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Recordkeeping requirements reminder

FIL-7-2014 has been issued to remind FDIC-supervised institutions of the Final Rule published on December 19, 2013, consolidating separate recordkeeping and confirmation requirements for securities transactions that they conduct. The Rule rescinded a transitional rule for state savings associations and expanded the coverage of Part 344 to cover all FDIC-supervised institutions, while increasing to 500 transactions the threshold of the rule's Small Transaction Exception. The Final Rule was effective January 21, 2014.


Recordkeeping requirements reminder

FIL-7-2014 has been issued to remind FDIC-supervised institutions of the Final Rule published on December 19, 2013, consolidating separate recordkeeping and confirmation requirements for securities transactions that they conduct. The Rule rescinded a transitional rule for state savings associations and expanded the coverage of Part 344 to cover all FDIC-supervised institutions, while increasing to 500 transactions the threshold of the rule's Small Transaction Exception. The Final Rule was effective January 21, 2014.


Top Stories for May 2002

  • Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices: Applicability of the Federal Trade Commission Act

    The federal banking agencies are legally authorized to use enforcement powers under section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act against violations of this prohibition. FDIC:FIL-57-2002, FRB Press Release 5/31/02

  • Financial Transparency and Regulatory Policy

    Financial transparency is of vital importance to market participants and regulators alike. The FDIC's mission to promote public confidence in the U.S. banking system gives it a shared responsibility for defining the rules of the road in the financial marketplace. To that end, the FDIC is hosting a June 4 symposium entitled Enhancing Financial Transparency where the nation's leading experts from the private and public sectors will address the issue from the perspective of financial analysis, accounting standards, and regulatory policy. FYI 5/31/02

  • OCC Issues Third Quarter 2002 CRA Examination Schedule

    The OCC released its schedule of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) examinations to be conducted in the third quarter of 2002. OCC:NR 2002- 46 5/31/02

  • FRB Approves proposal of JPMorgan Chase Bank

    The Federal Reserve Board announced its approval of the notice by JPMorgan Chase Bank, New York, New York, to establish a branch at the Newport Center, 575 Washington Boulevard, Jersey City, New Jersey. FRB Press Release 5/31/02

  • OFAC List Changes

    OFAC has made a change but it simply consists of an update to its list of authorized service providers under the Cuban Assets Control Regulations. BOL OFAC Page 5/30/02

  • FinCEN Launches E-Filing System

    FinCEN announced that it has begun its pilot testing of the Patriot Act Communications System (PACS).PACS is designed to allow participating financial institutions to quickly and securely file Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)reports over the Internet. FinCEN News Release 5/30/02

  • OCC Issues Final Rule on Fees Assessment

    The OCC is amending its regulation that addresses assessments for independent trust banks. The final rule updates the regulation to reference the appropriate portion of new forms issued by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), which replace the FFIEC form currently referenced in the regulation. 67FR37664 (text), 67FR37664 5/30/02

  • OTS Reports Record Quarterly Earnings, Profitability for Thrift Industry

    The OTS reported record thrift industry quarterly earnings of $3 billion for the first quarter of 2002. OTS 02-27 5/30/02

  • FDIC Issues Warning on Entities That May Be Conducting Banking Operations Without Authorization

    The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) of Canada has published "Monthly Warning Advisory" (Issue No. 26), which contains the names of entities recently brought to OSFI's attention through an inquiry or complaint. FDIC:FIL-55-2002 5/30/02

  • Summary of Deposits Survey for June 30, 2002

    The annual Summary of Deposits (SOD) survey and instructions for the period ending June 30, 2002, will be mailed on July 8 to institutions with more than a main office facility. FDIC:FIL-56-2002 5/30/02

  • Mississippi Housing Initiative Adopts FDIC "Money Smart" Program

    The FDIC and the Mississippi Housing Initiative (MHI) announced the adoption of the FDIC's "Money Smart" financial education program to supplement the current homeownership curriculum used by MHI's Mississippi Home Buyer Education Center (MHEC) Program. FDIC:PR-58-2002 5/30/02

  • Court Shuts down Cyberscam Permanently

    A U.S. District Court has ordered the perpetrator of an Internet scheme to halt his illegal practices. The defendant employed more than 5,500 copycat Web addresses to divert surfers from their intended Internet destinations to one of his sites, and hold them captive while he pelted their screens with a barrage of adult-oriented ads. FTC Press Release Related BOL Article 5/29/02

  • FDIC Celebrates National NeighborWorks® Week

    June 1 - 8: The FDIC, a Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation member, celebrates a week of neighborhood change. National NeighborWorks® Week 5/29/02

  • Interagency Questions and Answers on the Capital Treatment of Recourse, Direct Credit Substitutes, and Residual Interests in Asset Securitizations

    The document clarifies several issues arising from the agencies' final rule on the capital treatment of these exposures. FDIC:FIL-54-2002 , OCC 2002-22, OTS CEO Ltr 162, Questions & Answers 5/28/02

  • FRB Issues Proposed Rule to Restructuring Credit Programs

    This proposed restructuring of Federal Reserve credit programs is designed to improve the functioning of the discount window and does not represent a change in the stance of monetary policy. The proposed rule also would reorganize and streamline existing provisions of Regulation A. 67FR36544 5/28/02

  • Treasury Department Issues Proposed Regulation Implementing Section 312 of the USA PATRIOT Act

    The Treasury Department issued a proposed rule implementing Section 312 of the USA PATRIOT Act. Section 312 requires certain U.S. financial institutions to take prescribed anti-money laundering measures with respect to correspondent and private banking accounts that they establish or maintain for non-U.S. persons. Treasury:PO-3125 5/24/02

  • Interagency Advisory on the Unsafe and Unsound Use of Covenants Tied to Supervisory Actions in Securitization Documents

    This advisory alerts both bankers and examiners to the safety and soundness implications of covenants associated with supervisory actions in securitization documents. FDIC:FIL-53-2002, OCC 2002-21, OTS:CEO Ltr 161 5/24/02

  • Interagency Guidance on Implicit Recourse in Asset Securitizations

    The guidance highlights the agencies' fundamental concern that implicit recourse may expose a bank's earnings and capital to potential losses. The guidance sets forth a range of supervisory actions that may be taken against a bank that provides implicit support to its securitizations. FDIC:FIL-52-2002, OCC 2002-20, OTS:CEO Ltr 163 5/24/02

  • OCC Cautions National Banks on "Yield Chasing"

    The OCC issued guidance alerting national banks to the potential risk to future earnings and capital that arises when banks engage in "yield chasing" - taking on higher levels of credit, interest rate and liquidity risk to boost returns on their investment portfolios. OCC:NR 2002- 45 5/24/02

  • 2003 FFIEC Examiner Education Course Catalogue


  • FDIC Publishes Bank Trends

    FYI 5/24/02

  • FTC Issues Information Safeguards Rule

    The FTC has published in the federal register the final rule governing the safeguarding of customer records and information for the financial institutions subject to its jurisdiction. This was previously announced on BOL. 67FR36483 (text) 67FR36483 (pdf) 5/24/02

  • Account Management Guide

    This Guide is designed as a practical reference to make it easier for financial institutions to manage reserve accounts. The Guide assumes a familiarity with accounting practice and provides a detailed discussion of each major aspect of reserve management, together with descriptions and samples of the reports and other information tools available from the Federal Reserve System. Account Management Guide 5/23/02

  • FFIEC Internet Reporting System

    The system now offers the following aggregate reports: List of Banks in Peer Group, Peer Group Data Report, Peer Group Distribution Report, State Average Report, and State Average Distribution Report. Internet Reporting System 5/23/02

  • Preliminary Bank Earnings Report

    At a June 3 press briefing, the FDIC Chairman will summarize the Preliminary Bank Earnings Report for the first quarter 2001. This Report is the earliest comprehensive analysis of the commercial banking industry's performance, based on the quarterly data that banks file with the FDIC. 5/23/02

  • FDIC Publishes Semiannual Agenda of Regulations

    The FDIC has published its semiannual agenda of regulations in the Federal Register to inform the public of the Corporation's regulatory actions and encourage participation in the rulemaking process. FDIC:PR-56-2002 5/23/02

  • FDIC FIL about OFAC Change

    The FDIC has published FIL-51-2002 to notify banks of a recent OFAC change where OFAC amended its listing of Specially Designated Nationals. [The OFAC change itself was previously covered on BOL.] FDIC:FIL-51-2002 5/23/02

  • FDIC Issues Alert/Counterfeit Cashier's Checks

    The FDIC has learned that counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Yukon National Bank, Yukon, Oklahoma, are in circulation. The bank's name is misspelled as "Yunkon National Bank" in the lower left corner of the counterfeit instruments, and the check number, routing number and account number appear to be typewritten and not MICR encoded. FDIC:FIL-50-2002 5/23/02

  • FDIC Issues Special Alert/Counterfeit South Carolina Driver's Licenses and Identification Cards

    The FBI has asked the FDIC to alert all FDIC-supervised banks to the theft of equipment and supplies used to produce driver's licenses and identification cards. The equipment and supplies were stolen from two offices of the South Carolina Department of Public Safety on March 12, 2002, and March 25, 2002. The equipment has been recovered and the suspect has been arrested. However, it is believed that a number of counterfeit South Carolina driver's licenses and identification cards were produced. FDIC:FIL-49-2002 5/23/02

  • Chairman Powell's Statement on Passage of Deposit Insurance Reform Legislation By House of Representatives

    FDIC:PR-57-2002 5/23/02

  • FDIC and White House Office Sign Agreement Promoting Financial Education in U.S. Asian Communities

    Under an agreement the AAPI will support the FDIC's "Money Smart" financial education program and encourage its network of organizations to implement the curriculum in Asian communities. FDIC:PR-55-2002 5/22/02

  • "Prime Bank" and Other Financial Instrument Fraud Schemes

    The FRB alerted financial institutions and the public to the continued proliferation of fraudulent schemes involving financial instruments. FRB Press Release

  • FDIC Lines Up Policy Leaders for June 4 Symposium on Enhancing Financial Transparency

    Lawrence B. Lindsey, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy; Sen. Jon Corzine, (D.-N.J.); Rep. Michael Oxley (R-OH), Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee; and Paul A. Volcker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, will share their perspectives on financial transparency at a one-day program sponsored by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in Washington, D.C., on June 4, 2002. FDIC:PR-54-2002 5/21/02

  • Interagency Advisory on the Regulatory Capital Treatment of Accrued Interest Receivable Related to Credit Card Securitizations

    The agencies are issuing this advisory to clarify the appropriate risk-based capital treatment for banking organizations (institutions) that securitize credit card receivables and record an on-balance sheet asset commonly referred to as an Accrued Interest Receivable. OCC 2002-17, FDIC:FIL-48-2002, Interagency Advisory on AIR 5/20/02

  • FRB Issues Proposal to revise Federal Reserve discount window programs

    The FRB requested public comment on a proposal to revise the Federal Reserve's discount window programs, which provide credit to help depository institutions meet temporary liquidity needs. Adoption of the proposal would not entail a change in the stance of monetary policy. The Federal Open Market Committee's target for the federal funds rate would not change as a result of this proposal and the level of market rates more generally would be unaffected. FRB Press Release 5/20/02

  • OCC Announces New Electronic Interpretations and Actions

    Interpretive Letters and No-Objection Letters reflect the views of the Comptroller's legal staff. Corporate Decisions, CRA Decisions and Conditional Approvals are from the office of Bank Organization and Structure. Electronic Interpretations and Actions 5/20/02

  • OCC Transmits the FATF Terrorist Financing Guide

    As earlier reported on BOL, the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering has published Guidance for Financial Institutions in Detecting Terrorist Financing. OCC:AL 2002-4 5/20/02

  • FTC Finally Issues Information Safeguards Rule

    The Federal Trade Commission has issued a final rule governing the safeguarding of customer records and information for the financial institutions subject to its jurisdiction. The Rule will be published in the Federal Register shortly. The Rule implements the safeguards provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act). FTC Press Release , FTC Business Alert, FTC Final Rule 5/17/02

  • FTC to Host Public Workshop on Consumer Information Security

    The FTC will host a two-day public workshop to explore issues related to the security of consumers' computers and the personal information stored in them or in company databases. FTC Press Release 5/17/02

  • Regulators Issue Corrected Final Rule for Risk-Based Capital

    The final rule amended the Agencies' risk-based capital standards for banks, bank holding companies, and savings associations with regard to the risk weighting of claims on, and claims guaranteed by, qualifying securities firms. This document clarifies the effective date of the rule, corrects errors made in the Supplementary Information section and in the Board's Regulation Y, and makes technical changes to the footnote numbers in the instructions to and text of the FDIC's Part 325. 67FR34991 (text), 67FR34991 (pdf) 5/17/02

  • OCC Issues Final Rule on Electronic Banking

    The OCC published a final rule that will facilitate the use of electronic technologies by national banks, consistent with safety and soundness. OCC:NR 2002- 44, 67FR34992 (text), 67FR34992 (pdf), OCC 2002-23 5/17/02

  • Consumer's Guide to Direct Payment

    A new brochure available from the Federal Reserve Financial Services can help you answer questions a consumer may have about direct deposit. Consumer's Guide to Direct Deposit, Press Release 5/17/02

  • FRB Publishes Written Agreement with Allied Irish Banks and Allfirst Financial

    The Federal Reserve Board, the Maryland Commissioner of Financial Regulation, and the Central Bank of Ireland jointly announced the execution of a Written Agreement by and among Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c., Dublin, Ireland, Allfirst Financial Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, and Allfirst Bank, Baltimore, Maryland. FRB Press Release 5/17/02

  • FDIC Issues Alert on Information About Fraudulent Bonus Checks For Non-Existent Jobs

    On March 28, 2002, the FDIC issued an alert about individuals and banks being victimized by a scheme involving online job applications This is to inform you that the FDIC has received responses to that announcement indicating that more individuals and banks are being victimized by the same scheme, and that checks appearing to be drawn on at least one other bank also are being used. FDIC:FIL-47-2002 5/16/02

  • OCC Issues Risk Management Guidance for Banks that Use Foreign-Based Third-Party Service Providers

    The guidance outlines risk management principles to facilitate sound use of foreign-based providers and to ensure that national banks manage these relationships in a safe and sound manner. It also addresses the need for a national bank to establish such relationships in a way that does not diminish the ability of the OCC to access, in a timely manner, data or information needed to effectively supervise the bank's operations. OCC:NR 2002- 43, OCC 2002-16 5/16/02

  • OFAC List Changes

    OFAC has made a change but it simply consists of an update to its list of authorized service providers under the Cuban Assets Control Regulations. Another change updates "a.k.a." information that has been added to OFAC's SDN list for a number of SDGTs. BOL OFAC Page 5/16/02

  • FDIC Publishes List of Ten Largest Thrift Companies

    The Ten Largest Thrift Companies highlights the performance of the largest thrift companies in the most recently completed quarter. The report is based on earning announcements and other publicly available information and generally is published within 45 days of the completion of a calendar quarter. 5/16/02

  • NCUA Board Releases Strategic Plan 2003-2008 As the Agency Plans for the Future

    The plan builds on the foundation laid in NCUA Strategic Plan 2000-2005, which reflected a need to focus more on positioning NCUA as more forward-looking with a vision that is more responsive to the rapidly changing financial marketplace. NCUA Press Release 5/16/02

  • OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 25 National Banks

    The OCC released a list of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluations that became public during the period of April 15 through May 14, 2002. OCC:NR 2002-41 5/16/02

  • OCC Announces 15 New Enforcement Actions and 1 Terminations

    The OCC announced 15 new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks and 1 termination of an existing enforcement action. OCC:NR 2002-42 5/16/02

  • FDIC Issues Interim Rule on Contractor Conflicts of Interest

    This rule establishes standards for independent contractors governing contracting prohibitions, conflicts of interest, ethical responsibilities, confidential information, and reportable information. 67FR34591 5/15/02

  • FDIC FIL about OFAC Change

    The FDIC has published FIL-46 to notify banks of a recent OFAC change where OFAC amended its listing of Specially Designated Nationals. [The OFAC change itself was previously covered on BOL.] FDIC:FIL-46-2002 5/15/02

  • FDIC Issues Final Rule on Payment of Post-insolvency Interest In Receiverships With Surplus

    The final rule establishes a single uniform interest rate, calculation method, and payment priority for post-insolvency interest.
    67FR34385 (text) 5/14/02

  • IRS Warns of Fake W-8 BEN Forms & More

    The IRS has issued a warning regarding the use by identity thieves of bogus W-8BEN forms and totally fictitious W-888 and W-9095 forms to gain information from bank customers. The thieves send out correspondence that purports to be from a bank. Warnings had previously been issued by some of the bank regulators on the W-9095 form scam and some ficitious fraud questionnaires. IRS:IR-2002-55 5/10/02

  • FRB and SEC Publish White Paper on Potential Structural Change in the Settlement of Government Securities

    The paper, to be published May 13 in the Federal Register, was developed with a goal of identifying issues and questions that need to be further explored. In releasing the paper, the staffs of the agencies emphasized they have not concluded that any of the approaches discussed represent an improvement over current arrangements or that structural change is necessary. FRB Press Release 5/10/02

  • Anthrax Tested at the FRB

    Mail processed in a secure facility outside the Federal Reserve Board buildings has tested positive for traces of anthrax DNA. FRB Press Release


  • Comptroller Welcomes Growing Consensus that Fee Disparity Problem Must Be Fixed

    Basic flaws in the allocation of bank supervision costs are a threat to the independence of bank supervisors and to
    the dual banking system, Comptroller of the Currency John D. Hawke Jr. said. OCC:NR 2002-40 5/10/02

  • OTS Adjusts Capital Requirements For 1-4 Family Mortgages

    The OTS announced that it is adjusting its capital requirements to bring them in line with the other federal banking agencies. Under a final rule, a one- to four-family residential first mortgage loan will qualify for 50 percent risk weight capital treatment if the loan is underwritten in accordance with prudent underwriting standards, including standards in the Interagency Guidelines for Real Estate Lending. 67FR31722 (text) 67FR31722 (pdf) OTS 02-26 5/10/02

  • FFIEC 001 and FFIEC 006 Reporting Forms have been discontinued

    FFIEC 001 - Annual Report of Trust Assets | FFIEC 006 - Annual Report of International Fiduciary Activities 5/10/02

  • Delay of Reg C Amendments Officially Published

    It's official. The FRB's final rule that postpones the effective date of the recent amendments to Regulation C (HMDA) from January 1, 2003, to January 1, 2004 has now been published in the Federal Register. (The FRB's informal notice of the delay was announced last week on 67FR30771 (text) 67FR30771 (pdf) 5/9/02

  • OCC Issues Alert on Fictitious Bank Correspondence and Fraud Reporting Forms

    Some of your customers may be the unwitting subjects of another recently discovered fraud scheme that uses fictitious bank forms and fraudulent bank correspondence. The OCC has provided samples of fictitious documents (addressed to a bank customer) that purport to be from the fraud control department of the customer's bank. OCC:Alert 2002-6


  • Timothy W. Long Appointed Senior Deputy Comptroller for Mid-Size/Community Bank Supervision

    Comptroller of the Currency John D. Hawke, Jr. announced the appointment of Timothy W. Long as the agency's new Senior Deputy Comptroller for Mid-Size/Community Bank Supervision. In his new position, he will have responsibility for the supervision of the vast majority of national banks and oversee half the OCC workforce. OCC:NR 2002-39 5/9/02

  • FDIC Enters into Removal and Prohibition Order and Civil Money Penalty Against an Illinois Banker

    The FDIC has issued a removal and prohibition order and imposed a civil money penalty of $25,000 against John C. Bollman, formerly of the Lena State Bank, Lena, Illinois. Mr. Bollman was the former President and Chairman of the Board of the bank. FDIC:PR-53-2002 5/9/02

  • FDIC Reports First Quarter Net Income Rises Sharply, Sets Record at 25 Largest Banking Companies

    Amid signs of resurgence in the U.S. economy, earnings at the 25 largest banking companies grew significantly in the first quarter of 2002 - up $4.8 billion from the fourth quarter of 2001. Net income for the first quarter totaled $16.2 billion, surpassing the $15.8 billion mark set in the first quarter of 2000. FDIC:PR-52-2002 FYI 5/9/02

  • FDIC Issues Warning on Entities That May Be Conducting Banking Operations Without Authorization

    The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) of Canada has published an issue of its "Warning Notice" (Issues No. 23, 24 and 25), which contain the names of entities recently brought to OSFI's attention through inquiries or complaints. FDIC:FIL-44-2002 5/9/02

  • FDIC Issues Alert on Counterfeit Cashier's Checks

    The FDIC has learned that counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on Cambridge Bank, Lake Zurich, Illinois, are in circulation.
    FDIC:FIL-45-2002 5/9/02

  • FDIC Issues FIL on Homeownership Counseling Notification Requirements

    The FDIC is advising banks that the VA/FHA Appropriations Act, signed into law on November 26, 2001, reinstates a requirement for creditors to notify delinquent mortgage borrowers of the availability of homeownership counseling. FDIC:FIL-43-2002 5/8/02

  • FFIEC Updates Forms

    The FFIEC has updated the following forms: FFIEC 002, FFIEC 002s, FFIEC 019. 5/8/02

  • FDIC Reports Year-End 2001 and First Quarter 2002 Financial Results for Its Insurance Funds

    The FDIC announced that the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF) reported a comprehensive loss (net loss plus current period unrealized gains/losses on available-for-sale securities) of $536 million for 2001, compared to income of $1.6 billion for the same period last year. FDIC:PR-51-2002 5/8/02

  • FOMC Leaves Interest Rates Unchanged

    The FOMC decided to keep its target for the federal funds rate unchanged at 1 3/4 percent. Press Release 5/8/02

  • OCC Alerts Banks of Colorado stolen birth and death certificates

    On April 9, the City and County of Denver Vital Records Office was robbed of over 2,300 sheets of preprinted security paper that can be used to create birth and death certificates. In addition, the electronic seal machine that produces an embossed seal of the City and County of Denver was stolen. OCC:Alert 2002-5 5/8/02

  • IRS Warns of Scheme to Steal Identity and Financial Data

    The IRS warned of a fraudulent scheme currently circulating that uses fictitious bank correspondence and IRS forms in an attempt to trick taxpayers into disclosing their personal and banking data. The information fraudulently obtained is then used to steal the taxpayer's identity and bank account deposits. Release No: IR-2002-55 5/6/02

  • FTC Submit Second Annual Report to Congress on the GLBA

    In accordance with the reporting provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the Commission has submitted its second annual report to Congress on the number and disposition of enforcement actions taken pursuant to Section 521 of the Act. Since submission of the first report, the FTC has filed complaints against three defendants allegedly engaged in, or soliciting others to engage in, "pretexting" - obtaining a consumer's financial information from financial institutions under false pretenses. FTC Release 5/6/02

  • Matz Urges Credit Unions to Look to the Future

    NCUA Board Member Deborah Matz urged the Government Affairs Conference of the Michigan Credit Union League to be prepared. Meeting with the Michigan League is part of Matz’ national tour to familiarize herself with the needs of credit unions and learn how NCUA can further serve in the credit union spirit of people helping people. NCUA Press Release 5/6/02

  • FRB Postpones Effective Date for Recent Reg C Amendments BIG NEWS!

    The FRB approved a final rule that postpones the effective date of the recent amendments to Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure Act) from January 1, 2003, to January 1, 2004. The FRB is, however, adopting an interim amendment to Regulation C, effective January 1, 2003, mandating the use of 2000 census data in HMDA reporting. FRB Press Release, Notice 67FR30771 (text) 5/3/02

  • Treasury Publishes USA PATRIOT Act Report to Congress

    The Treasury Department has published a number of reports to Congress that it was required to make under Sections 357 and 361 of the USA PATRIOT Act. 5/3/02

  • FATF Releases Terrorist Financing Guide

    The Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering has published Guidance for Financial Institutions in Detecting Terrorist Financing. 5/3/02

  • FedACH System Quality and Volume Statistics Published

    The Federal Reserve Financial Services published a chart that provides performance measures for FedACHSM for 2002 (through first quarter). 5/3/02

  • FDIC Report Risks in Banks' Underwriting Practices, Loan Portfolios and Loan Administration Continue to Increase Slightly

    FDIC examiners continue to report slight increases in risks in FDIC-supervised banks' underwriting practices, loan portfolios and in the way loans are administered, according to the agency's latest Report on Underwriting Practices, which covers the six months ending March 31, 2002. FDIC:PR-49-2002 5/3/02

  • FDIC Issues Alert on Counterfeit Cashier's Checks

    The FDIC has learned that counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on the Foster Bank, Chicago, Illinois, are in circulation. FDIC:FIL-42-2002 5/3/02

  • FDIC Issues Alert on Stolen Birth Certificate and Death Certificate Forms

    The FBI has asked the FDIC to alert all FDIC-supervised banks to the theft of official documents from the Denver County (Colorado) Vital Statistics Office on April 9, 2002. FDIC:FIL-41-2002 5/3/02

  • BOL Adds Special PATRIOT Act Section

    BankersOnline has added a new section to the site to bring together articles, resources, tools and links on matters relating to the USA PATRIOT Act, anti-terrorism, anti-money laundering, customer identification, OFAC, Control list issues, and similar subjects. NEW PATRIOT/AML Section 5/2/02

  • FDIC Posts Notice of Agency Meeting

    The FDIC Board of Directors will meet in open session on May 7, 2002. Notice 5/2/02

  • Forms Used by the FDIC

    Forms and instructions used in connection with applications, reports, and other submittals used by the FDIC. 5/2/02

  • FDIC Seeks Comment on Information Quality Guidelines

    The FDIC is requesting comment on in its Information Quality Guidelines, which relate to ensuring and maximizing the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information disseminated to the public by the FDIC. Electronic Public Comment 5/2/02

  • FIL about OFAC Change

    The FDIC has published FIL-40 to notify banks of a recent OFAC change where OFAC amended its listing of Specially Designated Nationals. [The OFAC change itself was previously covered on BOL.] FDIC:FIL-40-2002 5/1/02

  • OTS Signs Information Sharing Pact With Oregon Insurance Regulator

    Oregon became the 45th state during the last two years to sign an information sharing agreement between state insurance regulators and the OTS, and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) announced. OTS 02-24 5/1/02

  • OTS Releases March Enforcement Statistics

    The OTS reported that it issued six enforcement orders to three individuals and three institutions during March 2002. OTS also terminated two orders previously issued to two institutions. OTS 02-25 5/1/02


Lew on 2014 economic outlook

In remarks at the Bipartisan Policy Center, Secretary of the Treasury Lew stated "this can and should be a breakthrough year for our economy." He noted it is imperative that Congress move right away to increase the government's borrowing authority. He commented that progress in Washington around the budget and the farm bill can mark the beginning of a productive period of bipartisan action.


Lew on 2014 economic outlook

In remarks at the Bipartisan Policy Center, Secretary of the Treasury Lew stated "this can and should be a breakthrough year for our economy." He noted it is imperative that Congress move right away to increase the government's borrowing authority. He commented that progress in Washington around the budget and the farm bill can mark the beginning of a productive period of bipartisan action.


Top Stories for April 2002

  • Treasury Report to Congress on FBAR Reporting

    As required by Section 361(b) of the USA PATRIOT Act, the Treasury Department filed a report with Congress about FBAR reporting. The FBAR is a report filed with the Secretary stating that the person filing has a financial interest in, or signature authority over, financial accounts in a foreign country with an aggregate value exceeding $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. Treasury News 4/29/02

  • FTC Members Express Views about Online Personal Privacy Act

    Members of the Federal Trade Commission have submitted letters to regarding their views on the Online Personal Privacy Act, at the request of Senator John McCain. FTC 4/29/02

  • OCC Issues Alert on Identity Theft and Embezzlement in connection with Outside Parties

    The OCC has been advised of fraud schemes involving organized gangs and newly hired bank tellers. OCC:Alert 2002-4 4/26/02

  • FDIC Issues Alert on Bank Investment Securities and Custodial Accounts Held at Securities Broker-Dealers

    The FDIC is alerting you to concerns it has identified regarding bank custodial relationships with failed broker-dealers. These concerns have arisen following the failure of a large regional securities broker-dealer and its liquidation by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). FDIC:FIL-38-2002 4/26/02

  • OTS Releases February Enforcement Statistics

    The OTS reported that it issued four enforcement orders to two individuals and two institutions during the month of February, 2002. OTS also terminated four orders previously issued to three institutions. OTS 02-23 4/26/02

  • FDIC Report Discusses Challenges Bank Mortgage Lenders May Face If Interest Rates Rise

    The profitability of the nation's residential mortgage lending specialists has become more exposed to the effects of a rising interest rate scenario that would compress net interest margins and suppress noninterest revenues associated with mortgage production and sales, according to a report released by the FDIC. FDIC:PR-47-2002 4/26/02

  • OTS Proposes Rule on a Preemption of the Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act

    OTS proposes to revise its rule identifying the OTS regulations that apply to creditors under the Parity Act. OTS would no longer identify its regulations on prepayment and late charges for state housing creditors. 67FR20468 (text) 4/26/02

  • OCC Proposes to Amend Assessments for Independent Trust Banks

    The proposal would update the regulation to reference the appropriate portion of new forms issued by the FFIEC which replace the FFIEC form currently referenced in the regulation. OCC 2002-15, 67FR20466 (text), 67FR20466 (pdf) 4/26/02

  • FDIC Issues Warning on Entities That May Be Conducting Banking Operations Without Authorization

    The OCC has advised the FDIC that the following entity may be conducting banking business in the United States without authorization: Chase Trust Bank, 2706 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington, DC FDIC:FIL-37-2002 4/25/02

  • FDIC Seeks Ideas on Reducing Burden on Banks and the Public, While Improving the FDIC's Efficiency

    One of the top priorities as Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is to ensure that the FDIC is as efficient as it can be in its roles as supervisor and insurer of financial institutions. He is particularly interested in ways the FDIC can reduce burden on financial institutions and the public. FDIC:FIL-36-2002 4/25/02

  • W3C Approves P3P

    The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has formally issued the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation, representing cross-industry agreement on an XML-based language for expressing Web site privacy policies. P3P is designed to help individuals make informed choices by providing a standard, simple, automated way for users to gain more control over the use of personal information on Web sites they visit. Financial institutions will need to consider the P3P implications for their own Web sites. Press Release 4/24/02

  • Agencies Outline Risks of Parallel-Owned Banking Organizations

    This guidance describes various risks that may be increased because of the structure of parallel-owned banking organizations, including engaging in transactions that prefer the foreign bank member of the group over the U.S. depository institution. The agencies will address these risks by coordinating their supervision of the U.S. operations of parallel-owned banking organizations. Enhanced communication and cooperation with foreign bank supervisors is also important to this process. FRB Press Release, OCC:NR 2002-37, FDIC-PR-46-2002, Joint Release 4/24/02

  • Comptroller Hawke Urges Senate to End Inequitable Treatment of National Banks

    Comptroller of the Currency John D. Hawke, Jr. told a Senate panel that Congress should address the unfair disparity in the fees paid by national and state chartered banks as part of any legislation on deposit insurance reform. OCC:NR 2002-38 4/24/02

  • Treasury Department's USA PATRIOT Act Developments

    There are several new developments in the Treasury Department's implementation of the USA PATRIOT Act.

    • No new AML program regs for banks, thrifts and credit unions!
    • New regulations expand the requirement for an anti-money laundering program to new industries: mutual funds; operators of credit card systems; money services businesses, such as money transfer companies and check cashers; securities brokers and dealers registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission; and futures commission merchants and accompanying introducing brokers registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
    • New regulations are now available for those industries, all of whom have ninety days to develop AML programs (except broker dealers and futures commissions merchants).
    • The Treasury Department will study additional sectors over the next six months, such as loan or finance companies, pawnbrokers, insurance companies, travel agencies, dealers in precious metals, stones or jewels, telegraph companies, persons engaged in real estate closings and settlements, and others, in order to develop regulations applicable to them.
    • Additional working groups devoted to each of these industry sectors have been formed and will be responsible for drafting regulations.

    Click here to learn more about these developments and access the new regulations. 4/24/02

  • FTC Extends COPPA Rule

    The FTC issued a final amendment to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule to extend, until April 21, 2005, the time period during which website operators may use an e-mail message from the parent, coupled with additional steps, to obtain verifiable parental consent for the collection of personal information from children for internal use by the website operator. FTC Notice 4/23/02

  • FTC Gets Tough on COPPA

    The Federal Trade Commission has announced a number of new initiatives under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, including a new enforcement action involving a $35,000 penalty, release of an FTC COPPA compliance survey, and warning letters to more than 50 children's sites. FTC Press Release 4/23/02

  • IRS Issues Rule on Required Distributions From Retirement Plans

    IRS has issued both final and temporary regulations relating to required minimum distributions from IRAs, qualified plans, individual retirement plans, 457, and section 403(b) annuity contracts, custodial accounts, and retirement income accounts. The new distribution rules become effective January 1, 2003. 67FR18987 (text) 67FR18987 (pdf) 4/23/02

  • OTS Proposes Revisions to Parity Act Regulations

    The OTS announced that it is proposing to remove prepayment and late fee rules from the list of OTS regulations that preempt state law under the Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act. OTS 02-21 4/23/02

  • OCC Announces New Electronic Interpretations and Actions

    Interpretive Letters and No-Objection Letters reflect the views of the Comptroller's legal staff. Corporate Decisions, CRA Decisions and Conditional Approvals are from the office of Bank Organization and Structure. Electronic Interpretations and Actions 4/22/02

  • Minority Depository Institutions Program

    Minority Depository Institutions often play a unique role in promoting the economic viability of under-served communities. The FDIC has historically taken steps to preserve and encourage minority ownership of insured financial institutions. On April 9, 2002, the FDIC Board adopted a new Policy Statement Regarding Minority Depository Institutions. Minority Depository Institutions Program, FDIC: FIL-34-2002 4/22/02

  • Terrorist Threat Against Banks

    Warning directly affects banks in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and the District of Columbia.

  • NCUA Issues Final Rule Repealing CAP Proposal

    Statement of NCUA Chairman Dennis Dollar: "From my first NCUA Board meeting in October 1997 when we put the initial ‘Community Service Amendments’ out for public comment through the first ‘Community Action Plan’ or ‘CAP’ comment period in 2000 and now through this - the second - official comment period on CAP which ended in February 2002, the commenters have spoken clearly. Statement of NCUA Board Member JoAnn Johnson, Statement of Board Member Deborah Matz 4/19/02

  • FDIC Reminds Bankers of the Responsibilities and Activities of FDIC’s Community Affairs Program

    The FDIC established a Community Affairs Program (1990) that advances compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act and the fair lending laws by FDIC-supervised institutions. The FDIC's Division of Compliance and Consumer Affairs administers the program and provides Community Affairs staff to assist lenders and the public. 4/19/02

  • FDIC And Operation Hope Sign Mou Agreement Promoting Financial Education In Underserved Communities

    The FDIC and Operation Hope, Inc. announced a pilot program to help strengthen communities across America through financial education. Under an agreement, Operation Hope has adopted the FDIC's "Money Smart" financial literacy program to train high school students and adults in basic money management skills. FDIC:PR-45-2002 4/19/02

  • New Data Collection Offers Insight Into Noninterest Income Activity at U.S. Banks

    The FDIC reported new detail on commercial banks' noninterest income, added to their quarterly financial reports in 2001, sheds light on the fastest-growing component of banks' revenues. FDIC:PR-44-2002 4/19/02

  • FDIC Chairman Asks for Input on Reducing Regulatory Burden

    The FDIC has established a special group to consider ideas on how to reduce burden on banks and the public and to make the FDIC more efficient. Suggested topics can be transmitted via the FDIC website. FDIC Press Release 4/18/02

  • FDIC Chairman Powell's Statement on Passage of Deposit Insurance Reform Legislation by House Financial Services Committee

    The House Committee passed a good bill and we will continue working to pass deposit insurance reform this year." Don Powell, FDIC Chairman. FDIC:PR-43-2002 4/18/02

  • $100 Billion Claim Against the Federal Reserve Rejected

    The United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit on April 16, 2002 issued an opinion regarding one of the most ludicrous claims ever to be filed against the Federal Reserve System. The plaintiffs, in the case of Marques v. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, claimed to be agents of the owners of $25 billion in bearer bonds issued in 1934 in exchange for 1665 metric tons of gold. The suit sought an order requiring payment of the bonds at face value plus 4% interest for a total claim of $100 billion. Plaintiffs also contended there is an international conspiracy to deny the validity of the bonds. The Court noted there is no record of any such bond issue and the total debt of the U.S. in 1934 was only $28 billion. In addition, the entire stock of U. S. gold in 1934 had a value of $9 billion. The case was dismissed in the lower court upon the government's motion for summary judgment but the judgment was reversed by the Court of Appeals on purely procedural grounds. The plaintiffs were admonished that if a new similar suit were filed, they would be subject to appropriate civil or criminal sanctions. The Treasury has issued a warning regarding similar claims regarding the class of frauds called "Morgenthaus" named after Henry Morgenthaus, Jr. the Secretary of Treasury in 1934. 4/17/02

  • FDIC Issues Final Rule Relating to Forms, Instructions, and Reports

    The FDIC is revising its regulation on forms, instructions, and reports to make the information contained in it current. The revised regulation includes current FDIC addresses and websites, and updated descriptions of FDIC forms. 67FR18793 (text) 4/17/02

  • OCC Announces 12 New Enforcement Actions and 2 Terminations

    The OCC announced 12 new enforcement actions taken against national banks and individuals currently and formerly affiliated with national banks and 2 terminations of existing enforcement actions. OCC:NR 2002-36 4/17/02

  • OCC Releases CRA Evaluations For 27 National Banks

    The OCC released a list of Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluations that became public during the period of March 15 through April 14, 2002. OCC:NR 2002-35 4/17/02

  • BSA Violations Prove Expensive for PA Bank

    FinCEN has levied civil money penalties of $700,000 against a federally chartered savings bank in Pennsylvania for what it terms a "willful" failure to file Currency Transaction Reports. 4/16/02

  • FinCEN Issues New Advisory Newsletters

    The advisories pertain to the following: Burma (Myanmar), Ukraine, Arab Republic of Egypt, Grenada, Federal Republic of Nigeria. The latest FinCEN advisories suggest that financial institutions should give enhanced scrutiny to all financial transactions originating in or routed to or through the affected countries. 4/16/02

  • OTS Updates Thrift Holding Companies Handbook

    OTS updated the handbook to reflect its risk-focused approach to holding company examinations. It designates two risk classification categories: low risk or noncomplex, and high risk or complex. OTS 02-020 4/16/02

  • FDIC and Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation Announce Program to Promote Financial Education and Homeownership

    The Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation will use the FDIC's "Money Smart" financial literacy program to train adult educators and teach money management skills to thousands of people, primarily low-income consumers, minorities or women who are potential homebuyers or existing homeowners having problems making ends meet. FDIC:PR-42-2002 4/16/02

  • OFAC Updates Information on its Travel, Carrier, and Remittance Forwarding Service Provider Program

    The Circular summarizes the current regulatory program that permits certain transactions involving property in which Cuba has an interest with respect to the provision of travel services, carrier services and the forwarding of remittances under the Cuban Assets Control Regulations. 4/15/02

  • Resumption of Critical Operations

    The OCC has published Discussion Notes and a Meeting Summary from a multi-agency meeting held in February to analyze events in the wake of the September 11 attacks in order to strengthen the resilience of the financial system and share insights about developing more robust business continuity plans. 4/12/02

  • New Rule Affects Lockbox Arrangements for Federal Agencies

    If you operate a lockbox for a federal agency, you'll want to read about the revisions to the rule of the Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service that will permit the conversion of checks to ACH debit entires at federal agency points-of-purchase and at lockbox locations to which payments to agencies are mailed or delivered. 67FR17895 (text) 67FR17895 (pdf) 4/12/02

  • New FMS Interim Rule to Reflect NACHA Changes

    The Department of the Treasury, Financial Management Service has issued an interim rule to reflect certain changes NACHA has made to the ACH Rules since the publication of NACHA's 2001 rule book. The interim rule addresses four topics: l) affidavit and electronic communication issues; 2) reinitiation of entries; 3) electronic authorization; and 4) electronic terminals. 67FR17895 (text) 67FR17895 (pdf) 4/12/02

  • NCUA Chairman Releases Study On Deposit Insurance Reform Legislation

    NCUA Chairman Dennis Dollar told a group of California and Nevada credit union leaders that a recently completed NCUA study of the potential impact of pending deposit insurance reform legislation shows the likelihood of a premium assessment as minimal, but a strong possibility exists that increasing coverage above $100,000 would reduce the NCUSIF equity ratio enough to require at least two years for the fund ratio to be re-built through earnings sufficiently to again begin paying credit unions a dividend. NCUA Press Release 4/12/02

  • OTS Announces 21 March CRA Ratings

    The OTS announced savings associations' Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluation ratings that became available in March 2002. OTS 02-18 4/12/02

  • Gilleran Announces OTS Restructuring Plans

    OTS Director James E. Gilleran announced today that he has begun implementing a restructuring plan designed to achieve greater operating efficiencies and consistency of regulation for the thrift industry. OTS 02-19 4/12/02

  • OCC Chief Counsel Julie L. Williams Underscores Major Increase In the Beneficial Relationships Between Banks and CDCs

    Bank involvement with Community Development Corporations has increased significantly in recent years, Julie L. Williams, First Senior Deputy Comptroller and Chief Counsel, said in a speech. 4/11/02

  • FDIC Issues Alert on Counterfeit Cashier's Checks

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has learned that counterfeit cashier's checks drawn on three separate financial institutions are in circulation. FDIC:FIL-33-2002 4/11/02

  • FDIC FIL about OFAC Change

    The FDIC has published FIL-32 to notify banks of a recent OFAC change where OFAC amended its listing of Specially Designated Nationals. [The OFAC change itself was previously covered on BOL.] FDIC:FIL-32-2002 4/11/02

  • FDIC's Credit Card Center Available Online

    The FDIC's Credit Card Center handles consumer complaints and inquiries for all FDIC-regulated Credit Card Specialty Banks. The staff provides an avenue for efficient and effective resolution of consumer complaints or inquiries. 4/11/02

  • FRB Issues Final Rule Amending Reg Z Commentary

    The revisions clarify how creditors that place Truth in Lending Act disclosures on the same document with the credit contract may satisfy the requirement for providing the disclosures, in a form the consumer may keep, before consummation. In addition, the revisions provide guidance on disclosing costs for certain credit insurance policies and on the definition of ``business day'' for purposes of the right to rescind certain home-secured loans. 67FR16980 (txt) 67FR16980 (pdf) 4/9/02

  • Regulators Issue Final Rule on Risk Based Capital Standards

    This rule amends their risk-based capital standards to permit a zero percent risk weight for certain claims on qualifying securities firms that are collateralized by cash on deposit in the lending institution or by securities issued or guaranteed by the United States or other OECD central governments. 67FR16971 (txt) , 67FR16971 (pdf), FRB Press Release , FDIC-PR-41-2002, FDIC:FIL-31-2002, OCC: NR 2002-33, OTS 02-17, OCC 2002-13 4/9/02

  • Gilleran Announces New Proposal for Enhancing the Mutual Thrift Charter

    As part of an on-going, comprehensive review of the treatment of mutual thrifts, the OTS is proposing rule changes governing mutual thrifts, mutual holding companies and mutual-to-stock conversions. OTS 02-16 4/9/02

  • Comptroller Outlines the Benefits of Financial Literacy Programs

    Financial education programs can be critical to combating predatory lending, to reaching the unbanked and to meeting the needs of the underbanked, Comptroller of the Currency John D. Hawke said. OCC:NR 2002-32, Speech 4/9/02

  • Warning: Bogus Letters with Sham IRS Forms

    Ever heard of an IRS form W-9095? There's no such thing, but con artists are sending them to bank customers -- along with cover letters purporting to be from the bank asking the customer to complete the form (which requests a great deal of sensitive and confidential information) and fax it to a number designated on the letter. If completed and faxed back, the data would make it easy for the thief to commit ID theft. OCC has issued a special warning that includes a copy of the fake form and the bogus letter. Alert those who man the phones at your institution to be especially vigilant about verifying customer identity in the wake of this scam. OCC:Alert 2002-3, Customer Letter, Application Form 4/8/02

  • FDIC Issues April List of Banks Examined for CRA Compliance

    The FDIC issued its monthly list of state nonmember banks recently evaluated for compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The list covers evaluation ratings that the FDIC assigned to institutions in January 2002. FDIC:PR-40-2002 4/8/02

  • FR Financial Services Publishes International ACH Service Manual

    The Federal Reserve Financial Services has published a new manual that is intended to assist financial institutions in establishing a Canadian ACH program using the Federal Reserve’s International ACH Service. The manual will provide you with an overview of the service, implementation steps and technical requirements. 4/8/02

  • OTS Announces Nine February CRA Ratings

    The OTS announced savings associations' Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluation ratings that became available in February 2002. OTS 02-15 4/8/02

  • FFIEC Publishes Annual Report

    The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council has issued its Annual Report for 2001. 4/5/02

  • FRB Issues Revisions to Reg Z Commentary

    The commentary revisions clarify how creditors that place Truth in Lending Act disclosures on the same document with the credit contract may satisfy the requirement for providing the disclosures, in a form the consumer may keep, before consummation. In addition, the revisions provide guidance on disclosing costs for certain credit insurance policies and on the definition of "business day" for purposes of the right to rescind certain home-secured loans. FRB Press Release

  • Treasury Extends Public Comment Period on Information-Sharing Study

    The Treasury Department announced the extension of the public comment period from April 1, 2002 to May 1, 2002, for the Study of Information Sharing Practices Among Financial Institutions and Their Affiliates. This study was required by Section 508 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. Treasury News 4/4/02

  • FDIC Announces Agency Meeting

    The FDIC's Board of Directors will meet in open session at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 9, 2002. Meeting Notice 4/4/02

  • FFIEC Updates Reporting Forms

    The FFIEC has updated two Reporting Forms for March 2002 -- FFIEC 031(Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for A Bank With Domestic and Foreign Offices) and FFIEC 041 (Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income for A Bank With Domestic Offices. FFIEC 031, FFIEC 041 4/3/02

  • Regulators Distribute Call Report for First Quarter 2002

    Banks should complete your first quarter Call Report, review it for accuracy, and submit the report electronically as soon as possible. Except for certain banks with foreign offices, your completed report must be received by April 30, 2002. FDIC:FIL-29-2002 4/2/02

  • FRB Issues Notice on Derivative Contracts Hedging Trust Preferred Stock

    The Federal Reserve has issued SR 02-10 to express supervisory concerns about certain arrangements under which bank holding companies seeking to hedge the interest rate risk on their issues of trust preferred stock have been offered derivative contracts with terms that have the effect of contravening the strict conditions for the inclusion of the trust preferred stock in tier 1 capital. FRB:SR 02-10 4/1/02

  • OCC Informs National Banks of Information Sharing Proposal and Interim Rule

    In OCC Bulletin 2002-12, the OCC transmits to national bank's the treasury department's recent proposed rule and interim rule on information sharing under Section 314(b) of the USA PATRIOT Act. The proposed rule, which was previously written about in Top Stories, has a comment deadline of April 3, 2002. OCC 2002-12 4/1/02

  • FDIC Makes Public February Enforcement Actions; Two Administrative Hearings Scheduled

    The FDIC released a list of orders of administrative enforcement actions taken against banks and individuals in February. Two administrative hearings are scheduled for April. FDIC:PR-39-2002 4/1/02


Foreign exchange rates

The January 2014 G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates Report has been released by the Federal Reserve Board.


Registration of Municipal Advisors rule

FIL-6-2014 has been issued by the FDIC regarding a final rule requiring municipal advisors to register with the SEC. The FIL applies to any FDIC-supervised financial institution that meets the Dodd-Frank definition of "municipal advisor."


Foreign exchange rates

The January 2014 G.5 Foreign Exchange Rates Report has been released by the Federal Reserve Board.


Registration of Municipal Advisors rule

FIL-6-2014 has been issued by the FDIC regarding a final rule requiring municipal advisors to register with the SEC. The FIL applies to any FDIC-supervised financial institution that meets the Dodd-Frank definition of "municipal advisor."


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