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A Faster Recovery System

Two technology players have joined forces to create a backup and recovery system that may appeal to banks that are too small for their own off-site back-up data center or that aren't located close to such a center.

LiveVault Corporation, a provider of online backup and recovery services, and IDOM, a company that offers banking automation software, announced a partnership to bring a new data assurance system to the market. IDOM's suite of banking software will offer LiveVault's backup and recovery services, which automatically and continuously backs up server data to a secure, off-site "Iron Mountain" facility. Iron Mountain is a data protection company.

Instead of making backup tapes, which are sent off-site to be recovered after a disaster, an online backup system uses a network to move the data, which makes recovery of that data instantaneous.

Copyright © 2002 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 12, No. 7, 9/02

First published on 09/01/2002

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