I have a borrower who is using a CD as security for a loan to purchase a vacation home. What if any disclosures are needed?
For Certificates of Deposit that are multi-party accounts, are we required to get the original signature of all parties at the onset of the account? Or is this a best practice consideration? I'm not concerned w/ the closing of the account, only at opening.
We are looking to change (strengthen) the penalties on CD maturities - what type or time frame of notice do we have to provide for those changes going forward?
Is it necessary to provide a customer with a periodic statement for a monthly transfer of interest from a certificate of deposit to one of their accounts at another financial institution?
If we have a CD that automatically renews and the term is longer than one year, do we need to send the customer a new certificate and TISA disclosures?
A customer wants to pledge Certificates of Deposits from other banks as collateral for a loan at our bank. Where do I find forms and what are disclosures? $100,000 10years monthly payments set up like a mortgage payment.
What disclosures are required to open a certificate of deposit account?
On a consumer loan secured by a certificate of deposit, is it required for the "Required Deposit" box to be checked in the Fed box disclosures?
If a Certificate of Deposit is purchased with one or more joint owners, do all the owners have to sign the CD or just the primary owner? Often CDs are purchased by a grandparent and they list their grandchildren as co-owners but those grandchildren live in different states. It makes it difficult to mail the CD out to all them to get signatures.
A certificate of deposit is under two persons' names and the primary holder is deceased. Is it within compliance to delete the deceased owner and just keep the secondary as the sole owner of the CD?