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Deceased Owner of HSA-Signer Left
When the owner of an HSA passes away and there is a signer left, does the HSA need to be frozen or closed, or does the signer get to continue using it?
Warranty Claim Forms for Business Check
We have a business customer that mailed a check to a business for payment, and that payee is claiming they never got the payment. We can see the check cleared our customer's account in February 2018. We feel it could have been intercepted by a third party and negotiated. The BOFD did confirm that the check was negotiated at their institution, but obviously can not confirm who the third party is, or if it is in fact a third party. Do we have any recourse on this? We were thinking a warranty claim but do not have much experience with this or where to find those forms.
Facebook posting “better pay up”
Under the proposal can we use social media to contact a debtor?
Understanding USPAP requirements
Are there any certain items I should be reviewing for if an appraiser only completes one approach to value in an appraisal report?
Beneficial Ownership-Statutory Trusts
When addressing Beneficial Ownership-Statutory Trusts, what is the best way to discern a trust that is a "statutory trust created by a filing with a Secretary of State or similar office"? We have questions regarding how to tell the difference between a regular family trust and a business trust.