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RESPA Update

Recorded on July 13, 2011

Do you have a full understanding of the new RESPA rules? HUD continues to issue guidance (through RESPA Roundup and FAQs) and examiners continue to evolve their examination procedures. Do you have a full understanding of the new guidance and interpretations? Additionally, training is more comprehensible and more effective after you've jumped in and realized the questions and areas of confusion. There have been many lessons learned. Consumer real estate lending has fast become more complex than ever.

Join David Dickinson of Banker's Compliance Consulting (BCC) as he guides you through the latest RESPA updates and lessons learned. Because BCC has hundreds of clients, David is constantly informed of examiner interpretations, which gives him a unique view point to provide this training like no one else.

This Webinar will provide step-by-step and line-by-line instructions regarding the latest updates and lessons learned when completing Good Faith Estimates and Settlement Statements.

Topics Covered:

  • Good Faith Estimates and Settlement Statements
  • What happens if no Good Faith Estimate is issued?
  • Late Good Faith Estimates
  • Services obtained in prior transactions
  • Verification charges
  • Services not used
  • Tolerances
  • Cures
  • Consequences

Changed Circumstances

  • Allowed
  • Not Allowed
  • Misconceptions
  • Consequences

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