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Cyber-Education/Awareness for your Customers

Recorded on February 17, 2010

You offer internet banking because it is cost effective for the bank and convenient for the customer. And when you complete a risk assessment, you review E-SIGN rules and logon credentials and disclosures you give your customers. But have you evaluated your customer awareness program? The FFIEC authentication guidance issued several years ago tells us "Financial institutions have made, and should continue to make, efforts to educate their customers. Because customer awareness is a key defense against fraud and identity theft, financial institutions should evaluate their consumer education efforts to determine if additional steps are necessary." It goes on to say that management should both implement a customer awareness program and evaluate its effectiveness periodically.

Banks are being sued by their customers when a loss is incurred via internet banking. While some banks look to Reg E for guidance, it isn't always there, and it won't apply when your customer isn't a consumer. Have you taught your customers how to act and react when there is a threat? In this webinar we will discuss:

  • What should be in your customer awareness program?
  • How to educate customers about phishing;
  • What you need to do when a phishing attack occurs;
  • Is mobile banking safer than using a PC?
  • Are customers required to practice safe surfing?
  • What is safe surfing?
  • Is multifactor authentication "required" for all customers?
  • What is a strong password, and how often should it be changed?
  • And much more.

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