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TRID disclosure error, correctible?
The list of service providers we gave out has a mistake on it, The lender inadvertently put two providers in one box, One of these providers is an affiliate, the other provider is a third party, The contact information for the third party is right, but how the providers name is displayed as lenders affiliate-third party, would this be an issue? My concern was it would hinder borrowers ability to shop, also an affiliated business disclosure would be required. What are your thoughts?
Audits and document management
How are audits impacted by a financial institution’s document management processes?
Images of Driver’s Licenses for beneficial owners?
Will beneficial owners of a reporting company have to image their license?
Origins of mobile deposits
When was the first mobile deposit service in the U.S. started?
New Escrow on Existing Loan
We had a customer ask to start a voluntary escrow account on an existing loan. Do we need a new agreement?