Can an account that is set up in a trust have a beneficiary listed on the account?
Can there be beneficiaries on a Safe Deposit Box?
If a person selected her Durable POA which currently is included on all accounts as a Beneficiary, would it be okay to accept the POA and allow that person to be listed as POA and Beneficiary?
If a wife has POA for her husband can she add herself as authorized signer and add herself as the pay-on-death beneficiary?
Is a beneficiary on an account also the beneficiary on a CTR? For example: checking account is a sole-ownder account in the name of Mary Smith, her son John is listed on the account as beneficiary. Mary makes a $15,000 cash deposit. On the CTR is John also to be listed as beneficiary? I know that all joint owners are, but can't find anything that pertains to this, because if Mary were to pass away the funds become John's (So he could ultimately benefit from the funds).
Could an account have a Successor POD Beneficiary? Is this granted by state law or statutes?
What do I do when a beneficiary to an IRA is deceased. I have two 50% Beneficiaries to a IRA and one is already deceased. Does the other receive the full amount?
A deposit was made into an IOLTA Account, but the lawyer did not tell us who this was benefiting, how do we file the CTR?
FDIC insurance-husband has set up a revocable trust, he and his wife are co-ttee (co-trustees) and son is succ/ttee (successor trustee). How much is this account insured for? The wife has similar trust with names reversed and same son as suc/ttee?
An account holder passed away and named POD beneficiaries who are not US citizens and do not reside or work in the US. No relation to the US other than a family member left them money. The beneficiaries each want to take their share of the account however do not have SSN or ITIN. What do they need to do? These are non IRA funds.