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Opening Online Acct. & Funding w/ACH Debits
Our digital channel team would greatly appreciate your comments and confirmation of our understanding in order to comply with online account opening and funding for new clients with ACH Debits and the ability to hold funds. The questions below relate to an online account opening process for new clients. After completing the online application, approved clients have the option to fund their new account with funds from an external source – an account they hold at another bank - via an ACH Debit and we are the ODFI. 1. Can we place a hold on the initial funds received as an ACH Debit? Our understanding is “yes” because: · an ACH debit does not fall under the definition of an electronic payment under Reg. CC (II.Section229.2 Definitions (p)) Electronic Payment, which imposes no availability requirement, and we are free to hold the funds for a period that we determine. Restricting access to those funds would be reasonable to allow for the debit entry to reach the RDFI and be returned to our bank, the ODFI, if there is a problem. · We are not receiving an ACH credit as we are the ODFI of the ACH debit, and NACHA has no say in when we credit the new account, so there would be no violation of NACHA rules.</ul> 2. Would we be required to provide a hold notice to our online account applicant of the delay in availability or a notice at the time the external funding option is selected that the funds may not be credited to the account for “2-3 days”, or available for “2-3 days” suffice? Our understanding is: · a notice that indicates funds may not be available for x days at the time the customer selects the external funding option and submits their authorization should suffice as it becomes part of our agreement when the customer selects that funding option. · Reg. CC does not impose an availability requirement for ACH Debit transactions, so no Reg. CC hold notice is required. 3. Would our Reg. CC Policy – Funds Availability Notice, need to be updated to refer to availability from ACH Debit transactions? · Model language is silent in this regard, any recommendations or suggestions are welcome.
Prohibiting customers from being MRBs
Is it legal for us to have a policy of prohibiting customers from engaging in marijuana-related businesses?
New CIP Form for Change of Address?
Do you need to complete a new CIP form for a change of address?
Licensing Privately Owned ATMs & ATM Operators
FFIEC Guidance on Privately Owned ATMs is ambiguous regarding registration and licensing requirements of Privately Owned ATMs and ATM Operators. Where can we locate specific guidance regarding licensing requirements by State/Parish/County for Privately Owned ATM Operators? We know what licenses are required by an entity to conduct business in general, however have not able to locate specific requirements for States other than those in the North East for registering and licensing Privately Owned ATMs and ATM Operators.
Decline Dispute if No Evidence of Invalid Error?
Our customer says "I canceled my account with the merchant" but does not provide any documents showing the account was canceled or says "my bill was suppose to be $23.00 but I was charged $37.00 and does not provide a receipt. Can the bank, since there is no evidence the error was invalid, decline the dispute?