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Verify I.D.s Using PLEASE

BOL User Brenda Canterbury notes that one of the old stand-bys for remembering driver's license ID verification procedures is the acronym PLEASE

P - Picture, compare carefully to individual presenting ID
L &nbsp - Logos/Holograms present (could also be validity of license
E &nbsp - Expiration date, out of date means it is not valid ID
A &nbsp - Age, compare DOB to age of individual presenting ID
S &nbsp - Signature, compare signature on ID to that on item presented
E &nbsp - Evidence of tampering, review carefully for possible alterations

The Banker Store offers a P.L.E.A.S.E. ID Verification Reminder Card.

Copyright, 2002, Bankers Online. First published on 6/7/02.

First published on 06/07/2002

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