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Tech Talk: ATMs, crypto, tech trends, and more!

  • Banks and fraudsters both use AI
  • Do ATMs need more features?
  • Top tech trends in banking for 2024
  • More support for crypto crackdown bill
  • Banking industry outlook for 2024
  • Banking: Consumers want GenAI with oversight
  • A guide to fintech software development
  • Self-service won't replace tellers
  • Mobile banking: The best UX
  • Spam, Scams & Breaches
  • Updates, Patches & Alerts
  • and on the lighter side...

[NOTE: This will be the final issue of Tech Talk for 2023. We will return on January 5th, 2024.]

Banks and fraudsters both use AI
FIs are increasingly adopting advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to combat the growing threat of financial crimes and dedicating efforts and investments to do so. has the details.

Do ATMs need more features?
This may go against traditional wisdom, but sometimes adding more features to an ATM can make customers less satisfied, not more. Are we rushing too quickly to add new features that dilute the true purpose of ATMs? ATM Marketplace has the details.

Top tech trends in banking for 2024
This year has been amazing from a Technology perspective, the way the usability aspect of Gen AI is discussed in every forum, board room, and at individual level across industries is unparalleled. 2024 is expected to be a pivotal point in the evolution of technology, as the convergence of various groundbreaking innovations ushers in a new era of immersive, intelligent, and decentralized experiences. Finextra has the details.

More support for crypto crackdown bill
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-MA, has drawn more support for a bill meant to crack down on the use of crypto in illegal activities, including money laundering, drug trafficking and anctions evasion. Warren laid out a bill that would extend BSA responsibilities, including know-your-customer requirements, to digital asset wallet providers, miners, validators and other network participants that may act to validate, secure or facilitate crypto transactions. Banking Dive has the details.

Banking industry outlook for 2024
The technology front has thrown up some exciting new innovations in AI, blockchain, metaverse, and other digital technologies. Banks are enthused to embrace them, but there are uncertainties and challenges that need to be resolved. Finextra has the details.

Banking: Consumers want GenAI with oversight
A majority (71%) of American customers are nervous about generative AI, but 58% of them would be comfortable with their banks using the technology under certain conditions, according to a survey from FIS. ATM Marketplace has the details.

A guide to fintech software development
From mobile banking apps to blockchain-based platforms, FinTech developers design and implement solutions that reshape traditional financial processes, paving the way for a more interconnected and digitally driven financial landscape. Finextra has the details.

Self-service won't replace tellers
Self-service technology allowed operators to allocate employees to mission-critical tasks while ATMs and cash recyclers handled traditional transactions. Still, the specter of replacing human workers with machines has hung over the self-service trend. ATM Marketplace has the details.

Mobile banking: The best UX
Is it possible to remove friction and improve mobile banking usability in just a few days? Many believe it requires a significant amount of time and financial investment. But that's not true. You can instantly increase overall digital customer satisfaction by easing usage of 20 key features. Finextra has the details.

Spams, Scams, and Breaches

Updates, Patches, and Alerts...

See what other current hot cyber and technology topics affecting financial institutions BOL users are discussing in the Technology Forum.

And on the lighter side...

The easiest bank robbery never seen!

First published on 12/15/2023

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