's national archive.GalaxyPlus    IntegraSys    Worldwide 11/24/03

  • SARs and EAs Regarding Individuals

    The FRB has issued a SR letter concerning SARs and Enforcement Actions against individuals. The Special Investigations Section of the Division of Banking Supervision and Regulation has recently had its responsibilities expanded and is now responsible for enforcement actions against current and former officers, directors, employees and other institution-affiliated parties. This SR letter provides guidance to Reserve Banks regarding the coordination of enforcement matters with the Special Investigations Section once a SAR against an institution-affiliated party has been identified for follow-up action. SR Letter 03-20 11/21/03

  • Change in Control Procedures Guidance

    A SR Letter has been issued by the FRB regarding guidance on change in bank control procedures. The letter identifies when an individual or other affected party should contact the Federal Reserve regarding the filing of a notice under the Change in Bank Control Act and the Board's implementing regulations. SR Letter 03-19 11/21/03

  • Thrift Regulatory Handbook Updated

    OTS has issued a Regulatory Bulletin which updates the Capital Adequacy section of the Thrift Regulatory Handbook.RB 32-31 11/21/03

  • OTS Publishes Instructions for March 2004 TFR

    The new instructions are for only new, modified, or renumbered lines for the March 2004 TFR. 11/21/03

  • Greenspan - International Impact of the Deficits

    Read the comments of Chairman Greenspan at the 21st Annual Monetary Conference regarding the impact of the U.S. trade deficits on the world economy and learn why he feels that current imbalances may be defused with little disruption.Speech 11/21/03

  • SARs to be Filed by Brokers and Merchants

    FinCEN has announced a Final Rule that amends BSA to define futures commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities as

    financial institutions and requires them to file SARs with FinCEN. Final Rule 11/21/03

  • USA PATRIOT Act Section 311 Designations

    Treasury has announced the designation of Burma and two Burmese banks to be of "primary money laundering concerns" under Section 311 of the USA PATRIOT Act and a notice of proposed rulemaking that would require U.S. financial institutions to terminate correspondent accounts involving Burmese financial institutions, subject to certain specified exemptions. Designation 11/20/03

  • Federal Register Publishes BSA Changes

    The amendments add futures commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities to the regulatory definition of ‘‘financial institution'
    and require that they report suspicious transactions to FinCEN. 68FR65392 (pdf) 68FR65392 (txt) 11/20/03

  • 2003 National Money Laundering Strategy

    Treasury has issued the 2003 National Money Laundering Strategy which expands the framework for identifying, disrupting, and dismantling global terrorist financing and money laundering operations. National ML Strategy 11/20/03

  • FTC Files Lawsuit Against AmeriDebt

    The FTC has filed a complaint in federal court charging that a national organization that promotes itself as a non-profit credit counseling agency is engaged in deceptive practices. The complaint contends that the organization failed to provide privacy notices to consumers as required by the GLB Act and misrepresented that they charge no up-front fee for their services, that they operate as a non-profit, and that they teach consumers how to handle their finances. Complaint 11/20/03

  • December 2003 FFIEC 030 Report Online

    The FFIEC 030 Report Form for December 2003 along with instructions has been posted online.030 Report Form Instructions 11/20/03

  • Third Quarter Thrift Earnings Strong

    The OTS has announced that the nation'
    s thrift industry reported net income in the third quarter of 2003 was up 16 percent from the third quarter of 2002 which made it the second best earnings quarter in history. Thrift Earnings 11/20/03

  • International Reserve Position

    Treasury has released the U.S. reserve assets data for the week ending November 14, 2003.International Reserve Position 11/19/03

  • Highly Profitable Thrifts Report

    OTS has released a special report reviewing the characteristics of highly profitable community thrifts.Report 11/19/03

  • FinCEN Receives Over 6,900 314(a) Responses

    FinCEN has announced that from February through October of 2003, financial institutions had provided 6,987 responses to 314(a) requests. The information is contained in the November 2003 SAR Activity Review – Trends, Tips & Issues, Issue 6, which was released on November 17, 2003. SAR Activity Review 11/18/03

  • December HOEPA APR Reference Rates

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in December will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. H. 15 Daily Rates H. 15 Weekly Rates 11/18/03

  • GLB Report To Congress

    As required by GLB Section 103(d), the FRB and Treasury have presented a report to Congress which discusses the new or expanded activities conducted by financial holding companies under the GLB Act, the actions that the Board and the Secretary of the Treasury have taken to expand the activities permissible for financial holding companies, and the effect that any nonbanking mergers and acquisitions by financial holding companies under the Act have had on market concentration. Report to Congress 11/18/03

  • Morgan Stanley To Pay Customers $50 Million

    The SEC has announced the institution and simultaneous settlement of an enforcement action against Morgan Stanley DW Inc. (Morgan Stanley) for failing to provide customers important information relating to their purchases of mutual fund shares. As part of the settlement, Morgan Stanley will pay $50 million in disgorgement and penalties, all of which will be placed in a Fair Fund for distribution to certain Morgan Stanley customers. Settlement Order 11/18/03

  • Counterfeit And Stolen Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks issued by Shoreline Bank, Shoreline, Washington and The First National Bank of Sonora, Sonora, Texas. In addition, Heartland Community Bank, Franklin, Indiana, has reported that 1,200 checks marked

    loan proceeds have been stolen. Details regarding the counterfeit cashier'
    s checks and the stolen checks along with contact information have been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 11/18/03

  • FIL Regarding Announced SDGTs

    The FDIC has issued FIL 89-2003 concerning SDGTs that were added to and those that were removed from the OFAC list on November 10, 2003. Information regarding the changes was previously announced in a BOL Special OFAC Alert and placed on the BOL OFAC Page. 11/18/03

  • Acronyms Reference Sheet

    FinCEN has placed a list of commonly used acronyms for government agencies; U.S. statutes, laws and reports; and organizations on its Web site. Acronyms 11/18/03

  • IRS Brochures Explain 501(c)(3) Exemption

    The IRS has published two new brochures to help charities understand the tax laws conferring tax-exempt status. One brochure is designed to help prospective charities apply for tax exemption under the tax law. The other is a compliance guide that explains the record keeping, return filing and disclosure rules for those organizations. Applying For 501(c)(3) 501(c)(3) Compliance Guide 11/18/03

  • November FEDS Papers Released

    The FRB has released five new papers in the Finance and Economic Discussion Series on the following topics: The Excess Sensitivity of Long-Term Interest Rates: Evidence and Implications for Macroeconomic Models; Welfare Effects of Tax Policy in Open Economies: Stabilization and Cooperation; Estimating the Worldwide Volume of Counterfeit U.S. Currency: Data and Extrapolation; Bank Risk Ratings and the Pricing of Agricultural Loans; and Capital Flows Among the G-7 Nations: A Demographic Perspective.Excess Sensitivity    Welfare Effects    Estimating    Bank Risk    Capital Flows 11/18/03

  • OCC Enforcement Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced 12 new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks. Enforcement Actions 11/17/03

  • CRA Evaluations Released By OCC

    The OCC has released a list of CRA performance evaluations made public from October 15, 2003 through November 14, 2003. Of the 46 evaluations released, 8 were outstanding and 38 were satisfactory. None were needs to improve or substantial noncompliance.OCC CRA Evaluations 11/17/03

  • OTS CRA Ratings Released

    OTS has released the CRA ratings for savings associations that were evaluated in October 2003. Of the 23 associations evalutated, 6 were rated outstanding and 16 were satisfactory. One was needs to improve and none were substantial noncompliance.OTS CRA Evaluations 11/17/03

  • OTS Comment Letters

    OTS has added to its Web site the most recent comment letters it has received in response to proposed regulations.OTS Comment Letters 11/17/03

  • NCUA Issues Prohibition Orders

    NCUA has issued Orders of Prohibition against three former officers and employee of credit unions in Hawaii, New Jersey and Massachuettes.Orders of Prohibition 11/17/03

  • November Interpretations and Actions Online

    The OCC has placed the November 2003 issue of Interpretations and Actions online.Electronic Interpretations and Actions 11/17/03

  • October G.17 Statistical Release

    The FRB has issued the G. 17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization statistical release for October 2003.October G. 17 11/17/03

  • FRB Bulletin Featured Article Announced

    The FRB has selected "Global Integration in the Banking Industry " as the featured article from the November 2003 FRB Bulletin.Featured Article 11/17/03

  • OCC Publishes FY 2003 Annual Report

    The OCC has published its 2003 Annual Report which lists accomplishments in supervision, regulation, risk analysis and chartering. It also describes management initiatives, financial management results and OCC partnerships and outreach to industry, community and consumer organizations.OCC Annual Report 11/17/03

  • Cost of Funds Reports Released

    The OTS has released the historical and current reports regarding the cost of funds for OTS regulated SAIF insured institutions.Historical Report     Current Report 11/17/03

  • Texas Bank Must Refund Fees and Interest

    The OCC has announced a precedent-setting enforcement action that requires the complete reimbursement of fees and interest charged by Clear Lake National Bank of San Antonio, Texas, in a series of predatory loans. The OCC found that the loans violated the HOEPA, TIL, and RESPA. The Consent Order entered into by the bank'
    s new owners requires $100,000 to be paid in restitution to 30 or more borrowers.Consent Order 11/14/03

  • EO Indebtedness Report On FFIEC Web Site

    The FFIEC has posted the December 2003 Executive Office Indebtedness Report Form with Instructions on its Web site.Report Form 11/14/03

  • OCC To Allow Florida Banks To Close

    The OCC has issued a proclamation allowing national bank offices to close during the week of November 17, 2003, if events related to the Ministerial Meeting of the Free Trade Area of the Americas in Miami, Florida, should necessitate such action.Proclamation 11/14/03

  • HMDA Contacts Updated

    The St. Louis Fed has placed updated OCC District Offices and HUD contact information on its HMDA Help site.Contact Information 11/13/03

  • Fairbanks Capital Refunds $40 Million

    The FTC has announced settlements with Fairbanks Capital Holding Corp., its subsidiary, and their founder and former CEO resulting in payments of over $40 million in refunds to consumers. In a complaint filed in federal district court, the FTC and HUD charged Fairbanks with engaging in a variety of unfair, deceptive, and illegal practices in the servicing of subprime mortgage loans.Court Documents 11/13/03

  • FTC Consumer Rights Brochure

    The FTC has issued a consumer brochure, "Mortgage Servicing: Making Sure Your Payments Count", to help consumers understand their rights. The brochure explains mortgage servicers' responsibilities, in particular under RESPA.Consumer Brochure 11/13/03

  • FIL Regarding Announced SDGT

    he FDIC has issued FIL 87-2003 concerning a SDGT that was added to the OFAC list on October 31, 2003. Information regarding the SDGT was previously announced in a BOL Special OFAC Alert and placed on the BOL OFAC page. 11/13/03

  • International Reserve Position

    Treasury has released the U.S. reserve assets data for the week ending November 7, 2003.Reserve Position 11/13/03

  • G.17 Revision Report Released

    The G.17 (419) 2003 Historical and Annual Revision of the Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization report has been released by the FRB. The index of industrial production and the related measures of capacity and capacity utilization for the period from January 1972 to September 2003 has been revised. G.17 Revision 11/11/03

  • OFAC Change Added SDGT

    As noted in Monday's BOL OFAC Alert, OFAC has added fifteen entries as Specially Designated Global Terrorists and removed three entries from the SDN list. Information regarding the entry and AKAs has been added to the BOL OFAC page. 11/11/03

  • OFAC Civil Penalties Against Eleven Banks

    OFAC has issued the November list of civil penalties and informal settlements regarding violations of OFAC Sanctions Programs. Eleven banks were cited for violations of programs concerning Sudan, Iran, Libya and Cuba with penalties ranging from $2,684 to over $158,000.OFAC Civil Penalties 11/10/03

  • Counterfeit Cashier'
    s Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks issued by Cornerstone Community Bank, St. Petersburg, Florida; Cache Bank & Trust, Greeley, Colorado; and HomeStreet Bank, Seattle, Washington. Details regarding the counterfeit cashier'
    s checks and contact information have been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 11/10/03

  • G. 19 Consumer Report Released

    The FRB has released the September 2003 G. 19 Consumer Credit report which indicates that the rate of consumer credit growth increased in the Third Quarter. G. 19 11/10/03

  • Greenspan'
    s Economic Outlook

    Chairman Greenspan discussed his outlook for the US economy at the Securities Industry Association annual meeting. Greenspan Speech 11/7/03

  • SOD Updates Online

    The FDIC has placed the June 30, 2003 Summary of Deposits data for more than 85,000 branches/offices of FDIC-insured institutions online. SOD Data 11/7/03

  • IRS Launches Online Tools

    The IRS has launched the first of a suite of Internet-based business tools know as e-services that give financial institutions and tax professionals easier access to client information. The tools will provide new choices for working electronically with the IRS. The first three products provide a foundation for future services that will significantly enhance how the IRS does business with those who file selected information returns, such as banks and other financial institutions. E-Services 11/7/03

  • CRA Ratings Released

    The FDIC has issued its monthly list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the CRA. The list covers evaluation ratings that the FDIC assigned to institutions in August 2003. CRA 11/6/03

  • FRB Written Agreement With Virginia Bank

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among the Bank of Gassaway, Gassaway, West Virginia; the West Virginia Division of Banking, Charleston, West Virginia; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.Written Agreement 11/5/03

  • Flood Violation Civil Money Penalty

    The FRB has announced the issuance of a consent Order of Assessment of a Civil Money Penalty in the amount of $4,550 against the Gulf Bank, Miami, Florida in connection with alleged violations of FRB Regulations implementing the National Flood Insurance Act. Order 11/5/03

  • HMDA Help Page Updated

    The HMDA Help page maintained by the St. Louis Fed has been updated to include high-cost mortgage worksheets, added a link to the standard disclosure, added new FAQs and modified the definition to Syntactical Edits.Updates 11/5/03

  • SEC Adopts Corporate Governance Standards

    The SEC has approved new rules proposed and adopted by the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ Stock Market requiring widespread strengthening of corporate governance standards for listed companies. The new rules establish a stricter, more detailed definition of independence for directors and require the majority of members on listed companies' boards to satisfy that standard.SEC Rules 11/5/03

  • FDIC Sets 2004 Bank Assessment Rates

    The FDIC has announced the assessment rates charged to insured banks and savings associations for the first half of 2004.Assessment Rates 11/5/03

  • BIF and SAIF Third Quarter Financials

    The FDIC has released the Third Quarter 2003 financial results for the Bank Insurance Fund and the Savings Association Insurance Fund.BIF & SAIF Third Quarter 11/5/03

  • Emerging Risks in Banking Reviewed

    The FDIC FYI for November contains a paper entitled

    Economic Conditions and Emerging Risks in Banking that was provided to the FDIC Board as part of the FDIC insurance funds outlook and premium rate recommendations for the first semiannual period of 2004.FYI 11/5/03

  • September Call Report Forms Online

    The FDIC has placed the September 30, 2003 Call Report forms online.September Call Report 11/4/03

  • Senior Officer Lending Practices Survey

    The FRB has released the October 2003 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices which addresses changes in the supply of, and demand for, bank loans to businesses and households over the past three months. In addition, the survey contains a supplementary question on potential demand for C&I loans, a series of questions on banks' participation in the secondary market for C&I loans, and a question on loans secured by real estate but used for purposes other than the acquisition or improvement of real estateSurvey 11/4/03

  • OTS Outsources Cash Collection

    OTS has given notice to customers making payment by check that its cash collection function has been outsourced to the Bureau of Public Debt'
    s Administrative Resource Center. Each check will be converted into electronic fund transfer.OTS Notice 11/4/03

  • Treasury Market Financing Estimates

    Treasury has announced its estimate of net borrowing of marketable debt for the Fourth Quarter of 2003. Market Estimates 11/4/03

  • International Finance Discussion Paper Released

    The FRB has released a new International Finance Discussion Paper entitled,

    The High-Frequency Response of Exchange Rates and Interest Rates to Macroeconomic Announcements.Discussion Paper 11/4/03

  • October G.5 Issued

    The FRB has issued the October 31, 2003 edition of the G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates statistical release.October G. 5 11/4/03

  • $1.4 Billion Settlement Approved

    The SEC has announced Court approval of the $1.4 billion global settlement of enforcement actions against ten of the nation's top investment firms and two associated individuals. The enforcement actions alleged undue influence of investment banking interests on securities research at brokerage firms. In addition to the monetary payments, the firms are required to undertake dramatic reforms to their future practices, including separating their research and investment banking departments. Settlement Information 11/3/03

  • OFAC Change Added SDGT

    As noted in Friday's BOL OFAC Alert, OFAC has added a new SDGT to the OFAC List. Information regarding the entry and AKAs has been added to the BOL OFAC page. 11/3/03

  • FRB Check Restructuring Changes

    The Federal Reserve is making changes to its check processing and adjustments operations in response to the changing market, including the decline of check volumes industry wide.Check Processing Changes    Check Adjustment Changes    FAQ    Communications 11/3/03

  • FRB Cash Services Forms Online

    FRB Financial Services has place its standard cash service forms and instructions on its Web page. Cash Services Forms 11/3/03

  • 2004 FRB Fee Schedule Announced

    New pricing information for 2004 has been announced by FRB Financial Services.2004 Fees 11/3/03


Top Stories for September 2003

  • 42 CRA Evaluations Released

    The OCC has released the CRA evaluations for forty-two national banks. Nine were rated outstanding, thirty-two were satisfactory and one was needs to improve.OCC CRA 9/30/03

  • September Corporate Applications Online

    The OCC has placed online the September 2003 issue of Corporate Applications which includes interpretive letters, CRA decisions, approvals, final enforcement actions and CRA evaluations. OCC Electronic Interpretations and Actions 9/30/03

  • NCUA Posts Latino Connection Kit

    Credit unions looking for ways to reach America's largest and fastest growing minority can now access a free Latino Connection Kit posted by NCUA on the agency's website. The kit features detailed descriptions of how leading credit union organizations have succeeded in serving Latinos in their communities.Latino Connection Kit 9/30/03

  • FDIC Web Site Has New Look

    The FDIC has redesigned its Web site. New features include: a Quick Links by User section at the top of every page; Alerts and Updates on the menu pages; and a "breadcrumb trail" on menus to help users locate where they are in the site. Users are asked to to browse the site and let the FDIC know what they think by e-mailing the web staff directly at FDIC Web Site 9/29/03

  • Financial Education Opens New Markets

    In a presentation before the 33rd Annual Legislative Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus, FRB Chairman Greenspan discussed the importance of financial education for consumers. He noted that many bankers participate in consumer literacy programs because they want to be recognized as good corporate citizens; however, many other bankers have realized that their activities may help them reach hard-to-serve markets such as immigrants or people without a relationship with a bank.Speech 9/29/03

  • FRB Written Agreement with Institutions

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among United National Corporation, Sioux Falls, South Dakota; First PREMIER Bank, Sioux Falls, South Dakota; PREMIER Bankcard, Inc., Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.Written Agreement 9/26/03

  • Community Development Investments Directory

    The OCC has published the 2002 Directory of National Bank Community Development Investments which lists and summarizes national bank investments that support a public welfare purpose.Investments Directory 9/26/03

  • Treasury Amends FOIA and Privacy Act Regs

    Treasury has published a final rule which establishes the administrative procedures that FINCEN will follow in processing FOIA requests and in implementing the Privacy Act.Final Rule 9/26/03

  • Violations of Sarbanes-Oxley Lead To Arrest

    Thomas C. Trauger, a former Ernst & Young partner who allegedly altered and destroyed audit working papers, was arrested by FBI agents on criminal charges for obstructing investigations by both the OCC and the SEC. A criminal complaint charged Mr. Trauger with obstructing the examination of a financial institution and falsification of records in a federal investigation in violation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.SEC NR 9/26/03

  • Relationship Banking and Tying

    The OCC has published a white paper which examines banks’ market power and economic performance for evidence of tying, discusses the market competitiveness of diversified banking organizations, and recognizes the costs savings that can result from relationship banking.OCC Tying White Paper 9/26/03

  • The Financing of Terror

    Treasury General Counsel Aufhauser testified before the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee regarding the ways terrorists finance their activities and what is being done to address the problem.Opening Statement; Testimony 9/26/03

  • Thrift Activities Regulatory Handbook Updated

    OTS has announced the update of the Thrift Regulatory Handbook. A new Section 221, Asset-Backed Securitizations, has been added which addresses the securitization and sale of asset pools, such as loans, leases, and credit card receivables.OTS Regulatory Handbook 9/25/03

  • FFIEC September Reporting Forms Online

    The FFIEC has added the September 2003 009, 009a and 019 reporting forms to its Web page.009009a 019 9/25/03

  • NCUA Revises Business Lending Rule

    NCUA has announced the issuance of revisions to the agency's member business lending rule for federally insured credit unions. NCUA NR 9/25/03

  • PACS Program to Be Expanded

    Currently, there are 638 users representing a total of 289 depository institutions and money services businesses who use the PACS system for secure online filing of CTRs and SARs. Together, these institutions file 3.8 million CTRs and SARs annually. FinCEN has announced that it will expand the system as of October 1 to also process the MSB-SAR, SF-SAR, SARC and CTRC forms. PACS Fact Sheet   PACS Web site 9/24/03

  • CIP Deadline Alert

    Don't forget that your CIP program must be in place and fully implemented on October 1. If you have any last minute questions, review the articles, threads and Q & As from our CIP Week. The BOL CIP Tools contain implementation pointers, sample CIP notices, writing tips, and customer identification aids. You will also find training scenarios in our CIP Training section. 9/24/03

  • Reg Z Changes Effective October 1

    The FRB final rule revising the official Reg Z commentary which was effective April 1, becomes mandatory on October 1. The revisions, as previously reported in BOL Top Stories, cover credit card- related fees, replacement of cards, disclosure of private mortgage insurance premiums and the selection of Treasury security yields for determining whether a mortgage loan is covered by Reg Z. 9/24/03

  • OFAC Adds SDGTs

    As reported in a BOL Special Briefing yesterday, OFAC has updated the SDN list by adding 8 individuals as SDGTs. The information regarding the new listings has been placed on the BOL OFAC page. 9/24/03

  • September FEDS Working Papers Published

    The FRB has published four new working papers in the Finance and Economic Discussion Series. Papers with the following topics were released: Can Rational Expectations Sticky-Price Models Explain Inflation Dynamics?; Further Evidence on the Link between Finance and Growth: An International Analysis of Community Banking and Economic Performance; Modeling Aggregate Investment: A Fundamentalist Approach; and Does Mortgage Hedging Amplify Movements in Long-term Interest Rates?. Rational Expectations    Further Evidence    Modeling    Mortgage Hedging 9/24/03

  • Foreign Bank Structure And Share Data Report

    The June 2003 Structure and Share Data for U. S. Offices of Foreign Banks report has been issued by the FRB.Structure and Data Report 9/24/03

  • Banks Encouraged to Assist Isabel Victims

    The OCC has outlined measures to assist national banks and their customers affected by Hurricane Isabel.OCC NR 9/24/03

  • Final 2nd Quarter Interest Rate Risk Measures

    OTS has released the final Second Quarter 2003 Thrift Industry Interest Rate Risk Measures.Interest Rate Risk Measures 9/24/03

  • FDIC Consumer News Summer 2003 Edition

    The Summer 2003 edition of the Consumer News has been published by the FDIC. What consumers need to know about

    credit protection and minimum payments on credit cards are two of the many topics covered in this issue.Consumer News 9/24/03

  • CRA Evaluations Released

    OTS has released its CRA performance evaluations for July and August.CRA July    CRA August 9/23/03

  • Special Alert Issued by FDIC

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Wakulla Bank, Tallahassee, Florida and counterfeit checks drawn on Commonwealth Co-operative Bank, Boston, Massachusetts payable through Fleet Bank, Boston, Massachusetts. Information regarding the counterfeit checks, in addition to contact information, has been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 9/23/03

  • Regulators Speak to ABA Conference

    FDIC Chairman Powell and Comptroller Hawke made presentations regarding new regulations and the challenges facing the banking industry to the attendees at the ABA Conference in Hawaii.FDIC    OCC 9/23/03

  • Electronic Filing of Ownership Reports

    The OCC is issuing an interim rule, with a request for comments, to amend rules, policies, and procedures to require the electronic filing of beneficial ownership reports by officers, directors, and major shareholders of national banks that have equity securities registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (registered national banks). 68FR54981 (txt) 68FR54981 (pdf) 9/22/03

  • Same Day Tax Information Via FedMail

    Effective immediately, FRB Financial Services is offering a new daily tax transaction report available through the FedMail® email delivery service. FRB Services Sameday 9/22/03

  • Treasury Agrees with Section 326 Comments

    Treasury has announced that it agrees with the majority of the 34,000 comments received in response to the notice of inquiry issued in July regarding possible changes to Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act. The notice of inquiry sought comment on two specific issues: (1) whether financial institutions should be required to retain photocopies of identification documents used to verify customers’ identities; and (2) whether financial institutions should be prohibited from accepting foreign government issued identification documents other than passports as an acceptable form of identification. Treasury PR 68FR55335 (txt) 68FR55335 (pdf)9/19/03

  • October HOEPA APR Reference Rates

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in October will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application.H. 15 Daily RatesH. 15 Weekly Rates 9/19/03

  • Assistance to Victims of Isabel

    The OTS has announced steps thrifts could take to assist their customers in the areas affected by Hurricane Isabel. Suggested assistance ranges from temporarily waiving late payment charges and early withdrawal of savings penalties to restructuring borrowers’ debt obligations by altering or adjusting payment terms.OTS Isabel Assistance 9/19/03

  • Term Investment Option Auction Results

    Treasury has released the results of the Tax and Loan Investment Program Term Investment Option auction held September 18, 2003.Action Results 9/19/03

  • Bank Offices May Close Due to Isabel

    The OCC has issued a proclamation allowing national bank offices affected by Hurricane Isabel to close at their discretion.OCC Proclamation 9/18/03

  • Enforcement Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced six new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks located in Indiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma. OCC NR 9/18/03

  • Four International Finance Papers Released

    The FRB has released four International Finance Discussion papers. Topics include: Revisiting the Border: An Assessment of the Law of One Price Using Very Disaggregated Consumer Price Data; News or Noise? An Analysis of Brazilian GDP Announcements; Contagion: An Empirical Test; and How do Canadian Hours Worked Respond to a Technology Shock? Revisiting    News    Contagion   Canadian Hours 9/18/03

  • FYI Evaluates Consumer Lending

    The FDIC has placed a new edition of FYI online. This issue of the electronic bulletin features an article evaluating the consumer lending revolution.FDIC FYI 9/18/03

  • OTS September 2003 FRB Online

    OTS has placed the September 2003 edition of the Financial Reporting Bulletin on its website. Articles covering Third Quarter Deadlines and the September 2003 TFR Instruction Manual Updates are included in the issue.OTS FRB 9/17/03

  • Special Alerts Issued by FDIC

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alerts regarding cashier's checks drawn on Inwood National Bank, Dallas, Texas, which were lost in transit from its printing company; counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Bank of Lincolnwood, Lincolnwood, Illinois; and counterfeit money orders drawn on First United Bank, Crete, Illinois. Information regarding the missing and counterfeit items in addition to contact information has been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 9/17/03

  • SEC and NY AG Charge BOA Broker

    The SEC and the New York State Attorney General have announced that state criminal and federal civil charges have been filed against a Bank of America (BOA) broker for his role in a scheme involving unlawful trading of mutual funds.Broker Charged 9/17/03

  • Fed Funds Rate Target Released

    The Federal Open Market Committee has announced the target for the federal funds rate. FRB PR 9/17/03

  • G.17 Report Issued

    The FRB has issued the September 15, 2003 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Report.FRB G.17 9/16/03

  • Basel Accord Discussed in FRB Bulletin

    The September 2003 FRB Bulletin contains an article regarding capital standards for banks and the evolving Basel Accord.FRB Bulletin 9/16/03

  • Cost of Funds Reports Released

    The OTS has released the historical and current reports regarding the cost of funds for OTS regulated SAIF insured institutions.Historical Report    Current Report 9/16/03

  • Term Investment Option Auction Results

    Treasury has released the results of the Tax and Loan Investment Program Term Investment Option auction held September 15, 2003.Auction Results 9/16/03

  • Risk Based Capital Interim Rule and NPR

    The financial regulators have requested public comment on an interim final rule and issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to amend their risk-based capital standards for the treatment of assets in asset-backed commercial paper programs consolidated under the recently issued FIN 46.Interim Rule   NPR    FRB NR    OCC NR    OTS NR    FDIC PR 9/15/03

  • OFAC CMP To Be Released Monthly

    OFAC has announced that it will post certain civil penalties information on the agency's website on the first Friday of each month. The next publication date will be October 3, 2003. OFAC CMP 9/15/03

  • OCC Issues Phishing Alert

    The OCC has issued an alert regarding unsolicited e-mails directing consumers to a phony "customer service" Web site or directly asking for customer information. This increasingly common Internet fraud is called "phishing." Banks are encouraged to educate their customers, strengthen monitoring systems, and enhance response programs to reduce the risk to their organizations and customers. OCC Alert 9/15/03

  • 2002 Corporate Medium-Term Notes Report

    The FRB has released the 2002 corporate medium-term notes report. Corporate Notes Report 9/15/03

  • Derivatives Volume Surpasses $65 Trillion

    The OCC has issued its quarterly Bank Derivatives Report which indicates that derivatives held by U. S. commercial banks increased $4.4 trillion in the second quarter to $65.8 trillion.  Derivatives Report 9/15/03

  • Cease and Desist Order Involving BSA

    The FRB has announced the issuance of a Cease and Desist Order against a former senior vice president, chief financial officer, and cashier of the Premier Bank, Denver, Colorado, addressing his compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act.Cease and Desist Order 9/12/03

  • NCUA Prohibition Orders Issued

    NCUA has announced the issuance of prohibition orders against four former officers and employees of credit unions in California and Massachuettes. NCUA NR 9/12/03

  • SEC Amends Rules and Proposes Changes

    The SEC has adopted amendments to its rules dealing with custody of client assets; proposed a rule that would provide foreign banks meeting certain conditions with exemption from insider loan prohibitions; and voted to propose changes to Form F-6 with regard to registration of certain unsponsored American depositary receipts (ADRs).SEC PR 9/12/03

  • International Reserve Position

    Treasury has issued the U. S. International reserve position for the week ending September 5, 2003.Reserve Position 9/12/03

  • War on Terrorism Progress Report

    A report on the progress in the war on terrorism financing has been issued by Treasury. Since September 11, 2001, 1439 accounts containing more than $13.7 million in assets has been frozen worldwide.Progress Report 9/12/03

  • Revision to OFAC Civil Penalties Regulations

    OFAC is issuing an interim final rule to provide revisions to its civil penalties regulations promulgated pursuant to the Trading with the Enemy Act. These revisions consolidate substantive changes to the Foreign Assets Control Regulations, and the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, in a new subpart of the Reporting and Procedures Regulations, renamed Reporting, Procedures, and Penalties Regulations. Conforming changes are made to the other parts of the regulations. 68FR53640 (txt final rule)     68FR53640 (pdf final rule) 68FR53662 (txt proposed rule)     68FR53662 (pdf proposed rule) 9/11/03

  • Uniform Residential Loan Application Updated

    The FRB has published in the Federal Register a technical amendment to Regulation B (Equal Credit Opportunity). The amendment updates the model application form ``Uniform Residential Loan Application". 68FR53491 (txt) 68FR53491 (pdf) 9/11/03

  • FRB Interpretations Regarding 23A

    The FRB has released five legal interpretations regarding grants of exemptions from the quantitative limits of section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act, 12 U.S.C. 371c. Feb. 14, 2003    March 1, 2002    June 19, 2002    February 27, 2003    August 14, 2003    9/11/03

  • Credit Quality Stabilizes

    The quality of large syndicated bank loans stabilized this year, according to the Shared National Credit (SNC)1 review released by federal bank regulators. FRB PR    OCC PR    OTS PR    FDIC PR 9/11/03

  • Get the Scoop on the New Currency

    The first newly redesigned Series-2004 $20 notes, featuring background colors and improved security features, will be issued October 9. Read Series-2004 $20 Bills to be Issued in October. 9/10/03

  • Z. 1 Flow of Funds Report Released

    The FRB has released the second quarter 2003 Z.1 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States.Z. 1 9/10/03

  • Banks Face New Challenges

    The FDIC has issued the fall 2003 edition of the FDIC Outlook which states the faster economic growth in the second half of 2003 could pose new challenges for banking and thrift institutions, particularly those that specialize in mortgage lending.FDIC Outlook 9/10/03

  • Reg F Final Rule Issued

    The FRB has adopted final, technical amendments to its Regulation F that remove an obsolete section of the rule and correct severaltypographical errors. 68FR53283 (txt)68FR53283 (pdf)9/10/03

  • FRB Application Information Available Online

    An online guide for U.S. and foreign banking organizations submitting applications to the Federal Reserve has been added to the FRB public web site. FRB SR 03-16 Applications Information 9/9/03

  • FDIC Announces CRA Evaluations

    The FDIC has issued the September list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with CRA. The list covers evaluation ratings that the FDIC assigned to institutions in June 2003. CRA Evaluations 9/9/03

  • OTS Audit Requirements Final Rule

    OTS has adopted a final rule that amends the annual independent audit requirements for certain savings institutions. Final Rule 9/9/03

  • OTS Issues Fiduciary Activities Final Rule

    OTS has issued a final rule amending its regulation governing agency offices of federal savings associations. Final Rule    68FR53204 (txt)    68FR53204 (pdf) 9/9/03

  • Fed ACH International Services to Offer LPIs

    FedACH International Services will offer limited production implementations (LPIs) of Transatlantic and Mexico services expected to begin November 3, 2003. FedACH LPIs 9/9/03

  • Twenty New SDGTs

    OFAC has designated twenty new individuals as SDGTs. Information regarding the designations has been added to the BOL OFAC page. 9/8/03

  • UBPR and FFIEC Report Forms Online

    The FFIEC has made available on its web site the June 30, 2003 UBPR and the September 2003 FFIEC 031 and 041 report forms.UBPRFFIEC 031 FFIEC 041 9/8/03

  • New MSA Questions Answered

    The FFIEC has issued answers to the most common questions that have been asked regarding the June 2003 changes in MSA boundaries and terminology.FFIEC HMDA Q & As FFIEC CRA Q & As 9/8/03

  • U.S. International Reserve Position

    The Treasury Department has released the U.S. reserve assets data for the latest week. Reserve Position 9/8/03

  • Comments Sought Regarding FRB Reports

    The FRB has issued proposals for comment regarding the approval of extensions for three years of the Monthly Report of Traveler's Checks Outstanding (FR 2054); and the following Government Securities Dealers Reports: FR 2004A, FR 2004B, FR 2004C, FR 2004SI, FR 2004SD, and FR 2004WI.FRB Proposals 9/8/03

  • Subprime Lender Charged by FTC

    The FTC has charged subprime lender Stewart Finance Company, its owner, and nine related companies with violating federal lending laws and has asked a U.S. District Court to immediately halt their practices and order redress for consumers who were victims.FTC PR   Complaint 9/5/03

  • Bond Trading Enforcement Actions

    The SEC has announced enforcement actions against Goldman Sachs, Massachusetts Financial Services Company, and three individuals relating to trading based on non-public information about Treasury's decision to cease issuance of the 30-year bond.SEC PR   Goldman Sachs Order    Mass. Financial   Compliant Against Individuals 9/5/03

  • Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates Released

    The FRB has released the quarterly report of charge-off and delinquency rates on loans and leases at commercial banks.Charge-Off Rates 9/5/03

  • Earnings Record Set in Second Quarter

    Commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the FDIC posted record earnings in the second quarter of 2003, breaking the previous quarterly high set in the first quarter of this year.FDIC PR Quarterly Banking Profile 9/5/03

  • September Treasury Bulletin Available Online

    The FMS has placed the September 2003 Treasury Bulletin on its web page.Treasury Bulletin 9/5/03

  • FTC Issues ID Theft Survey Results

    The results of a survey regarding identity theft conducted by the FTC indicate over 27 million Americans have been victims of ID theft in the last five years and losses for business and consumers exceed $50 billion. Review the highlights of the survey data in a BOL article from Mary Beth Guard, "ID Theft: The Real Numbers". 9/4/03

  • Executive Order Blocks Iraqi Assets

    President Bush has issued Executive Order 13315 blocking property of the former Iraqi Regime, its senior officials and their family members. Information regarding the Executive Order has been placed on the BOL OFAC page. 9/4/03

  • FDIC Enforcement Actions Announced

    The FDIC has announced 18 enforcement orders. The actions include two cease-and-desist orders, four removal-and-prohibition orders, two civil money penalty orders, one termination of insurance order, seven terminations of cease-and-desist orders, and two adjudicated decisions. Enforcement Orders 9/4/03

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks

    The FDIC has issued Special Alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on First National Bank of Abilene, Abilene, Texas and counterfeit official checks drawn on Nevada State Bank, Las Vegas, Nevada. Information concerning the counterfeit checks has been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 9/4/03

  • OCC Bulletin Regarding Auditing Final Rule

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-38 regarding the joint final rule previously issued by the financial regulators concerning the removal, suspension, and debarment of accountants from performing annual audit and attestation services. Information pertaining to the final rule was published in BOL Top Stories on August 11, 2003. 9/4/03

  • FTC Issues ID Theft Survey Results

    The results of a survey regarding identity theft conducted by the FTC indicate over 27 million Americans have been victims of ID theft in the last five years and losses for business and consumers exceed $50 billion. Review the highlights of the survey data in a BOL article from Mary Beth Guard, "ID Theft: The Real Numbers". 9/4/03

  • Beige Book Economic Report Released

    The FRB has released the informal review by the Federal Reserve Banks of current economic conditions in their districts.Beige Book Summary   Beige Book Full Report  9/4/03

  • New FEDS Working Papers Available

    Three new working papers in the Federal Economic and Discussion Series have issued by the FRB. The topics include: "Interest Rates as Options": Assessing the Markets' View of the Liquidity Trap; The Replacement Demand for Motor Vehicles: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances; and Inflation Targets Credibility and Persistence in a Simple Sticky-Price Framework.Interest Rates  Replacement Demand   Inflation Targets 9/4/03

  • Four FedACH File Deliveries Per Day

    FR Services has announced that starting September 19, 2003, FedACH output files will be delivered four times daily. FedACH Files 9/4/03

  • Minnesota Bank Enforcement Actions

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and between the Ridgedale State Bank, Minnetonka, Minnesota and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and the issuance of a Cease and Desist Order against the president of the bank.Written Agreement Cease and Desist Order 9/3/03

  • Written Agreement Involving BSA and AML

    The FRB has announced the entering into a written agreement with Gold Banc Corporation and Gold Bank of Leawood, Kansas regarding BSA, AML, information technology, customer due diligence, Reg O and Reg Y.Written Agreement 9/3/03

  • Regulators Release CRA Exam Schedules

    The OCC and OTS have released their fourth quarter 2003 CRA examination schedules.OCC CRA Exam Schedule    OTS CRA Exam Schedule 9/3/03

  • Application Web Site Launched by FRB

    The FRB has launched a new web site which contains general information about the types of filings required by the Federal Reserve and how they are processed.FRB Application Information 9/3/03

  • June 30 Call Report Data Released

    The FDIC has released the June 30, 2003 call and thrift financial report data.FDIC Reports 9/3/03

  • TFR Filing Due Date Unchanged

    The OTS has decided to not change the TFR filing date and released the March 2004 form, schedules, forms and mapping information.TFR Filing Date    March 2004 Form    2004 Schedules    2004 Forms   Mapping 9/2/03

  • Uncertainty and Monetary Policy

    Chairman Greenspan observed in remarks presented at a FRB symposium that uncertainty was the defining characteristic of the money policy landscape. He stated conducting U. S. monetary policy involves crucial elements of risk management and devising a strategy directed at achieving price stability and sustainable economic growth. He also identified a set of key relationships that are utilized to approximate the economy's dynamics.Greenspan Remarks 9/2/03

  • FRB Reassigns a few Routing Symbols

    The FRB is amending appendix A of Regulation CC to delete the reference to the Pittsburgh check processing office of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and reassign the Federal Reserve routing symbols currently listed under that office to the head office of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. 68FR52077 (txt) 68FR52077 (pdf) Correction 9/2/03


Top Stories for August 2003

  • Two New Burma General Licenses Issued

    OFAC has issued two new General Licenses under the Burma sanctions program. Information regarding the new licenses has been placed on the BOL OFAC page. 8/29/03

  • Reg CC Amendments Announced

    The FRB has announced amendments to Appendix A of Regulation CC, effective November 1, 2003, that reflect the restructuring of the Federal Reserve's check processing operations in the Fourth District. As a result, some checks deposited in the affected regions that currently are nonlocal checks will become local checks that are subject to shorter permissible hold periods.Reg CC Amendment 8/29/03

  • Removal Orders and CMPs Issued

    The FDIC has announced the issuance of removal and prohibition orders in addition to imposing civil money penalties against bankers in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Tennessee. Illinois Bankers    Wisconsin Banker    Minnesota Banker    Tennessee Banker    Tennessee Banker 8/29/03

  • FRB Proposes Changes to the Anti-Tying Restrictions

    The proposed exception provides that a financial subsidiary of a state nonmember bank shall be treated as an affiliate of the bank, and not as a subsidiary of the bank, for purposes of section 106. The anti-tying restrictions of section 106 generally apply to subsidiaries, but not affiliates, of banks. 68FR51938 (txt) 68FR51938 (pdf) 8/29/03

  • $3 Million CMP for Anti-Tying Violations

    The FRB has announced the issuance of a Combined Consent Order to Cease and Desist and an Order of Assessment of a civil money penalty in the amount of $3 Million against WestLB AG, Dusseldorf, Germany, and its New York Branch for violations of anti-tying restrictions of the Bank Holding Company Act and related unsafe and unsound banking practices.FRB Order 8/28/03

  • 23 Enforcement Actions Announced

    The OCC has announced 23 new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks. Enforcement Actions 8/28/03

  • 35 CRA Evaluations Released

    The OCC has released the CRA performance evaluations for the period of July 15, 2003 through August 14, 2003. Of the 35 evaluations made public this month, 6 were outstanding, 28 were satisfactory and 1 was needs to improve. CRA Evaluations 8/28/03

  • OCC Bulletin Regarding Guidance

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-37 concerning the publication in the Federal Register by the financial regulators of proposed interagency guidance on response programs for unauthorized access to customer information and customer notice. Information regarding the proposed guidance was featured in BOL Top Stories on August 12, 2003. 8/28/03

  • FRB Publishes August Working Papers

    The FRB has published the August edition of the working papers in the Finance and Economic Discussion Series. Topics include: An Empirical Test of a Two-Factor Mortgage Valuation Model: How Much Do House Prices Matter?; Inflation Scares and Forecast-Based Monetary Policy; and Volatility Puzzles: A Unified Framework for Gauging Return-Volatility Regressions.Empirical Test Monetary Policy Volatility Puzzles 8/27/03

  • Prelim 2nd Quarter Interest Rate Risk Data

    The OTS has released preliminary interest rate risk measures for the second quarter of 2003.
    Interest Rate Data 8/27/03

  • Addition and Updates to SDN List

    OFAC has added one new entry and updated four others. Information regarding the addition and the updates has been placed on the BOL OFAC page. 8/25/03

  • Anti-Tying Comment Period Starts

    The FRB has announced it will accept comments until September 30, 2003 on proposed interpretations to the anti-tying restrictions of the BHC and Reg Y. The interpretations provide a comprehensive guide to the restrictions and a new exception for subsidiaries of state nonmember banks.FRB Interpretation    FRB Comment Request    OCC Statement 8/26/03

  • Don't Let Your Customers Be Duped

    Help spread the word about a scam involving the FTC's Do Not Call program. Advertisements are running nationwide urging consumers to call an 800 number and pay only $2.95 to sign up on the system. The ads are not from the FTC who does not charge a fee for the service.FTC Warning 8/26/03

  • FRB Publishes Adjusted Dollar Amount for Reg Z

    The FRB is required to adjust annually the dollar amount that triggers requirements for certain home mortgage loans bearing fees above a certain amount. The adjusted dollar amount for 2004 is $499.
    68FR50965 (txt) 68FR50965 (pdf) 8/25/03

  • Updating FinCEN Search Contact Point

    FinCEN has disseminated directions for financial institutions to follow in the event they need to update, change, add, or delete the institution’s point of contact information on FinCEN’s distribution list for receiving Section 314(a) search requests.
    FinCEN 8/25/03

  • ABA Helps Secure Fax Regs Delay

    As a result of efforts by the ABA and other organizations and associations, the FCC has delayed the effective date for regulations that require prior written permission for commercial faxes until January 1, 2005. Originally, those regulations were scheduled to take effect August 25, 2003. Regardless of the extension, however, fax transmitters still must obtain prior express permission from fax recipients with whom they do not have established business relationships.FCC News Release    FCC's reconsideration order 8/25/03

  • Hamas Entities and Leaders Designated SDGTs

    The President has announced the designation of five Hamas related charities and six leaders as SDGTs, the freezing of their assets in the U.S. and prohibiting transactions with U.S. nationals. Details of the designations can be found on the BOL OFAC Page. 8/25/03

  • OTS Regional Financial Management Seminars

    The Office of Thrift Supervision has scheduled three more regional seminars to be held during October 2003 in Columbus, Ohio; Warwick, Rhode Island; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to cover an Industry Overview, Accounting Updates, Examination Updates, Regulatory Capital Update, Interest Rate Risk and Capital Markets Update, and Audit Update. OTS SeminarsRegistration Form 8/25/03

  • Two Additional Burma General Licenses Issued

    OFAC has issued two additional General Licenses under the Burma sanctions program. Information regarding the new licenses has been placed on the BOL OFAC page. 8/25/03

  • FDIC Issues Final Rule Governing Filing Procedures

    The changes to Part 303 and the technical corrections to other regulations in Chapter III clarify: The rules relating to time period commencements; The FDIC's response time for certain filings; The required rating for expedited processing for thrift and thrift holding company filings; That the acquisition of control of a parent company of a state nonmember bank generally requires a change in control notice; and The certification to be made by an insured depository institution relating to golden parachute payments. FDIC:FIL-67-2003 68FR50457 (txt) 68FR50457 (pdf) 8/22/03

  • Strengthening Financial Risk Management at the FDIC

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation engaged McKinsey & Company to perform a review of its reserving methodology and processes as well as other financial risk management practices. The resulting report is posted on the FDIC website. Report 8/22/03

  • Flood Violation Civil Money Penalty

    The FRB has announced the issuance of a consent Order of Assessment of a Civil Money Penalty in the amount of $5,250 against the Community State Bank, Villa, Indiana for alleged violations of the National Flood Insurance Act.
    FRB Civil Money Penalty     Flood Training 8/21/03

  • Revised Exam Procedures Available Online

    The FDIC has placed the revised compliance examination procedures which superseded sections of the Compliance Examination Manual on its web site. FDIC Revised Procedures Online 8/21/03

  • Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Peninsula Bank, Englewood, Florida. Information regarding the counterfeit items and contact information has been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 8/21/03

  • Late Return Dispute Resolution

    The Federal Reserve has established procedures to assist depository institutions in the resolution of late claim disputes including an enhanced sign-on method for payor bank/deposit services and check adjustments via FedLine for the Web.FRB Financial Services 8/21/03

  • U.S. International Reserve Position

    Treasury has released the U.S. reserve assets data for the week ending August 15, 2003. Reserve Position 8/21/03

  • G.20 Finance Companies Report

    The FRB has released the June 2003 G.20 Finance Report regarding owned and managed receivables.G.20 8/21/03

  • Thrifts Set Earnings Records

    The OTS has announced that in the second quarter of 2003 the nation's thrift industry set records for net income, profitability, equity capital and mortgage originations.OTS Records 8/21/03

  • 2004 HOEPA Trigger Established

    The FRB has announced the 2004 adjustment to the dollar amount that triggers HOEPA for home mortgage loans when total points and fees payable by the consumer exceed the fee-based trigger which is adjusted annually. FRB HOEPA Trigger 8/20/03

  • Disciplinary Actions Against Accountants

    The FDIC has issued FIL-66-2003 concerning the interagency final rules that establish procedures under which the agencies can remove, suspend, or bar an accountant or firm from performing audit and attestation services for insured depository institutions. Information regarding the final rules was previously featured in BOL Top Stories on August 13, 2003. 8/19/03

  • FIL Regarding OFAC Changes

    The FDIC has issued FIL-65-2003 regarding the addition of one corporation to the SDNT list and the designation of two individuals as SDGTs. The information concerning the OFAC changes was added on August 8, 2003 to the BOL OFAC Page. 8/19/03

  • September HOEPA APR Reference Rates

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in September will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application.
    H.15 Daily Rates    H. 15 Weekly Rates 8/19/03

  • August Financial Holding Company List

    The FRB has issued the August 1, 2003 list of bank holding companies that have elected to become financial holding companies or be treated as financial holding companies. FRB FHC List 8/19/03

  • Burma Program New Licenses Issued

    OFAC has issued five new general licenses under the Burmese sanctions program. Details regarding the new licenses have been placed on the BOL OFAC page. 8/18/03

  • SDGT Added and Three Entries Updated

    A foreign terrorist organization has been listed as a SDGT and three existing entries have been updated by OFAC. Information regarding the listing and the updates has been placed on the BOL OFAC page. 8/18/03

  • July 2003 G.17 Report

    The FRB has released the G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization report for July 2003.G.17 8/18/03

  • Bank Lending Practices Survey Results

    The results of the August 2003 senior loan officer opinion survey on bank lending practices has been released by the FRB. FRB PR Full Report 8/18/03

  • OTS Issues Cost of Funds Reports

    The OTS has issued reports regarding the national average cost of funds ratio to OTS regulated SAIF insured institutions.June 2003 Report Historical Report 8/18/03

  • Federal Agency Lockbox Service Opportunities

    The Financial Management Service has published an Invitation for Expressions of Interest for the General Lockbox Network. Any qualified financial institution that is interested in providing general lockbox services to Federal government agencies must submit a notice of intention to respond.FMS Lockbox Invitation 8/18/03

  • OCC Issues Final Rule to Promote Public Welfare

    This final rule updates the regulation to reflect the additional types of public welfare investment structures that have become more common in recent years and that are permissible under the governing statute. 68FR48771 (txt) 68FR48771 (pdf) 8/15/03

  • FIL Regarding Burma Sanctions

    The FDIC has issued FIL-64-2003 concerning an Executive Order issued by the President with respect to Burma (Myanmar) that added four new entries to the SDN list, blocked property of the government of Burma, and prohibited certain transactions. Information regarding the Executive Order was previously included in BOL TOP Stories on July 30, 2003. 8/15/03

  • Counterfeit Money Orders Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit money orders drawn on The Monongahela Valley Bank, Inc., Fairmont, West Virginia. The counterfeit money orders contain a misspelled word and are printed on the wrong color stock. Information regarding the money orders and contact information has been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 8/15/03

  • FRB Finance and Economics Working Papers

    Eleven new working papers in the Finance and Economics Discussion series are now available on the FRB Web site. Topics range from "Economic and Regulatory Capital Allocation for Revolving Retail Exposures" to "Inflation Persistence and Relative Contracting".FRB Working Papers 8/14/03

  • Accountants Rule Published in Federal Register

    Section 36, as implemented by 12 CFR part 363, requires that each insured depository institution with total assets of $500 million or more obtain an audit of its financial statements and an attestation on management's assertions concerning internal controls over financial reporting by an independent public accountant (accountant). The insured depository institution must include the accountant's audit and attestation reports in its annual report. This was previously published in BOL Top Stories on August 11th. 68FR48256 (txt) 68FR48256 (pdf) 8/13/03

  • HMDA 2004 Training Presentation

    FFIEC has placed a training presentation regarding HMDA 2004 and the revisions to Reg C on its Web site.FFIEC HMDA Training 8/13/03

  • ID Theft Notification Program Comments

    Financial regulators have requested comments on a proposed interagency guidance that would require financial institutions to develop a response program to protect against risks to customer information which includes procedures for the notification of customers whose information may have been compromised. Interagency Guidance  FDIC PR   FDIC FIL   OCC NR   FRB PR   OTS PR 8/13/03

  • U.S. International Reserve Position Released

    Treasury has released the U.S. reserve assets data for the week ending August 8, 2003.Reserve Position 8/13/03

  • Fed Funds Target Rate Set

    The Federal Open Market Committee has set the target rate for federal funds.Target Rate 8/13/03

  • Interagency Guidance on Response Programs

    The Agencies are requesting comment on proposed guidance entitled Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice. 68FR47954 (txt) 8/12/03

  • Credit Repair Firm to Pay $1.15 Million

    One of the country's largest credit-repair operations has agreed to pay more than $1.15 million in consumer redress to settle FTC charges that it violated federal law by falsely claiming that it could remove derogatory information from consumers’ credit reports, even if that information was accurate and not obsolete. FTC Complaint Settlement 8/12/03

  • OCC Issues Liquidity Management Bulletin

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-36 regarding the "Interagency Advisory on the Use of the Federal Reserve's Primary Credit Program in Effective Liquidity Management" which was previously issued by the financial regulators. Information concerning the advisory was published in BOL Top Stories on July 24, 2003. 8/12/03

  • OFAC Adds New SDN and Two SDGTs

    OFAC has blocked the property and interests of a new SDN entity and two new individuals have been added as SDGTs. Information regarding the new listings has been placed on the BOL OFAC page. 8/11/03

  • Regulators Can Discipline Outside Auditors

    The financial regulators have issued final rules governing their authority to take disciplinary actions against independent public accountants and accounting firms that perform audit and attestation services required by the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.   Joint Final Rule  FRB PR  OCC NR 2003-62   OTS 03-25   FDIC PR-77-2003 8/11/03

  • Guidelines for Real Estate Lending Policies

    The OCC has issued an advisory letter regarding the reiterated and expanded guidance contained in its Commercial Real Estate and Construction Lending booklet. Finished lot loans, risk management insurance products and nonconforming loan amounts are addressed by the guidance. OCC AL 2003-7 8/11/03

  • Thrift Activities Handbook Updated

    OTS has issued a regulatory bulletin regarding the update of the Operations Analysis section of the Thrift Activities Regulatory Handbook. OTS RB-32-39 8/11/03

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Klein Bank, Spring, Texas and The Peoples State Bank, Clyde, Texas. Information regarding the checks and contact information has been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 8/11/03

  • FinCEN Seeks Comments on Strategic Plan

    FinCEN has published a draft of its 2003-2008 Strategic Plan. Comments are sought from all parties that might be affected or interested.FinCEN Strategic Plan 8/11/03

  • ECOA Adverse Action New Address

    The OCC has announced that its Customer Assistance Group has a new address. Banks should begin using the new address in adverse action notices required under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act as soon as practicable.OCC Bulletin 2003-33 8/8/03

  • OCC Bulletin Regarding NPR

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-35 announcing the publication in the Federal Register on August 5 of a notice of proposed rulemaking on bank activities and operations; and real estate lending and appraisals. The publication of the NPR was previously reported in BOL Top Stories. 8/8/03

  • OCC Issues Reg C Transition Bulletin

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-34 regarding the prior issuance by the FRB of final transition rules for Reg C. Information regarding the final rule was previously announced in the May 28, 2003 BOL Top Stories. 8/8/03

  • Bank Directors and Corporate Governance

    The role of the board of directors in the control process and how they can become more informed were two of the many topics relating to corporate governance that were discussed by FRB Governor Bies at the Community Bank Directors Conference. She also reviewed the risks that can occur at community banks without effective governance.
    Speech 8/8/03

  • Consumer Credit Report Released

    The FRB has released the G.19 Consumer Credit Report for June 2003.G.19 8/8/03

  • CRA Evaluations Released

    The FDIC has issued the list of state nonmember banks evaluated in May 2003 for compliance with CRA. Of the 157 banks evaluated, 14 received an outstanding rating and the remainder were rated satisfactory.CRA List 8/7/03

  • Director Nomination Disclosures Proposed

    The SEC has proposed rule changes that would strengthen disclosure requirements relating to nomination of directors and shareholder communications with directors. The changes result from an internal study conducted by the SEC staff. Information regarding the study was previously reported in BOL Top Stories on July 14, 2003. SEC PR 8/7/03

  • NCUA Continues Interest Rate Ceiling

    The current 18 percent per year federal credit union maximum loan rate was scheduled to revert to 15 percent on September 9, 2003 The NCUA Board has continued the current ceiling through March 8, 2005. 68FR46439 (txt) 68FR46439 (pdf) 8/6/03

  • Weekly Reserve Position Data Released

    Treasury has released the U.S. International reserve assets data for the week ending August 1, 2003. International Reserve Position 8/6/03

  • Bogus IDs Cases Settled

    The FTC has announced the settlement of the cases against two companies who were marketing fake international driver's permits. The firms claimed the IDPs, which were marketed on a Web site, were valid as driver's licenses in all states and also would serve as government issued photo identification. FTC PR   Settlement Order 8/6/03

  • Advance Fee Loan Operation Shut Down

    The FTC has settled a complaint it filed against a New York loan office that used newspaper classified ads and an Internet Web site to induce consumers to pay an advance fee ranging from $50 to $300 to obtain a guaranteed loan of a desired amount regardless of the consumer.s credit history. The company falsely advertised a full refund if the consumer did not get the promised loan.  FTC PR  Settlement 8/6/03

  • Comments Requested on Applicability of State Law to National Banks

    The OCC proposes to amend parts 7 and 34 of their regulations to add provisions clarifying the applicability of state law to national banks. These provisions would identify types of state laws that are preempted, as well as types of state laws that generally are not preempted, in the context of national bank lending, deposit-taking, and other authorized activities. 68FR46119 (txt) 68FR46119 (pdf) 8/5/03

  • Comments Sought On Basel Accord ANPR

    The financial regulators have issued a joint ANPR and request for comments regarding the proposed implementation of the new Basel Capital Accord in the United States. Information regarding the ANPR was previously reported in BOL Top Stories on July 14.   FRB PR    OCC NR 2003-61    OTS 03-24    FDIC-PR-75-2003    FDIC FIL-62-2003    FDIC FIL-61-2003    ANPR    Draft Guidance 8/5/03

  • August 1 FHC List Released

    The FRB has released the August 1, 2003 list of bank holding companies that have become or have elected to be treated as financial holding companies under the provisions of the Bank Holding Company Act.  FHC List 8/5/03

  • Agencies Issue Sound Practices Paper

    The FRB, OCC and SEC have issued an "Interagency Paper on Sound Practices to Strengthen the Resilience of the U.S. Financial System" which identifies sound practices to strengthen the resilience of critical U.S. financial markets.  Interagency Paper    OCC NR 2003-28 8/5/03

  • June Asset and Price Liability Tables Available

    The Asset and Price Liability Tables for June 30, 2003 have been released by OTS.  Asset -Liability Tables 8/5/03

  • FedImage Retrieval Pricing Options Change

    Effective September 1, 2003, FedImage Retrieval customers will have the option to change the way they pay for retrieving check images stored in our image archive. This new option allows customers to elect to pay for retrieval services through a per retrieval fee or through a new subscription retrieval service. The subscription retrieval service applies a fee across each image archived rather than paying on a per-retrieval basis. You can then retrieve images without an additional retrieval fee. The per-item fee varies depending on your monthly retrieval rates. Federal Reserve Financial Services Announcement 8/4/03

  • OCC Orders Bank to Refund Fees

    The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has entered into a formal agreement with First Consumers National Bank, Beaverton, Oregon, that requires the Bank to refund various credit card fees to customers. The agreement requires the Bank to refund annual fees on Bank-issued credit cards charged to customers on or after a particular date when the Bank knew it would have to liquidate its credit card portfolio and it should have informed customers of that fact when they renewed or initiated their credit cards. The OCC asserted that the Bank’s failure to do inform customers was an unfair and deceptive practice. The amount of annual fee refunds is approximately $1.65 million. NR 2003-60 Formal Agreement 8/4/03

  • FDIC Warns of Entity Advertising Unlawfully

    The FDIC has issued an alert regarding Fidelity Financial Trust, an entity unlawfully advertising FDIC membership on its Internet Web site. The Web site for the entity indicates that its main office is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The FDIC does not insure this entity nor any products or services that it offers. SA-45-2003. ) 8/4/03

  • 2002 HMDA Data Available<

    Data regarding mortgage lending transactions for the year 2002 at 7,771 financial institutions covered by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act has now been made available online by the FFIEC. These data include disclosure statements for each financial institution, aggregate data for each metropolitan area, and nationwide summary statistics regarding lending patterns. FFIEC Press Release. (Includes links to Tables) 8/4/03

  • FCRA-Related Changes in Works?

    Secretary of the Treasury John Snow testified before the Senate Banking Committee on strengthening the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Among the proposals being considered are free credit reports upon request; a National Security Alert System; a system for having bank regulators watch for red flags indicative of fraud; a prohibition on the sale or transfer of ID theft debt; and giving FTC the authority to adopt rules requiring adverse action notices to be given when an applicant's credit score results in their being offered less favorable rates. Treasury Press Release 8/4/03

  • CRA Data Available on Small Biz and Farm Lending

    The FFIEC announced that the 2002 data is now available on small business, small farm, and community development lending reported by commercial banks and thrifts. The 2002 CRA data reflect originations and purchases of small business, small farm, and community development loans from 1,986 institutions, including 1,495 commercial banks and 491 savings associations. FFIEC Press Release 8/4/03

  • OCC Proposes Predatory Lending Rule

    The OCC is proposing proposed a new regulation that would clarify what types of state laws apply to national banks and would establish a strong anti-predatory lending standard. In a related action, the OCC announced its position that the Georgia Fair Lending Law does not apply to nationally chartered banks or to national bank operating subsidiaries.   Release 2003-59   Statement From The Comptroller    Georgia Preemption Order    NPRM    Q&As - Georgia (GFLA)    Q&As - NPRM    OCC Working Paper 8/1/03

  • FDIC & NCUA Issue Advance Fee Scam Alerts

    The FDIC and NCUA each put out an alert relating to fraudulent activities involving the use of official financial institution logos in newspaper advertisements. This practice is believed to affect as many as 50 financial institutions. Fraudulent ads for various types of loans are being used to dupe unwitting victims into believing they will be dealing with a legitimate financial institution. They are asked to pay an advance fee, and must, as part of the application process, reveal personal information, such as Social Security numbers, that could be used for ID theft. No loan proceeds are actually advanced, and the scammers escape with the advance fees.   SA-44-2003   NCUA Advisory

  • FDIC Call and Thrift Financial Reports

    Preliminary data for June 30, 2003, are now available. FDIC 8/1/03


Top Stories for July 2003

  • Beneficial Ownership Report Filings System

    Searchable database of Beneficial Ownership Reports filed with FDIC, FRB and OCC.Beneficial Ownership Reports 7/31/03

  • July 2003 Beige Book Issued

    The FRB has published the July 21, 2003 issue of the Beige Book which contains summaries of the economic conditions in each of the twelve Federal Reserve Districts. Beige Book 7/31/03

  • Executive Order Adds SDNs

    The President has issued an Executive Order with respect to Burma (Myanmar) that adds four new entries to the SDN list, blocks property of the government of Burma, and prohibits certain transactions. Information regarding the Executive Order has been placed on the BOL OFAC page. 7/30/03

  • OCC Issues Advisory Letter

    The OCC has issued Advisory Letter 2003-6 to inform national banks of the withdrawal by FinCEN of Advisory Issue 27, regarding St. Vincent and the Grenadines. As a result, enhanced scrutiny with respect to transactions involving St. Vincent and the Grenadines is no longer necessary. The FinCEN action was previously reported on July 3, 2003 in BOL Top Stories. 7/30/03

  • Regulators Testify Regarding FCRA

    Representatives of the FRB, FDIC and FTC all testified before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs regarding their agencies respective roles under FCRA.FRB TestimonyFDIC TestimonyFTC Testimony 7/30/03

  • July Financial Holding Company List

    The FRB has issued the July list of bank holding companies that have elected to become financial holding companies or be treated as financial holding companies.FRB FHC List 7/30/03

  • U. S. Reserve Assets Increase

    Treasury has released the U.S. reserve assets data for the week ending July 25, 2003. U.S. reserve assets totaled $81,757 million as of the end of that week, compared to $80,950 million as of the end of the prior week.International Reserve Position 7/30/03

  • Enron Mess Entangles Two FIs

    Following the review of transactions involving Enron Corporation, J.B. Morgan Chase & Company and Citigroup, Inc., along with their respective subsidiaries, have entered into separate written agreements with the Federal Reserve to strengthen their risk management practices. In related actions, Citigroup has entered into a written agreement with the OCC; J.P. Morgan Chase agreed to pay $135 million to settle SEC allegations that it helped Enron commit fraud; and Citigroup agreed to pay $120 million to settle SEC allegations that it helped Enron and Dynegy commit fraud.J. B. Morgan Chase Agreement    Citigroup FRB Agreement    Citigroup OCC Agreement   SEC Agreements 7/29/03

  • Interagency Electronic Filing System Announced

    The three major bank regulators have announced a new electronic filing system that will allow faster and easier submission and public retrieval of beneficial ownership reports filed by directors, officers, and principal shareholders of publicly traded institutions.FRB    OCC    FDIC FIL 7/29/03

  • OCC Quarterly Journal Released

    Read about the performance of commercial banks, peruse a collection of interpretative letters, see how bank supervision in the U. S. compares with other countries and more in the March 2003 issue of the OCC's Quarterly Journal, Volume 22,No.1. OCC Quarterly Journal 7/29/03

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Perkins State Bank, Williston, Florida. The counterfeit checks have the institution's correct routing number, but do not use the correct account number. Information regarding the checks and contact information has been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 7/29/03

  • DNC Registry Is a Hit

    As of July 28, 2003, 28.7 million telephone numbers were listed in the National Do Not Call Registry. As a side note, this shows the power of the Internet, 80% of the registrations were made online.FTC DNC Registry 7/29/03

  • NCUA Realignment Plan Released

    NCUA released its realignment plan which provides a timeline for the agency's transition from six regional offices to five and the relocation of one office.NCUA Realignment Plan 7/29/03

  • FRB Issues Primary Credit Supervisory Letter

    The FRB has issued supervisory letter SR-03-15 regarding the Interagency Advisory on the Use of the Federal Reserve's Primary Credit Program in Effective Liquidity Management recently issued by the FRB, FDIC, OCC, OTS, and NCUA. The release of the Advisory was previously reported BOL Top Stories on July 24, 2003. 7/28/03

  • Comptroller Says Change The Way We Combat Predatory Lending

    Comptroller Hawke in a presentation before the Federalist Society expressed concern that the current approach to fighting predatory lending has resulted in making it more difficult for creditworthy subprime borrowers to obtain credit. He suggested a better approach would be to focus regulatory enforcement powers on abusive lenders, most of which are outside of the traditional banking industry.Comptroller's Speech 7/25/03

  • Regulators Explain Differences in Capital and Accounting Standards

    The OCC, FRB, FDIC, and OTS have issued a joint annual report to Congress which describes the differences between the accounting and capital standards used by and among the agencies. This is the first joint annual report to be submitted by the agencies, previously they reported separately.Joint Annual Report 7/25/03

  • Unique Slogan Placed On Some Treasury Checks

    Treasury has announced that in an effort fight check fraud a unique slogan, "TAX RELIEF FOR AMERICA'S FAMILIES", is printed on the bottom of the 26.3 million Child Tax Credit Advance Payment checks which will be mailed to eligible taxpayers. In addition, it was noted that the stated amount of most of the checks will be a multiple of $400. The checks will also contain the standard security features of other Treasury checks.Child Tax Credit Checks 7/25/03

  • Two Canadian Entities Subject of Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding two Canadian entities that may be conducting unauthorized banking activities in the United States and Canada. Financial institutions are instructed to view with extreme caution any proposed transactions involving Starlife Financial Limited, Toronto, Ontario and Allied Asset Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.FDIC SA-42-2003 7/25/03

  • Discount Window Interagency Guidance Issued

    The FRB, FDIC, OCC, OTS and NCUA have issued guidance on the appropriate use of the Federal Reserve's new primary credit discount window program in depository institutions' liquidity risk management and contingency planning. The guidance provides background on the discount window programs, including the new primary and secondary credit programs introduced in January, 2003.FRB    FDIC    FDIC FIL-59-2003    OCC    OTS   NCUA    Interagency Guidance 7/24/03

  • New Electronic Issue of Interpretations and Actions Available

    The OCC has placed online the July 2003 issue of Interpretations and Actions containing interpretative letters, corporate decisions, approvals, enforcement actions, and CRA performance evaluations.OCC Electronic Interpretations and Actions 7/24/03

  • Federal Thrifts Can Ignore New Jersey Law

    The OTS has determined that the recently enacted New Jersey Home Ownership Security Act is pre-empted by the federal Home Owners' Loan Act and OTS regulations. As a result, the state law does not apply to federal savings associations and their operating subsidiaries.OTS 03-22 7/24/03

  • Inflation Rate - Can It Drop Too Low

    In a presentation before the Economics Roundtable of the University of California, FRB Governor Bernanke discussed the views of the Federal Open Market Committee regarding the current rate of inflation. He noted that earlier this year the Committee for the first time indicated it was concerned that inflation might actually fall too low. He indicated that should the funds rate approach zero, the Committee is prepared to implement nontraditional monetary policy measures.Presentation 7/24/03

  • Comment Deadline Approaches

    The deadline for submitting a comment letter to Treasury regarding the proposal to require financial institutions to retain photocopies of the documents used to verify a customer's identity is July 31, 2003. Don't miss this opportunity to express your opinion on this important issue. For more information review this previously issued BOL Special Banker Briefing. 7/23/03

  • Risk Based Component Added to OCC Handbook

    The "Community Bank Supervision", a booklet in the OCC's Handbook series, has been revised to include risk-based consumer compliance and asset management information. The additions provide managers with more flexibility in determining the scope and timing of supervisory activities in addition to stressing the importance of evaluating and validating the audit and internal control functions.Community Bank Supervision Appendixes 7/23/03

  • FDIC Enforcement Actions Released

    Information regarding enforcement actions taken against fourteen banks and one individual in June, 2003 has been released by the FDIC. The actions included three cease and desist orders, two civil money penalties and four terminations of insurance. The largest civil money penalty assessed was $16,400.FDIC Enforcement Actions 7/23/03

  • 2003 Income Data Added to CRA/HMDA Software

    The FFIEC has announced CRA/HMDA date entry software containing 2003 income data is now available for download. FFIEC CRA/HMDA Software 7/23/03

  • Special Alerts Regarding Counterfeit and Stolen Checks

    The FDIC has issued two Special Alerts regarding five official checks stolen from the RBC Centura Bank, Rocky Mount, North Carolina; counterfeit official checks drawn on the Winchester Branch of Farmers State Bank, Pittsfield, Illinois; and counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on the San Francisco Branch of Northern Trust Bank, National Association, Phoenix, Arizona; and EverTrust Bank, Everett, Washington. Information regarding the counterfeit and stolen items has been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 7/23/03

  • International Reserve Position Declines

    The Treasury Department has released U.S. reserve assets data for the weeks ending July 4, 11, and 18, 2003. The U.S. reserve assets totaled $80,950 million as of the week of July 18, 2003, compared to $81,438 million as of the end of the prior week.International Reserve Position 7-47-11 7-18 7/23/03

  • FRB Publishes July Working Papers

    The FRB has published the July edition of the working papers in the Finance and Economic Discussion Series. Topics include: Tunnels and Reserves in Monetary Policy Implementation; Declining Required Reserves, Funds Rate Volatility, and Open Market Operations; Inventory Dynamics and Business Cycles: What Has Changed?; and What Did the Credit Market Expect of Argentina Default? Evidence from Default Swap Data.
    Tunnels and Reserves   Declining Required Reserves    Inventory Dynamics    What Did the Credit    7/23/03

  • Seven Banks Receive Outstanding CRA Rating

    The OCC has released the CRA performance evaluations for eighty national banks. Seven of the banks were rated outstanding and seventy-three received a satisfactory rating. OCC CRA 7/22/03

  • Finance Companies Owned and Managed Receivables

    The FRB has issued the G.20 owned and managed receivables report for May 2003. FRB G.20 7/22/03

  • OFAC Issues Civil Penalties Against Two Banks

    The weekly release by OFAC of Civil Penalties Enforcement Information included two banks; one cited for violation of the OFAC Sanction Program regarding Cuba and the other for violations of both the Iran and the Kosovo Programs. The civil penalties ranged from $250 to $9,725.OFAC Civil Penalties 7/21/03

  • Median Interest Rate Sensitivity Stable

    The OTS has released the first quarter 2003 issue of The Quarterly Review of Interest Rate Risk. The median thrift sensitivity improved slightly to 91 basis points from 93 basis points in December while the yield curve steepened.Interest Rate Risk Review 7/21/03

  • SAR Filing Tips

    FinCEN has added a new Q & A to the Regulatory FAQs which lists resources available to aid SAR filers. The information includes instructions for filing the various SAR forms and guideance on when to file a SAR.Q & A 7/18/03

  • Investment Schemes Use Altered Federal Reserve Notes

    The Federal Reserve has issued a Supervisory Letter regarding bogus investment schemes that utilize altered Federal Reserve Notes. The altered notes are in face amounts of $50 million or some other astronomically large amount, but some investors are still taken in. You will want to alert your investment officers and your customers about these schemes.FR SR 03-14 7/18/03

  • OCC States Accounting Views

    The OCC has released the June 2003 edition of its Bank Accounting Advisory Series which conveys the OCC's views on various accounting topics. Advisory Series 7/18/03

  • OTS Issues Interest Rate Projections

    OTS has issued its second quarter 2003 interest rate projections for capital plans.OTS 7/18/03

  • Eight Enforcement Actions Announced by OCC

    The OCC has announced eight enforcement actions involving six national banks and two individuals. The actions include cease and desist orders, a civil money penalty, formal agreements and removal actions.OCC Enforcement Actions 7/17/03

  • HOEPA APR Reference Rates for August Released

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in August will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. H.15 Daily RatesH.15 Weekly Rates 7/17/03

  • USA PATRIOT Act Implementation Reviewed

    The actions of Treasury to implement provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act were detailed in a presentation by Deputy Assistant Dawson to the Bankers' Association for Finance and Trade. He noted that efforts have been taken to minimize the compliance burden on financial institutions regarding Section 314 information requests. The majority of the requests submitted have been related to the investigation of terrorist financing cases. He also remarked that the joint rule issued by bank regulators regarding Section 326 was one of the largest, most complicated joint rules ever issued. Remarks 7/17/03

  • Industrial Output Declines in Second Quarter

    The G.17 Second Quarter 2003 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization report has been released by the Federal Reserve. Despite the recent gains, industrial output decreased at an annual rate of 3.2 percent in the second quarter. G.17 Report 7/17/03

  • SEC Publishes Proxy Process Review

    The SEC has published a report of an internal review of its rules and regulations regarding the nomination and election of directors. The report notes the need to improve the existing proxy process and recommends action in two areas: improved disclosure and improved shareholder access to the director nomination process. A summary of public comments received on the subject, including those received from the American Bankers Association, was also released.SEC ReportSummary of Comments 7/16/03

  • FOMC to be Accommodative According to Greenspan

    Chairman Greenspan presented the Federal Reserve's semiannual Monetary Policy Report to Congress. He noted the Federal Open Market Committee is prepared to maintain a highly accommodative policy stance as long as necessary to promote economic performance. Improvements in measures of default risk, a decline in actual defaults, and a moderation in the pace of debt-rating downgrades have prompted a marked narrowing of credit spreads and credit default swap premiums. As a result, banks remain well-capitalized and willing lenders. TestimonyMonetary Policy Report PDF ASCII 7/16/03

  • State Profiles Published by FDIC

    The FDIC has published the Summer 2003 quarterly analysis of state economic and banking trends and aggregate financial data covering insured institutions in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.State Profiles 7/16/03

  • International Finance Discussion Papers Released

    The FRB has released three International Finance Discussion Papers. Titles include: Loans to Japanese Borrowers, What Happens After A Technology Shock?, and IT Investment and Hicks' Composite-Good Theorem: The U.S. Experience.Loans; Asbtract    Full Report    What Happens; Abstract    Full Report    Hick's Composite Abstract    Full Report 7/16/03

  • Cost of Funds Reports Issued

    OTS has issued the July 15, 2003 and the historical national average cost of funds ratio to OTS regulated, SAIF - insured institutions reports.July reportHistorical report 7/16/03

  • Financial Holding Company Election Released

    The FRB has released the July list of those bank holding companies that have elected to become or be treated as financial holding companies for Banking Holding Company purposes. FRB Release 7/15/03

  • Societe Generale Assessed $11,000 by OFAC

    The New York City office of Societe Generale was the only financial institution listed by OFAC on its weekly release of Civil Penalties Enforcement Information. A funds transfer in 2001, which violated the Libya Sanction Program, resulted in an $11,000 assessment.OFAC Enforcement Information 7/14/03

  • Regulators Seek Comments on Basel Accord and Guidance

    The FRB, OCC, OTS and FDIC have issued an interagency advance notice of proposed rulemaking seeking public comment on the implementation of the New Basel Capital Accord in the United States. Comments are also sought on two drafts of interagency supervisory guidance regarding internal-ratings based systems for corporate credits and approaches for measuring operational risk. FRB PR    FRB Memorandum    OCC NR    OCC Notice    OCC Corporate IRB Guidance    OCC Operational Risk Guidance 7/14/03

  • OTS To Hold Financial Management Seminars

    The OTS will host five financial management seminars during the months of July and August in San Francisco, Dallas, Atlanta, Newark, and Chicago. The program will be of interest to auditors and financial managers with responsibility for accounting or financial reporting, risk management and internal rate risk analysis. Agenda Online Registration 7/11/03

  • FDIC Issues Letter to Stakeholders

    The FDIC has issued its fifth letter to stakeholders which lists priorities and activities for the second quarter of 2003.FDIC FIL-58-2003 Letter 7/11/03

  • Korean Version of Money Smart Program Available

    The FDIC has released a Korean language version of the Money Smart adult financial education curriculum. FDIC PR 7/11/03

  • Credit Unions Seek Latino Customers

    Participants in a NCUA workshop were urged to market their services to the Latino community. The acceptance of Matricula Consular and other foreign government cards as valid IDs and the providing of extra seating and activities for children were among the ideas shared at the workshop. NCUA NR 7/11/03

  • Submit Your 2003 Summary of Deposits Report Online

    A new electronic filing option is now available for FDIC-insured institutions that submit paper SOD surveys. A link to the online filing form has been posted on the FDIC website. You must use your User ID and PIN listed on the paper SOD form you received from the FDIC. File SOD Online 7/10/03

  • Treasury Proposes FCRA Amendments

    Treasury Secretary Snow has proposed that the Fair Credit Reporting Act be amended to direct the FTC and bank regulators to make it easier for consumers to say no to unsolicited credit offers. In testimony regarding the renewal of FCRA before the House Committee on Financial Services, he also presented examples of ways FCRA helps fight identity theft. Testimony 7/10/03

  • Retention of ID Photocopies Subject of OTS Transmittal

    The OTS has issued Transmittal TR-320 concerning the request by Treasury for comments regarding the retention of photocopies of identification documents utilized by institutions to verify identity pursuant to Section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act. The comment notice was published in the Federal Register and previously reported in Top Stories on July 1, 2003. Notice 7/10/03

  • Special Alert Regarding Counterfeit Checks

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on the Long Beach, California, branch of California Bank & Trust, San Diego, California. Information regarding the counterfeit items has been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 7/10/03

  • FTC Complaint Names Electronic Payment Processor

    The FTC has filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas charging Electronic Financial Group, Inc. (EFG) and its principals with providing assistance to fraudulent telemarketers seeking to drain funds from consumers' checking accounts. The defendants are charged with violating the law by processing ACH transactions for numerous fraudulent telemarketers and by engaging in the deceptive marketing of their own advance-fee debit cards.FTC Release 7/10/03

  • International Reserves Decline Slightly

    Treasury Department has released the U.S. reserve assets data for week ending July 4, 2003. U.S. reserve assets totaled $81,112 million, compared to $81,453 million as of the end of the prior week.International Reserve Position 7/10/03

  • Operation Cornerstone for Financial Investigations

    Department of Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge made several announcements of interest to the banking industry. DHS is launching Operation Cornerstone, a new financial investigations program that will identify vulnerabilities in financial systems through which criminals launder their illicit proceeds, bring criminals to justice and work to eliminate the vulnerabilities. The Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement will run it and will share information learned from these investigations with bankers to eliminate industry-wide security gaps that could be exploited by money launderers and other criminal organizations. Plus, the Secret Service is expanding Electronic Crimes Task Forces to Cleveland, Houston, Dallas and Columbia, South Carolina. DHS Press Release Press Kit Details 7/9/03

  • 2004 CRA File Formats and Edits Published

    The FFIEC has issued the file formats to be used when sending 2004 Community Reinvestment Act data to your regulator via diskette, CD-ROM, e-mail or cartridge tape. The CRA edits are modified each year to include new data fields and enhance data quality.File Formats Edits 7/9/03

  • Two More to Look Out For

    Be on the watch for counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Wilson State Bank, Wilson, Texas, and counterfeit official checks drawn on International Bank of Commerce, Laredo, Texas. Information regarding these counterfeit items and more are found on our Alerts & Counterfeits page. 7/9/03

  • May Consumer Credit Report Shows Moderate Gains

    The FRB has released the G.19 Consumer Credit Report for May 2003. In May, both revolving and non-revolving credit posted moderate gains. Consumer credit rose at an annual rate of 5 percent in May, following a 5-1/2 percent increase in April.FRB G.19 May 2003 7/9/03

  • Contact OFAC Online

    You can avoid talking to voice mail by sending your questions to OFAC electronically. Just complete the online form on the OFAC website to submit questions or comments regarding "in process" wire-transfers. As soon as possible, you will be contacted concerning your request. Note, inquiries regarding other subjects must still be submitted by phone or mail. Information regarding this new service is posted on our OFAC page. 7/8/03

  • HMDA HELP Page Announced

    The St. Louis FRB has created a new HMDA page which is a fabulous resource for information about the recent HMDA changes that will take effect January 1, 2004. The new page features information which supplements the existing HMDA data available on the FFIEC site. The new page has a Frequency Asked Questions section along with LAR forms, FFIEC software and practical compliance tips. We added the link to this new resource under the HMDA category on the BOL Launch Pad. Just click on HMDA Help Page. 7/8/03

  • New SDNs Added By OFAC

    Three new individuals have been added by OFAC as SDNs. They have also been included on the listing of BALKANS entries. Information regarding the new listings has been placed on the BOL OFAC page. 7/8/03

  • NCUA Share Insurance Estimator Now Online

    Credit Union members can now estimate the amount of insurance protection provided by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund by using the Estimator is found on NCUA's website.NCUA PR Insurance Estimator 7/8/03

  • Community Reinvestment Act Ratings Released

    The FDIC has issued the July 2003 list of state nonmember banks evaluated for compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act and the evaluation ratings for the respective institutions.FDIC CRA List 7/7/03

  • Instructions for Reporting Trust Preferred Securities

    The FRB has issued a Supervisory Letter that provides instructions on how trust preferred securities are to be reported on bank holding companies' financial statements. The Federal Reserve has become aware that Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation No. 46 (FIN 46) may have implications for how trust preferred securities are reported. Until changes are made to form FR Y-9C, the current instructions regarding the reporting of trust preferred securities on Schedule HC-R should continue to be followed.Supervisory Letter 03-13 7/7/03

  • FDIC Issues New SAR Form Reminder

    The FDIC has issued FIL-56-2003 regarding the July 1 utilization date of the new SAR form. The release of the new form by FinCEN on May 2, 2003 and a BOL reminder notice on June 24, 2003 were previously posted on BOL Top Stories.7/7/03

  • Counterfeit Checks Alert

    Instruct your tellers to watch out for cashier's checks drawn on the Los Angeles branch of OneUnited Bank, Boston, Massachusetts and cashier's checks drawn on 1st National Bank & Trust, Bradenton, Florida. They may be counterfeit. Information regarding the items has been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 7/7/03

  • Special Alert - Unauthorized Institutions

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert regarding three institutions that may be operating unauthorized banking operations in the United States and Canada. The entities are Golden Trust Bank, Oshawa, Ontario; National Bank, Etobicoke, Ontario; and Banquedenationale Bank, Hong Kong. Any information about these entities should be forwarded to the FDIC's Special Activities Section or forwarded electronically to SA-36-2003 7/7/03

  • March 2003 UMPR Available Online

    The FFIEC has placed the March 31, 2003 Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR) online.FFIEC PR 7/7/03

  • Treasury to Issue Depositary Compensation Securities

    The Treasury Department has announced that it will in mid-July begin issuing non-marketable securities, called Depositary Compensation Securities, to compensate those financial institutions who serve as financial agents of the United States for essential banking services, including the collection and deposit of all Treasury receipts.Treasury PR 7/7/03

  • NCUA Begins Review of Regulatory Burdens

    The NCUA Board has published a notice in the Federal Register of the beginning of a review of its regulations to reduce burdens imposed on federally-insured credit unions. The notice is the first in a series and regards "Applications and Reporting" and "Powers and Activities".68FR39863 (txt) 68FR39863 (pdf) 7/7/03

  • Proposal to Clarify NCUA Loan Participation Rule

    NCUA has published in the Federal Resister a notice of a proposal to update and clarify the definitions of the terms, "credit union organization'" and `"financial organization", as used in NCUA's loan participation rule. 68FR39866 (txt) 68FR39866 (pdf) 7/7/03

  • Deceptive Claims of FDIC Insurance Coverage

    The FDIC has issued a Special Alert concerning two entities that are falsely representing on their Web sites to potential customers that the entities are members of the FDIC. The two entities are Citi Trust Bank, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, and Banquedenationale Bank, Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of China.FDIC Special Alert SA-37-2003 7/7/03

  • Share Insurance Rule Amendment Proposed by NCUA

    The notice of a proposal to amend its share insurance rules has been published in the Federal Register by NCUA. The amendments simplify and clarify the rules regarding how revocable trust accounts are established and insured; provide continuation of coverage following the death of a member; provide separate coverage after the merger of insured credit unions for limited periods of time; and clarify that there is coverage for Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, formerly Education IRAs.68FR39868 (txt) 68FR39868 (pdf)7/7/03

  • Census and HUD Data Used for CRA Released

    The OCC has issued a bulletin regarding the release of the 2000 U.S. Census and the 2003 HUD estimated median family incomes for MSA and non-MSA portions of each state. The annual HUD data are used to determine borrower income levels in Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluations.OCC Bulletin Census and HUD Median Family Income Data 7/3/03

  • Payday Lending Examination Guidance Issued

    The FDIC has issued a guidance regarding the examination of the payday lending activities of FDIC supervised institutions. Special examination procedures will be utilized to verify and monitor an institution's performance. The guidance also instructs examiners to include in Community Reinvestment Act public evaluations an expansive discussion of the payday lending practices and strategies of the institutions. Guidelines for Payday Lending 7/3/03

  • FinCEN Withdrawals AML Advisory

    FinCEN has announced the withdrawal of Advisory 27 regarding St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Due the adoption of new anti-money laundering laws, FinCEN has determined that the enhanced scrutiny of transactions involving St. Vincent and the Grenadines is no longer necessary. The withdrawal of the Advisory does not relieve institutions of their pre-existing and on-going obligation to report suspicious activity.FinCEN Withdrawal 7/3/03

  • FRB Issues Final Rule to Amend Reg Y

    The amendment would permit bank holding companies to (i) take and make delivery of title to commodities underlying commodity derivative contracts on an instantaneous, pass-through basis; and (ii) enter into certain commodity derivative contracts that do not require cash settlement or specifically provide for assignment, termination, or offset prior to delivery. 68FR39807 (txt) 68FR39807 (pdf) 7/3/03

  • 2004 HMDA File Formats and Edits Released

    The FFIEC has posted the final 2004 HMDA File Formats and Edits online. The File Formats describe the required electronic format in which all institutions must submit their data. The Edits provide an explanation of errors that can result from the submission of invalid data.File Formats Edits 7/3/03

  • OCC Capital and Dividends Manual Revised

    The OCC has updated and placed online its Capital and Dividends booklet, which is part of the Comptroller's Licensing Manual series. The revision, which replaces the 1998 version, incorporates recent policy and procedure changes regarding blank check preferred stock, innovative and hybrid capital instruments, and issuance of no par stock.OCC Capital and Dividends Manual 7/3/03

  • Comments Sought on Insurance of Living Trust Accounts

    The FDIC has issued a FIL which requests public comments on two proposed alternative rules to clarify and simplify the regulations on the insurance coverage of living trust accounts. The first alternative is to provide coverage up to $100,000 per qualifying beneficiary named in the living trust, regardless of contingencies in the trust. The second alternative is to create a separate category of coverage for living trust accounts and to insure such accounts up to $100,000 per owner of the account. Comments on the proposals are due by August 29, 2003. The proposals were published in the Federal Register on June 30, 2003 and previously reported in BOL Top Stories.FDIC FIL-54-2003   Notice HTML    PDF 7/3/03

  • Homeownership Counseling Examination Procedures

    The OCC has issued a bulletin announcing the FFIEC Homeownership Counseling Examination Procedures. The examination objectives and procedures are described along with an examination checklist. The procedures are effective immediately. OCC Bulletin 2003-29 Exam Procedures 7/2/03

  • Spanish Version ARM and Home Equity Brochures

    The FRB has published Spanish language versions of two of its most popular consumer brochures. The Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages and What You Should Know About Home Equity Lines of Credit are available in both print and electronic form.Spanish ARM Spanish Home Equity 7/2/03

  • FRB Web Site Gets New Look

    The FRB is in the process of reorganizing the categories on its Web site with the goal of making it more informative and easier to use. It even provides a "What's Changed " page to walk you through the new sections.FRB Home Page FRB "What's Changed" 7/2/03

  • Enhanced Cash Ordering Options Now Online

    Take advantage of a new facility from Federal Reserve Financial Services that lets you submit batch transaction files via FedLine for the Web. It offers an efficient alternative to entering individual orders and a convenient way to generate the transaction file. Contact your local FRB Cash Representative for instructions. FRB Services FRB Cash Representative List 7/2/03

  • International Reserve Position Declines

    The Treasury Department has released U.S. reserve assets data for the week ending June 27, 2003. U.S. reserve assets totaled $81,453 million as of the end of the week, compared to $82,350 million as of the end of the prior week.Treasury Release 7/2/03

  • Agricultural Finance Databook Released

    The FRB has released the E.15 Agricultural Finance Databook for March and June 2003. The databook contains the amount and characteristics of farm loans made by commercial banks, selected statistics from the quarterly reports of condition of commercial banks and Reserve Bank surveys of farm credit conditions and farm land values.FRB E.15 7/2/03

  • June Foreign Exchange Rates Released

    The G.5 June 2003 foreign exchange rates report has been released by the FRB.It shows the monthly average rates of exchange based on daily noon buying rates for cable transfers in New York City. FRB G.5 7/2/03

  • BancorpSouth Joins Money Smart

    The FDIC announced that BancorpSouth has joined the Money Smart Alliance Program. As a partner in the program, BancorpSouth will reach low- and moderate-income individuals in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. It will provide staff for training, classroom space and grants to community-based partners who teach the Money Smart curriculum to local citizens.FDIC Money Smart 7/2/03

  • Treasury Seeks Comments on Retaining Copies of CIP ID

    Here is your opportunity to submit comments regarding the Section 326 final rule. They would like to know: 1.) Whether and under what circumstances financial institutions should be required to retain photocopies of identification documents relied on to verify customer identity; and, whether there are situations when the regulations should preclude reliance on certain forms of foreign government-issued identification to verify customer identity. 68FR39039 (txt) 68FR39039 (pdf) 7/1/03

  • FCRA Improvements Include Identity Theft Alert System

    Secretary Snow has endorsed the proposed renewal and improvement of the Fair Credit Reporting Act by Congress. A national security alert system would be created to notify banks and merchants of consumers who have been victimized or are in danger of being victimized by identity theft. He also noted the national uniform standards of the Act serve consumer interests by expanding the opportunity for every consumer to access credit and financial services in addition to helping to ensure that the consumer's personal information is more accurate and secure. Speech 7/1/03

  • OFAC Amends Final Rule to Reflect OFAC List Changes

    OFAC has issued an amended Final Rule which reflects the addition or removal of the names of individuals and entities on the OFAC List. The Final Rule, which is amended periodically, reflects the complete alphabetical listing of Blocked Persons, SDNs, SDTs, SDGTs, FTOs and SDNTs, as of June 9, 2003.Amended Final Rule 7/1/03

  • Final Rule Issued on Title Transfer Pass-Through of Commodities

    The FRB announced approval of a final rule modifying Regulation Y. Bank holding companies engaged in permissible derivatives activities will be allowed to transfer title to commodities underlying derivative contracts on an instantaneous, pass-through basis. The effective date of the final rule is August 4, 2003 Final Rule 7/1/03


Top Stories for June 2003

  • Iraqi License Subject of Interim Final Rule

    OFAC has published an interim final rule amending the Iraqi Sanctions Regulations, along with a Request for Comments. The amendment reflects the general license issued by OFAC on May 23, 2003 which effectively removed, with four exceptions, the economic sanctions regarding Iraq. The effective date of the interim rule is May 23, 2003. The comment period will close on August 26, 2003. Information regarding the interim final rule and the general license is posted on the BOL OFAC page. 6/30/03

  • June OCC Actions Online

    The actions taken by the OCC in June regarding interpretative letters, application approvals, enforcement actions and CRA evaluations have been posted online.June OCC Actions 6/30/03

  • April G.20 Owned and Managed Receivables Report

    The FRB has released the G.20 financial companies owned and managed receivables report for April 2003. April G.20 6/30/03

  • Proposed Rule from FDIC on Living Trust Accounts

    FDIC is proposing to clarify and simplify the regulations on the deposit insurance coverage of living trust accounts. 68FR38645 (txt) 68FR38645 (pdf) 6/30/03

  • OCC Bulletin - Securities Disclosures

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-28 regarding proposed changes to the securities offering disclosure rules for national banks. The notice was previously announced in BOL Top Stories on May 22, 2003. 6/27/03

  • July 1 Effective Date for California Mandatory Disclosure of Computer Intrusions Law

    Beginning July 1, any person or business that conducts business in California and owns or licenses computerized data is required to disclose to all customers who are California residents any breach of the security of their unencrypted personal information.The disclosure to customers must be made "as soon as possible" after the discovery of a breach of information security. A delay in disclosure is allowed only if a law enforcement agency determines the disclosure would hinder a criminal investigation. Any customer who was injured by the failure to disclose can file a civil suit to recover damages. The legislation, which is the first of its kind, may become a model that will be adopted by other states. BOL previously posted an article regarding the subject, Computer Intrusion Disclosures Mandated by New Law, from BOL Guru, Sam Ott. Click here to read it. 6/27/03

  • Using Clean Money For Lethal Purposes

    Learn how terrorists use the international banking system and apparently innocent accounts to finance their activities. Read the testimony of Treasury General Counsel Aufhauser before the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security.Testimony 6/27/03

  • Debt Ceiling May Adversely Impact Capital Markets

    The debt ceiling and its effect on the standing of the US in the capital markets was discussed in a presentation to the Bond Market Association by Treasury Assistant Secretary Roseboro.Speech 6/27/03

  • Immediate Reduction in Discount Rates Approved

    The FRB has approved actions by the Boards of Directors of the Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Dallas to decrease the discount rate at the banks from 2-1/4 percent to 2 percent, effective immediately.FRB NR 6/27/03

  • Minority-Owned Banks Quarterly Report

    The FRB has released the first quarter report regarding the banks that participate in Treasury's Minority Bank Deposit Program.Minority-Owned Banks Report PDF txt 6/27/03

  • Coping With the Low Interest Rate Environment

    The challenges facing management and the long range consequences of the decisions being made in today's interest environment were examined by FRB Governor Olson at an Economic Growth Outreach meeting.Speech 6/27/03

  • OTS Issues First Quarter Interest Exposure and CMR Reports

    The OTS has released the Interest Rate Exposure and CMR reports for the first quarter 2003. Click here and scroll down to the Data & Research section of the page to download the various reports. 6/27/03

  • Country Exposure Data Online

    The FFIEC has posted the March 31, 2003 Country Exposure Statistical Release and the Country Exposure Information Report on its Web page.Statistical Release   Information Report 6/27/03

  • SAR Software Available Online

    FinCEN has made the SAR Software Version 5.0 for Windows available for download online. You will not be able to enter information into the program unless you have applied for a unique Transmittal Code Number from the Detroit Computing Center. Instructions on how to obtain a code number are also online. FinCEN SAR Software 6/26/03

  • CRA Evaluations Released For 16 National Banks

    The OCC has released the CRA evaluations for sixteen national banks. Three of the banks were rated outstanding and thirteen were satisfactory. None received either a needs to improve or substantial noncompliance rating. OCC NR 2003-52    CRA Evaluations 6/26/03

  • FFIEC Reporting Forms and UBPR Guide Updated

    FFIEC has updated the June 30 Reporting Forms 009 and 009a along with the UBPR User's Guide. Form 009    Form 009a     UBPR User's Guide  6/26/03

  • FRB Publishes Correction to Routing Symbols

    The FRB published a final rule in the Federal Register of May 28, 2003, that amended the Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank routing information listed in appendix A of Regulation CC. The FRB omitted from this supplementary information two routing symbols that will be transferred from the Richmond head office to the Baltimore branch. The corrected list is printed in the federal register. 68FR37957 (txt) 68FR37957 (pdf)  6/26/03

  • 1% and 2% - You've Got to Be Kidding!

    Can you imagine what a banker in the '70s would have said if anyone had predicted that within 30 years the Fed Funds rate would be at 1% and the discount rate at 2%? Read about the considerations that helped the Federal Open Market Committee and the Board of Governors decide to lower the rates. FRB PR 6/26/03

  • Four Entities Named in Unauthorized Banking Alert

    The FDIC has issued an alert regarding the possibility that the following four entities may be conducting unauthorized banking activities in the U.S. and Canada: Apex Financial Group, Toronto, Ontario; Bonded Trust, Mississauga, Ontario; North American Standard Trust, Concord, Ontario; and Universal Trust Financial, Toronto, Ontario. Any information about these entities should be forwarded to the FDIC's Special Activities Section, 550 17th Street, NW, Room F-4040, Washington, DC 20429, or forwarded electronically to FDIC SA-34-2003 6/26/03

  • Banking Holding Company Elections Announced

    The FRB has released the June 20 report regarding bank holding companies that have elected to be treated as a financial holding company under the provisions of the Bank holding Company Act. FRB Financial Holding Company List 6/26/03

  • E.2 Survey Modified

    The FRB E.2 Survey of Terms of Business Lending has been changed to reflect the addition of a new item and the elimination of some previously reported items. Surveyed banks now report the date on which pricing and other terms of loans made under formal commitments became effective. A table has been added to present pricing and other summary statistics separately for loans having terms set during the survey week and loans having pricing terms set prior to the survey week. FRB E.2 6/26/03

  • "Deck of Cards" Added to SDN List

    OFAC has integrated into the OFAC SDN list the persons named on the Defense Department's 55 Person Watch List, better know as the Iraqi "deck of cards". As a result, some entries have been removed, some entries have been amended, and new IRAQ entries have been added. Learn about the changes on the BOL OFAC page. 6/25/03

  • Flood Act Violations Result in CMPs for Ohio and Colorado Banks

    The FRB has announced the issuance of civil money penalties against the Community First Bank & Trust, Celina, Ohio, and the Centennial Bank of the West, Fort Collins, Colorado, for alleged violations of the National Flood Insurance Act.Community First Order   Centennial Bank Order    Flood Dodging the BIG Wave Webinar Presented by BOL Learning Connect   6/25/03

  • OCC Issues New SAR Form Reminder

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-27 regarding the July 1 utilization date of the new SAR form. The release of the new form by FinCEN on May 2, 2003 and a BOL reminder notice on June 24, 2003 were previously posted on BOL Top Stories. 6/25/03

  • Thirteen Enforcement Orders Announced

    The FDIC has released information regarding 13 enforcement orders that were issued in May. They include one cease-and-desist order, five removal-and-prohibition orders, five civil money penalty orders, one voluntary termination of insurance order, and one termination of insurance order.FDIC Enforcement Orders 6/25/03

  • 2003 CRA/HMDA Census Report and Geocoding Data Online

    The FFIEC has posted the 2003 Census Report and Geocoding data plus downloadable CRA/HMDA data entry software online. FFIEC Census Reports   FFIEC Geocoding   Software Download   6/25/03

  • HMDA Training for Lenders Announced

    The Federal Reserve System has released the schedule and locations of four training sessions to help lenders understand and implement the changes to Regulation C.Training Schedule HMDA - The Real Deal - What Bankers Want to Know, Part 1,   Part II Webinar Presented by BOL Learning Connect   6/25/03

  • July 1 Deadline for Service Provider Contract Provisions

    The Information Security Guidelines require that a financial institution have a contract with each of service providers who, in the course of providing services to the institution, has access to nonpublic personal information on customers. The written contractual provision must require the provider to implement and maintain appropriate measures designed to meet the objectives of the Information Security Guidelines.There was a grandfathering provision that applied to contracts entered into on or before March 5, 2001, but the grandfathering expires July 1. Stated another way: any contract you entered into with service providers before March 5, 2001 must be modified by July 1, 2003 to include contractual language that requires the provider to implement appropriate security measures to protect customer information.For purposes of the Information Security Guidelines, the term

    service provider means any person or entity that maintains, processes, or otherwise is permitted access to customer information through its provision of services directly to the financial institution.Guidelines Monitoring Service Provider Compliance   Need sample language for the contract provision? BOL Guru Karen Garrett contributed some a while back to Banker Tools. Click here to review it. 6/24/03

  • New SAR Form Takes Effect July 1

    Get ready to use the new form for reporting Suspicious Activity as of next Tuesday. You can find it on our BOL Banker Forms page (but don't use it until July 1!). 6/24/03

  • Commercial Loan Problems Analyzed

    The deterioration of key components of the commercial real estate market and its potential impact on loan portfolios is examined in the June23 edition of the FYI, an electronic FDIC bulletin which summarizes current information about the trends that are driving change in the banking industry.FDIC FYI    FDIC PR 6/24/03

  • Reducing Regulatory Paperwork

    You have the opportunity until September 15 to express your views on reducing the amount of paperwork required by federal government regulations. The Regulators are asking for comments regarding the following three categories of regulations: Applications and Reporting, Powers and Activities, and International Operations.FDIC FIL 53-2003    Federal Register Notice HTML    PDF 6/24/03

  • FDIC Compliance Examinations Revised

    The FDIC has announced that examiners conducting on-site compliance examinations beginning on or after June 30, 2003, will utilize a top-down, risk-focused approach which will include an in-depth evaluation of an institution's compliance management system. Read all about it in our new article, Can You Spell R-I-S-K?New FDIC Compliance Exam Procedures. 6/23/03

  • June 031 and 041 Reporting Forms Instructions

    The instructions for preparation of the June consolidated reports of condition and income have been posted online by the FFIEC.Instructions 6/23/03

  • Thrift Financial Report Instruction Manual

    The OTS Thrift Financial Report Instruction Manual is available online.Instruction Manual 6/23/03

  • Thrift CRA Ratings Released

    The CRA ratings for savings associations examined in May 2003 had been released by OTS.May CRA Ratings 6/23/03

  • Fictitious Internet Bank Alert

    The OCC has issued an unauthorized banking alert regarding a fictitious Internet bank operating under the name of Banquedenationale Bank, Inc. utilizing a web site which lists offices in New York City, London and Hong Kong. OCC Alert 6/23/03

  • Results of Basel II Regional Meetings

    Representative of seventy-five banking organizations have met with the FRB, OCC, and FDIC in a series of regional meetings to discuss the U.S. implementation of the proposed Basel II Accord. Review the discussion documents and a summary of the comments of the attendees.FRB Basel II Meetings 6/23/03

  • FRB June Working Papers and Bulletin Article Online

    The online June release of the FRB FEDS working papers contains following five topics: Minimum Wages, Labor Market Institutions, and Youth Employment: A Cross-National Analysis; The Recall and New Job Search of Laid-off Workers: A Bivariate Proportional Hazard Model with Unobserved Heterogeneity; Regime-Shifts, Risk Premiums in the Term Structure, and the Business Cycle; Wealth Effects and the Consumption of Leisure: Retirement Decisions During the Stock Market Boom of the 1990s; and Estimates of the Term Premium on Near-dated Federal Funds Futures Contracts. In addition, an article from the June FRB Bulletin, Profits and Balance Sheet Developments at U.S. Commercial Banks in 2002 is also available. FRB June Working Papers    FRB June Bulletin 6/23/03

  • Two Major Actions from FATF

    The Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering, an independent International body of 31 member countries and governments (including the US), has revised its Forty Recommendations to combat money laundering. Some of the recommendations, as before, are aimed at governments, while others detail action that financial institutions should take. Among the major recommendations which are aimed at financial institutions are:

    • the expansion of the customer due diligence process for financial institutions;
    • enhanced measures for higher risk customers and transactions, including correspondentbanking and politically exposed persons;
    • the inclusion of key institutional measures, notably regarding international co-operation;
    • the improvement of transparency requirements through adequate and timely information onthe beneficial ownership of legal persons such as companies, or arrangements such as trusts;

    FATF is not a regulatory body per se and does not have direct enforcement authority. FATF studies money laundering issues, designates a list of countries which are deemed to not be cooperating to the extent believed desirable in terms of fighting money laundering (the NCCT list of Non-Cooperating Countries and Territories). Although FATF doesn't have direct regulatory jurisdiction, since the U.S. is a member of FATF and member nations basically pledge to follow the recommendations, we may see the new items reflected in future laws and regulations and it would be wise to become familiar with the recommendations to see what may be implemented by the U.S. and begin making desired adjustments to your AML program.Also, FATF removed St. Vincent and the Grenadines from its list of Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories. The countries remaining on the list are Cook Islands, Egypt, Guatemala, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nigeria, Philippines and Ukraine. [Note: This is completely different from, and should not be confused with, the OFAC list of sanctioned countries.]FATF Press Release;   FATF's Forty Recommendations   06/20/03

  • OCC Issues Bulletin Regarding Routing Numbers

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-26 regarding an earlier announcement by the FRB of a Final Rule amending Appendix A to Regulation CC. The effective date of the Final Rule is July 28, 2003. National banks with questions are directed to contact their supervisory office, the Compliance Division, or the Community and Consumer Law Division of the OCC. The FRB Final Rule was previously featured as a BOL Top Story on May 28. 6/20/03

  • Counterfeit Checks Alert

    Notify your tellers to watch out for cashier's checks issued by Central Florida State Bank, Belleview, Florida that are payable through Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Boston, Massachusetts, and official checks drawn on Sun Federal Credit Union, Maumee, Ohio. They may be counterfeit. Information regarding the items has been placed on the BOL Alerts &Counterfeits page. 6/20/03

  • ID Theft and Victim Assistance

    The FTC is the federal government's central repository for identity theft complaints and provides victim assistance and consumer education programs. Learn what resources are available to aid your customers who may be victims. Review the testimony of the Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection before the senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Testimony 6/20/03

  • Basel I v. Basel II

    Learn the differences between Basel I and Basel II and the reasons the modifications included in Basel II are necessary from the testimony of FRB Vice Chairman Ferguson before the House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit. Testimony Table of Modifications 6/20/03

  • OCC Enforcement Actions

    Twenty-five Enforcement Actions have been announced by the OCC involving banks and individuals in the states of Colorado, Georgia, Montana, Nebraska, Texas, California, Florida, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.OCC NR 2003-49 6/19/03

  • New Credit Card Scam Alert

    The IRS has issued an alert regarding a new credit card scam involving the payment of a tax credit. A taxpayer receives a telephone call from a person who promises to speed up the payment of the Advance Child Tax Credit checks. The catch is the taxpayer must agree to a $39.99 charge to a credit card. The credit card information is used to make unauthorized charges and possibly Identity Theft purposes.IRS NR 6/19/03

  • Fighting Financial Fraud - Information For Customers

    The FDIC Consumer News has devoted its entire Spring 2003 newsletter to ways your customers can fight financial fraud involving checks, credit cards, ATMs, the Internet and other bank products and services. Common scams are discussed along with fraud fighting tips and ways to detect ID theft. A quiz to test a customer's knowledge of financial fraud is also included. Ways you can share this information with your customers include statement stuffers, newsletters and on your Web site. FDIC Consumer News 6/19/03

  • Regulators Give Basel II Testimony

    Comptroller Hawke, FRB Vice Chairman Ferguson, and OTS Director Gilleran testified before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs regarding the final stages of public comment and review regarding the Basel II Accord.Hawke Testimony Ferguson Testimony Gilleran Testimony 6/19/03

  • FRB Statistical Releases

    The FRB has issued statistical releases regarding the Household Debt-Service Burden and the Structure and Share Data for U.S. Offices of Foreign Banks.Household Debt-Service Burden Structure and Share Data 6/19/03

  • FDIC 2003 Summer Outlook

    The FDIC has published the 2003 Summer Outlook which indicates that even though banks are experiencing record earnings, risk management challenges remain. Commercial real-estate portfolios are noted as one area that could develop future problems.FDIC PR FDIC 2003 Summer Outlook 6/19/03

  • BugBear.B Update

    As reported earlier on BOL, the virus contains a list of domain names for over 1,300 banks, but if your institution's name is not on the list you could still be infected.The virus can disable your anti-virus software, install a keystroke logging spyware program, and collect email addresses in addition to capturing sensitive information and emailing it to an outside party.The OCC has issued an Alert 2003-09 that urges all national banks to follow the steps contained in the FFIEC Information Technology Handbook to prevent the spread of the virus. In the event a national bank thinks it is the victim of BugBear.B, it should immediately contact its OCC portfolio manager, report the problem to law enforcement and file a SAR. 6/18/03

  • HOEPA APR Reference Rates for July Released

    The Federal Reserve has posted the new reference rates which lenders must use to determine if loans for which applications are received in July will be subject to HOEPA under the APR trigger test. Use the FRB H.15 to find applicable release which lists the Treasury Security with the same maturity term as your loan. To make the calculation, you normally use the yield in effect on the 15th of the month that precedes the month you received the application. Since June 15 is not a business day, for July calculations you use the yield on June 13, which is the business day immediately preceding the 15th. FRB Daily Rates FRB Weekly Rates 6/18/03

  • June Call Report FIL Issued

    The FDIC has issued a FIL containing the instructions and materials for preparation of the June 30, 2003, Call Reports which must be filed by July 30, 2003. In this Call Report, banks are required to report the number and amount currently outstanding of loans to small businesses and small farms (Schedule RC-C, part II) and the number of deposit accounts of $100,000 or less (Schedule RC-O, Memorandum item 1.a.(2)). No extensions will be granted. FIL-51-2003 Instructions 6/18/03

  • EINs Available Online - No Waiting

    Tired of waiting for your business customers to be issued an EIN? The IRS now lets a business obtain an EIN directly from the IRS Web site. Upon the completion of an online application, a permanent EIN is issued which can be used immediately. IRS NR Online Application 6/18/03

  • Terrorism Insurance Available to Commercial Customers

    The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 requires that all insurance companies that offer commercial property and casualty insurance must also offer terror insurance as part of their property and casualty policies. Learn how this shared Federal and private coverage for commercial property and casualty losses resulting from acts of terror works from the comments of Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary Zerzan at the Homeland Education Resource Organization Conference.Speech 6/18/03

  • Economic Growth Spurt Predicted

    The economy will pick-up before year-end resulting in annualized growth rates near 3.5%. Read the comments of Treasury Secretary John Snow at Money Magazine's Money Summit to learn why he made this optimistic prediction.Speech 6/18/03

  • $39 Million Contract Awarded to Modernize Bank Data Collection

    Bank regulators announced the award of a ten-year $39 million dollar contract to a development team headed by Unisys Corporation to create a financial data collection process that utilizes the Internet. The program, which will be phased in through 2004, will have a central data repository, which will be accessible by banking regulators, financial institutions, and the public. FRB PR Comments of FDIC Chairman Powell OCC NR 6/18/03

  • FDIC G.17 Report released

    The FDIC has released the G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization report.FDIC G.17 6/18/03

  • Financial Holding Company Election List

    The FRB has issued the June list of bank holding companies that have elected to be treated as financial holding companies under the provisions of the Bank Holding Company Act. Financial Holding Companies 6/18/03

  • Restructuring the FDIC

    Over the last year, four FDIC divisions have been merged into two and executive positions have been reduced by 20%. The staff has been realigned and more authority delegated reducing the time it takes to make decisions. In addition, a new performance-oriented staff compensation program that rewards achievement has been implemented. Read about these changes and more from FDIC Chairman Powell's remarks before the Council for Excellence in Government. Speech 6/18/03

  • FTC Improves Site?

    The FCT has redesigned its Web Site. We are sure that they intended for it to be improved, but we found it difficult to find some information. If you are looking for FCRA or FDCPA staff opinions for example, you must drill down through the new Formal Actions section. As quick alternative, use the BOL Launch Pad Fair Credit Reporting and Fair Debt Collection links.Fair Credit Reporting    Fair Debt Collection   FCT Web Site 6/18/03

  • Counterfeit and Stolen Checks Special Alerts

    The FDIC has announced that counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Bank of the Southwest, Roswell, New Mexico and counterfeit treasurer's checks drawn on Border Trust Company, South China, Maine are currently in circulation. In addition, five official checks have been stolen from Bay State Saving Bank, Worcester, Massachusetts and may be in circulation. The information has been added to the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page.

  • Enforcement Order with Missouri Bank

    The FRB has announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and between Southern Commercial Bank, St. Louis, Missouri and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Written Agreement

  • FFIEC Form Updated

    The FFIEC has placed an updated June 2003 FFIEC 002 reporting form online.FFIEC Form 002

  • Strengthening Weaknesses in Risk Management Practices

    Operational risk management may provide the answer to improving corporate governance in financial institutions according FRB Governor Bies. The breakdown of internal controls can lead to substantial losses. Learn what institutions can do mitigate operational risk to their corporate governance processes from her comments to Oregon and Idaho bankers.Speech

  • Internet False Advertising Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a special alert regarding the unlawfully advertising of FDIC membership on a Web site by Trust Meridien Bank, also known as Meridien Trust Bank, Douglas, Isle of Man.FDIC SA-30-2003

  • FDIC Issues FIL Regarding Cuban Travel Services

    The FDIC has issued a FIL-50-2003 regarding the June 6, 2003 OFAC amendments to SDN list by adding several names as SDGTs. The information was previously reported on BOL and placed on our OFAC page.

  • OTS Cost of Funds Reports

    OTS has released current and historical reports regarding the national average cost of funds ratio to OTS regulated, SAIF - insured institutions.Current Report    Historical Report

  • USDA Joins Money Smart Alliance Program

    The FDIC has announced that the USDA's Rural Housing Service has joined the FDIC Money Smart Alliance Program.FDIC NR

  • Customer Peer Comparison Added to UBPR

    The FFIEC has added a custom peer comparison function to the UBPR portion of the FFIEC website. This new feature allows individual banks to be compared with the performance of a user-defined peer group of banks.FFIEC UBPR Custom Peer Memo

  • OFAC Penalties

    OFAC civil money penalties have been announced against two banks for violations regarding funds transfers to Kosovo and Iraq. The penalties range from $4,800 to $5,842. The violation which resulted in the smaller penalty was voluntarily disclosed. The banks involved were Bank United, Houston, Texas and Union Bank of California, San Francisco, California. OFAC Penalties Chart

  • FRB Enforcement Actions Announced

    The FRB has announced it has entered into a written agreement with The Marathon Bank, Winchester, Virginia and the issuance of a cease and desist order against Lori H. Staples, a former vice president of the bank. Written Agreement Cease and Desist Order

  • Small Businesses Fuel Economic Growth

    The entrepreneurial activity of small business owners provides new sources of employment opportunities and tax revenues. The ability to recognize and react to new ideas allows small businesses to thrive in neighborhoods overlooked by larger concerns. These points and others were raised by FRB Governor Gramlich in a presentation before a Milwaukee Community Development Corporation.FRB Speech

  • OCC Issues Bugbear.B Virus Alert

    The OCC has issued Alert 2003-09 regarding the threat the Bugbear.B virus poses to financial institutions. The serious nature of the Bugbear.B virus to financial institutions was previously explained in a BOL Special Tech Alert.

  • Protecting the Financial Community From Terrorist Attack

    The FDIC will hold a half-day symposium that will examine the security of the United States financial sector and outline steps that banks can take to protect themselves. The event will be held on July 31, 2003, in Dallas, Texas.Agenda Registration

  • FATF To Revise Anti-Money Laundering Recommendations

    FATF has announced plans to revise its Forty Recommendations against Money Laundering at its annual meeting to be held in Berlin on June 18-20, 2003. FATF NR

  • Scope of HMDA Reach Altered by MSA Changes

    The OMB has revised the MSA definitions. This results in 49 new MSAs. The changes will affect the HMDA 2004 reporting criteria for depository institutions. Institutions which meet the asset threshold who have offices in counties that are being added to MSAs will be covered by HMDA, while those in counties dropped from MSAs may no longer be covered. CRA assessment area delineations may also be affected. See what's happened in the areas where your offices are located. OMB Bulletin 03-04    MSA List    HMDA Criteria

  • FDIC Enforcement Actions Include $1.4 Million CMP

    The FDIC has announced enforcement actions against 18 former and current bank officers and directors from the states of Alabama, Minnesota, Washington, Iowa and Texas. CMPs ranging from $4,000 to $1.4 million were imposed.Alabama    Minnesota    Washington    Iowa   Texas

  • OCC Delays Compliance Date

    The OCC has issued notice of an indefinite delay in the compliance date for certain provisions of the final rule governing debt cancellation contracts (DCCs) and debt suspension agreements (DSAs). OCC Bulletin 2003-25    Notice    68FR35283 (txt)    68FR35283 (pdf)

  • OTS Updates Thrift Activities Regulatory Handbook

    The section of the Thrift Activities Regulatory Handbook regarding enforcement actions has been updated by OTS.OTS Bulletin RE-32-28

  • Deposit Insurance Reform and FCRA

    Learn the views of FDIC Chairman Powell on these two important topics from his remarks to the Women on Housing and Finance. Read about how he believes an efficient credit reporting process has resulted in cheaper credit for borrowers in the U.S. Speech

  • Thrift Activities Handbook Updated

    OTS has issued a number of updates to the Thrift Activities Handbook.Opening Section    Table of Contents    Volume 1 Program    Volume 1 Section 300    Volume 1 Section 370    Volume 1, Appendix A 6/13/03

  • Effective Corporate Governance Strengthens Compliance

    FRB Governor Bies indicated in a presentation to the participants at the ABA Regulatory Compliance Conference that compliance can be strengthened through effective corporate governance. She remarked that to be effective, compliance risk management must be coordinated at various levels within the organization. While the governance of a bank's risk-management program comes from the top down, a successful program will involve staff at all levels, and in more than one department. Speech

  • OCC Community Development Newsletter

    The OCC has published the 2003 spring edition of the Community Development Newsletter which focuses on banks and affordable housing in rural America. The online issue offers a road map for banks committed to playing a positive role in rural development and provides insights on CRA compliance, news-you-can-use from OCC's district offices plus useful Web links. Newsletter

  • OCC Issues Reg Z Bulletin

    The OCC has issued Bulletin 2003-24 regarding the FRB's adoption of revisions to the official staff commentary to Reg Z which was published in the Federal Register on April 3, 2003. The revision was previously reported in BOL Top Stories on April 3 as, "Reg Z Commentary Changes Published in Federal Register". OCC Bulletin 2003-24

  • FDIC Issues OFAC FIL

    The FDIC has issued an FIL regarding the designation of the Al-Aqsa Foundation as an SDGT, the termination by OFAC of the declaration of emergencies with respect to Yugoslavia, and the modification of entries for the Balkans and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The OFAC change was previously reported on BOL and details placed on our OFAC page. FIL-14-2003

  • June 2003 FFIEC Reporting Forms

    The FFIEC has placed the June 2003 FFIEC Reporting Forms 002, 009 and 009a online.Form 002    Form 009    Form 009a

  • Using Quantitative Analysis in Community Development

    Learn how community developers utilize data analysis to increase economic opportunity and revitalize their neighborhoods from a presentation by FRB Governor Bernanke at the 2003 Community Development Policy Summit, sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Speech

  • The Beige Book

    The FRB has released The Beige Book summary of current economic conditions compiled from data collected prior to June 2, 2003.The Beige Book Summary    Full Report

  • Implications of Behavioral Economics on Monetary Policy

    Learn the views of FRB Governor Kohn from his remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's 48th Economic Conference. He noted that deviations from fully rational optimizing behavior induced by psychological factors have long been important in macroeconomic analysis and hence in monetary policy.Speech

  • Application of Basel II in U.S.

    FRB Vice Chairman Ferguson indicated in a presentation before the Institute of International Bankers that approximately 10 U.S. banks which are significant competitors in foreign markets will be required to adopt Basel II. Another ten banks are expected to do so voluntarily. The FRB does not intend to require other banking organizations in the U. S. to adopt Basel II.Speech

  • Risk Management - Regulatory Considerations

    The approach taken by the OCC was explained by Senior Deputy Comptroller Williams at the Risk USA 2003 Conference. She commented that the OCC takes a favorable view of banks' efforts to conduct banking activities in new ways to respond to changing financial needs of customers. Speech

  • BugBear.b Targets Banks Worldwide

    Financial institutions world-wide are at high risk due to the latest BugBear virus threat. Buried deep within the worms' code is a list of bank domain names that, if matched, will cause the program to keep the connection on the infected machine open and allow a keylogging program to potentially steal sensitive information. Find out if your institution is on the list in our BOL Special Tech Alert.

  • FRB Working Papers Released

    Four new working papers in the FRB Finance and Economic Discussion series have been released and are available online. The topics are: The Recall and New Job Search of Laid-off Workers; Regime-Shifts, Risk Premiums in the Term Structure, and the Business Cycle; Wealth Effects and the Consumption of Leisure; and Estimates of the Term Premium on Near-dated Federal Funds Futures Contracts. Recall Regime-Shifts Wealth Effects Estimates 6/10/03

  • OFAC Changes

    OFAC has named new terrorists to the SDN list, added a redacted letter to the OFAC Interpretative Rulings area which relates to Iran, and changes have been made in certain listings of some primary entries. Four separate actions listed on the weekly OFAC Penalties Chart relate to financial institutions and the Cuban service providers list was updated. Get the details. 6/9/03

  • OFAC Global Terrorism Interim Final Rule

    An interim final rule regarding terrorist sanctions has been issued by OFAC. The Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations implement the provisions of a previously issued Executive Order which blocked all property and interests of designated individuals and entities and prohibited transactions with the same. The effective date of the interim rule is June 6, 2003 and written comments are requested by August 6, 2003.OFAC Interim Rule 6/9/03

  • Retail Fees and Services Annual Report

    The FRB has published its annual report to Congress which contains the results of a survey concerning the relation of changes in retail banking services to increases in deposit insurance premiums. Annual Report 6/9/03

  • G.19 Consumer Credit Report

    The G.19 Consumer Credit Report for April 2003 has been released by the FRB.G.19 6/9/03

  • $61 Trillion in Derivatives

    U.S. commercial banks hold over $61 trillion in derivatives according to the First Quarter 2003 report from the OCC.OCC NR 2003-45 Derivatives Report 6/9/03

  • 2004 HMDA Rate Spread Calculator

    The FFIEC has developed a Rate Spread Calculator to assist HMDA reporting institutions with the new Regulation C requirements for reporting Rate Spread data effective for 2004 HMDA data and made it available online.FFIEC Calculator 6/6/03

  • FDIC CRA Examination Results

    The FDIC has issued the list of state nonmember banks evaluated in March 2003 for compliance with the CRA.FDIC PR Monthly Report 6/6/03

  • Unauthorized Banking Operations Special Alert

    The FDIC has issued a special alert regarding two entities, Premiere Insurance Group and Crestal Bank, that may be conducting banking operations in Canada or the United States without authorization.SA-28-2003 6/6/03

  • Collection and Use of Consumer Information Workshop

    The FTC will host a workshop on June 18, 2003, to address the issue of the costs and benefits to consumers and businesses of consumer information collection and use.FTC PR Agenda 6/6/03

  • ARM and Home Equity Spanish Brochures

    Spanish versions of consumer information brochures regarding ARMs and Home Equity Lines of Credit have been placed online by the FRB.ARM Spanish    English   Home Equity Spanish    English 6/6/03

  • U.S. Flow of Funds Data

    The FRB has released the Z.1 Flow of Funds report for the First Quarter of 2003 and posted it online.FRB Z.1 6/6/03

  • FRB 2002 Annual Report

    The FRB Annual Report for 2002 is available online. FRB Annual Report 6/6/03

  • Foreign Banks U.S. Branches Proposed Rule

    The OCC has published notice of a proposed rule regarding the approval procedures for foreign banks seeking to establish federal branches and agencies in the United States. Notice ACII    PDF 6/6/03

  • Interim Rule Amending Use of ACH by Agencies

    The FMS has issued an interim rule to amend the regulation which governs the use of the ACH system by Federal agencies. Public comments on all aspects of the interim rule are requested. Interim Rule 6/6/03

  • Flood Insurance Violations Result in CMP

    The FRB has announced the issuance of a $7,000 Civil Money Penalty against the Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Van Buren, Arkansas under a Consent Order in connection with 20 alleged violations of flood requirements under Regulation H..Order 6/5/03

  • FDIC Details Recent OFAC Actions

    Two FDIC FILs have been issued dealing with OFAC actions previously announced on BOL.FIL-45-2003 FIL-46-2003 6/5/03

  • June 2003 Call Report Validation Criteria

    The FFIEC has posted the validation criteria for June 2003 call reports online . Criteria Excel PDF 6/5/03

  • Earnings Record in First Quarter

    The FDIC has released the Quarterly Banking Profile for the First Quarter 2003. It indicates that FDIC insured commercial banks and savings institutions earned a record $29.4 billion in the first quarter, which exceeded the previous record by more than $2 billion.FDIC PR Quarterly Banking Profile 6/5/03

  • Consumer Advisory Council Meeting Scheduled

    The FRB Consumer Advisory Council will hold its next meeting on Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 9:00 a.m. Although the meeting is open to the public, those planning to attend the meeting should, for security purposes, register no later than Tuesday, June 24.Meeting Notice Meeting Registration 6/5/03

  • Nominations For Consumer Advisory Council

    The FRB has announced that it is accepting nominations for nine new members to the Consumer Advisory Council for three year terms beginning January 2004. The Council advises the FRB on the exercise of its responsibilities under various consumer financial services laws and on other matters on which the FRB seeks advice. Letters of nomination must be received by August 15, 2003.FRB NR Nomination Form 6/5/03

  • FCRA and Role of Regulators

    The role of the regulators was examined by FRB Director of Consumer and Community Affairs Smith in testimony before a Subcommittee of the House on Financial Services. She remarked that the FCRA promotes the interstate operations of banks and other financial entities by giving them the ability to obtain standardized consumer reports which allows prudent credit decisions to be made quickly and inexpensively. FRB PR 6/5/03

  • Iraqi Economic and Financial Reconstruction

    Learn the government's plan for the economic and financial reconstruction of Iraq from the comments of Treasury Under Secretary for International Affairs Taylor before a Congressional Committee. He noted one of the most important objectives in the near-term is to promote the establishment of a stable, unified Iraqi national currency in addition to strengthening and modernizing the banking sector.Testimony 6/5/03

  • OTS CRA Exam Schedule for Third Quarter

    The OTS has released the schedule for CRA examinations in the third quarter 2003.Schedule 6/4/03

  • OCC CIP Final Rule

    OCC Bulletin 2003-23 transmits the joint final rule previously announced on BOL and published in the Federal Register on May 9, 2003, that requires all banks to establish procedures to verify the identity of customers. The final rule implements section 326 of the USA PATRIOT Act for banks, savings associations, credit unions and certain non-federally regulated banks.OCC Bulletin 2003-22    Final Rule 6/4/03

  • Reduction of Regulatory Burdens

    The federal financial regulatory agencies have announced that they will publish a joint notice and request for comments on a plan to identify and eliminate outdated, unnecessary or unduly burdensome regulations imposed on insured depository institutions. Federal law requires the agencies to review their regulations at least once every 10 years and five roundtable discussions with bankers and other interested parties have been scheduled.FRB   OCC   OTS   FDIC 6/4/03

  • First Quarter 2003 Large Banks Data Report

    The FRB has released the first quarter 2003 data report regarding domestically chartered insured commercial banks with consolidated assets of $300 million or more.Large Bank Report ACII   PDF 6/4/03

  • Federal Reserve Act Online

    The FRB has placed the Federal Reserve Act online.Federal Reserve Act 6/4/03

  • International Finance Discussion Papers

    Three International Discussion Papers for May 2003 have been released by the FRB. Topics include, "Distance, Time, and Specialization"; "An Empirical Analysis of Inflation in OECD Countries"; and "Net Foreign Assets and Imperfect Pass-through: The Consumption Real Exchange Rate Anomaly".Discussion Papers 6/4/03

  • FDIC Annual Survey of Deposits

    The FDIC has announced that its annual Survey of Deposits will mailed the week of July 7th to institutions with more locations than a main office facility. Banks that do not have any branches are instructed not participate in the survey.FIL-44-2003 6/4/03

  • FFIEC UBPR Online

    The March 31, 2003 Uniform Bank Performance Report is now available online. The online version of the UBPR includes 5 years of continuous financial history that is restated quarterly to reflect call report amendments and new analytical tools.UBPR 6/4/03

  • New SDNTKs Named

    OFAC has named 4 individuals and one entity as SDNTKs and added them to its listing of Principal Significant Foreign Narcotics Traffickers. OFAC has also re-designated two former SDNs as SDNTKs. Complete details are on our summary page. 6/3/03

  • Advance Fee Credit Card Scam $1.3 Million Judgment

    A Canadian company was permanently barred from selling advance-fee credit cards and required to pay $1.3 million to consumers as part of a default judgment rendered in a case filed by the Federal Trade Commission. The firm, Efficient Telesales Services Inc. (also doing business as U.S. Credit Services and U.S. Direct Benefits and Savings), promised consumers a major credit card, charged for it in advance, but never delivered the credit card.FTC PR Judgment 6/3/03

  • Bogus Privacy E-Mail Alert

    The FTC has issued an alert regarding bogus e-mails that may mislead recipients into revealing personal credit information. The e-mail claims that consumers must "opt out" by calling a listed phone number or the credit bureaus will release their information starting July 1. FTC 6/3/03

  • Protecting Personal Information Workshop

    The role of technology in helping consumers and businesses to protect consumer information is the focus of a day long Federal Trade Commission workshop to be held on June 4, 2003, at the FTC Conference Center in Washington, D.C.Workshop Information Agenda 6/3/03

  • FRB G.5 and G.20

    The FRB has released the May 2003 G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates and the March 2003 G.20 Finance Companies reports. FRB G.5 FRB G.20 6/3/03

  • FRB's New Cash Management Services

    Starting July 1, two new Cash Management Products will be available to help institutions better manage their Federal Reserve account. Cash Management Plus will be available through the AMI service via FedLine for the Web and an Intra-day Download File will be available through a CI connection. FRB Services 6/3/03

  • OCC Third Quarter CRA Examination Schedule

    The OCC has released the CRA Examination schedule for the third quarter of 2003.CRA Exam Schedule 6/2/03

  • The ILC Debate

    The debate in Congress about whether Industrial Loan Companies should be considered equal with banks when it comes to powers like interstate branching and paying interest on business checking was discussed by FDIC Chairman Powell during a presentation before the Conference of State Bank Commissioners. He indicated the FDIC has not identified any safety and soundness concerns unique to ILCs, and are certain that they have the tools and the ability necessary to sufficiently supervise them.Speech 6/2/03

  • Corporate Governance, Internal Controls and Audits

    These hot topics were discussed by FRB Governor Bies at the Conference of State Bank Commissioners. She commented that supervisors from all regulatory agencies need to continually work together to ensure a consistent, high-quality examination process throughout the banking system. Speech 6/2/03

  • March Call and Thrift Financial Reports Online

    The FDIC has made the March 31, 2003 Report of Condition and Thrift Financial Report information available online.FDIC Call/TFR 6/2/03

  • Counterfeit Cashier's Checks Alert

    The FDIC has issued two alerts regarding counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on First Federal Savings Bank of Florida, Live Oak, Florida, and on Premier Bank, Tallahassee, Florida. Information regarding the checks has been placed on the BOL Alerts & Counterfeits page. 6/2/03

  • FRB Check Processing Reorganization Schedule

    The FRB has announces the schedule for the restructuring of check processing sites nationwide. [The plan to reduce the number of check processing sites to 32 nationwide was previously announced on BOL.] Schedule Map 6/2/03

  • Customer Financial Literacy

    OCC Chief of Staff Nishan commented on efforts to increase the financial literacy of existing and potential customers in a speech before the Urban Financial Services Coalition. He remarked that with the government and private sector working together, great strides can be made in improving the financial literacy of all citizens.Speech 6/2/03


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