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Managing a Successful Branch

Recorded on February 01, 2006

Learn how to effectively manage the "real world" challenges and opportunities that face a branch manager. Do you find yourself worn out or worn thin with managing the branch, attempting to reach goals and putting out fires? This fast-paced, solution-packed seminar will help you implement results-oriented strategies that will help you with the BIG THREE in every branch.

  • Grow deposits and loans

  • Improve service delivery

  • Gain better efficiencies

  • You will be provided with plenty of ideas to improve the know-how, confidence and techniques needed to keep your team members' productivity and morale up to par. You will discover new ways to break through barriers, ho-hum thinking and resistance in order to improve overall branch results. This seminar will enable you to combat negativity and resistance to change in your branch, your team and yourself! It's designed to give you skills that can be put to work immediately helping you grow and manage your branch successfully.

    How You Will Benefit
    • Improve sales and service levels

    • Boost employee productivity, loyalty and morale

    • Reduce stress and raise esteem in yourself and others

    • Protect yourself from the negative attitudes of others

    • Learn how to handle complainers, whiners, victims and blamers

    • Enhance communication, listening and questioning skills

    • Learn and teach others how to focus on tasks that matter

    What You Will Cover

    • Your responsibilities as a Branch Manager
    • How to be a goal getter!
    • Know, meet and exceed what is expected of you
    • Communicate what is expected of others
    • Recruit and develop a winning team
    • Build a more positive work environment
    • Branch "Best Practices"
    Who Should Attend:

    Branch Managers, Assistant Managers, Branch Manager Candidates. Anyone responsible for the direction and development of a retail branch.

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